Celebrating our 57th years of independence, Neonate Clothing is standing tall with fellow Malaysians and in the mood of celebrating as a nation.
We are proud to bring you our Merdeka memento, which is the limited edition #AdamantlyMalaysian tee. It is specially designed for you to wear as an expression of loyalty to our beloved Malaysia.
This latest addition to our collection will be launched on the 28th August 2014 @KLvintageFestival, Stadium Merdeka. But remember, this tee is really, we mean it, REALLY special. It's made to be owned by only 100 lucky Malaysians!
#neonateclothing #neonaters #neonatekids #neonateaccessories #Lokalah #madeinmalaysia #streetwearmy #clothingmy #kakilokal #sapotlokal #malaysiadistro #klvf #klvf2014 #klfestival #klvintagefestival