#忌唇乾 #面相好要搽潤唇膏
#LipPure #食品級滋潤
你都想試Lip Pure 呀?就要留意以下玩法啦!
1)讚好 @曼秀雷敦 mentholatum hong kong、@Ansheles 及此短片
2) 填妥表格: https://goo.gl/6hGwe4,選擇正確答案並遞交,再於此帖留言欄留言回答: 「Lip Pure 天然植物精華油潤唇膏嚴選__種天然植物堅果油,夠哂天然滋潤!」
3)由即日至10月24日,每日下午10時起頭20名最快成功登記嘅參加者可以贏得「曼秀雷敦 Lip Pure 天然植物精華油潤唇膏(玫瑰果)」(名額:100位)。(所有登記時間均以Google文檔系統為依歸)
條款及細則: https://goo.gl/H2dCsJ
🇬🇧[Eng] I'm a very superstitious person. I knew about things like fengshui when I come to Hong Kong, and was very cautious not to put things in a wrong place . However one thing I didn't know is how your face can tell your destiny and how lips can tell the state of your body ! Let me share some of the knowledge with u !