The Universe works in mysterious ways. I’ve been showing Azmi some articles about fatal accidents due to leakages in Water Heaters and because we were adding 2 more units at home (Isidore prefers to shower at the guest toilet downstairs), I told Azmi to just get someone to check our wiring in the house before installing two more new units.
Anyway, one thing led to another and now, here I am moderating a session for Schneider Electric today - to talk about bullet-proofing your home against electrocution.
MashaAllah. The response from the audience and Media was extremely overwhelming! And I share their sentiments too cause I too had a million and three questions in my mind when I first met Mazli from Schneider Electric.
Thank you Schneider Electric for inviting me over to pick the brains of Cik Iffah of Energy Commission, Ir. SF Chew from TEeAM and of course, Encik Mazli.
And thank you Lofa for being our volunteer earlier. 😆
Schneider Electric