Amazing breakfast spot in Melaka.
Jom layan Roti Canai Merecik Special di 8272 Barakah Corner.
Antara yang wajib makan di sini termasuk:-
Roti Canai Merecik Special dengan kuah dal & sambal cili - RM4
Lontong - RM3.50 / Lontong Merecik - RM6.50
Nasi Lemak (Biasa) - RM3 / Nasi Lemak Merecik - RM6
Ketupat Rendang Ayam - RM5
Roti Kacang Pool - RM5
Mee Kari (Biasa) - RM4 / Mee Kari Merecik - RM7
Lihat video dalam HD:
8272 Barakah Corner
Alamat: Kg. 8 Tengkera, Taman Kesidang Seksyen 1, Melaka. (Bersebelahan dengan Klinik Kesihatan Tengkera).
Waktu Operasi: 7.30am - 11.00am (Selasa Tutup)
No. Tel: 0122950876
#8272BarakahCorner #Melaka #RotiCanai #RotiCanaiMerecik #Lontong #LontongMerecik #RotiKacangPool #MeeKariMerecik #NasiLemakMerecik #Sedap #Makan #KetupatRendangAyam #Tengkera #Halal #MyMakanTV
Let's eat Special Roti Canai at @[1441152745943915:274:8272 Barakah Corner].
Among the must eat here including :-
Special Roti Canai with dal gravy & chili sambal - RM4
Lontong - RM3. 50 / Lontong Merecik - RM6. 50
Nasi Lemak (Regular) - RM3 / Nasi Lemak Merecik - RM6
Chicken Rendang Ketupat - RM5
Pool Peanut Bread - RM5
Curry Noodles (Regular) - RM4 / Merecik Curry Noodles - RM
See video in HD:
8272 Barakah Corner
Address: Kg. 8 Tengkera, Taman Kesidang Section 1, Melaka. (Next to Tengkera Health Clinic).
Operation Hours: 7.30 am-11.00 am (Closed Tuesday)
No. Tel: 0122950876
#8272BarakahCorner #Melaka #RotiCanai #RotiCanaiMerecik #Lontong #LontongMerecik #RotiKacangPool #MeeKariMerecik #NasiLemakMerecik #Sedap #Makan #KetupatRendangAyam #Tengkera #Halal #MyMakanTVTranslated