1. 濫發通貨的後果比我們想像中嚴重
如同諾貝爾經濟學獎得主F. A. Hayek曾以蜂蜜形容貨幣的流動,在注入貨幣的過程,會造成某部分價格上漲,然後才慢慢拓展出去。而以當今Fed的貨幣干預手段,我們可以看到美國國債利率的下跌與股票、衍生性金融商品市場的價格上漲為常見的起點。而最後,亦如另一位諾貝爾獎得主M. Friedman所言:「通貨膨脹始終是貨幣現象」。
經濟學家Joseph Carson指出,美國在1970年代的CPI統計是包含房地產價格,因此1979年CPI成長11.3%中有相當比例是因為當年房地產價格激增。但現今的統計卻排除了房地產價格。而新冠疫情之後美國房地產價格因濫印貨幣而飆漲,故即便美國官方公佈的過去12個月CPI增長5.4%,但如果採取1970年代的標準計入房地產價格因素,則實際CPI漲幅應該是兩位數!
這也表示,Fed聲稱通貨膨脹只是暫時且不嚴重的論點,很可能是基於刻意被低估的統計方法。另一個值得一提的,是Fed自疫情封城後每個月都買入$400億美元房貸為基礎的金融證券(mortgage-backed securities),但我們也都清楚2008年美國金融危機的一大肇因就是美國聯邦政府轄下兩個專門替房貸信用擔保的房利美、房地美機構(Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac),其相當於政府干預市場的行為扭曲並蒙蔽了市場對真實風險的判斷。
更值得警醒的是如顧問公司MBS Highway指出美國Fed實質買入的房貸基礎證券金額恐怕高達$1000億美元每月,硬生生人為壓低房貸利率0.25~0.35%。
2. 政府引發通膨並非萬靈丹 -- 菲利普曲線早已失效
a. 本來在娛樂或餐飲旅館行業的就業人士,被疫情的強迫停業嚇怕了,高達70%欲轉行,但多數卻因為行業專業不同難以順利轉換跑道。
b. 過去幾個月來新開出的職缺與失業人數竟然同步上升。
c. 因為疫情許多人跑去城市郊區甚至鄉村避難,結果開出職缺的區域與求職者所在區域出現明顯分離。
d. 同樣因為疫情封城管制造成的後果,紐約市區星巴克的今年五月來店人數相較兩年前同期下降65%,工作機會也隨之發生改變。
e. 每週$400美元的失業補助讓許多失業者不急於找工作。溫蒂漢堡、必勝客、Applebee's、Taco Bell等知名連鎖餐廳提供額外的獎金補貼也依然找不到員工。
3. Biden總統的行政命令
我們可以從Biden總統的發言看到他對基礎經濟學概念的嚴重無知與缺乏:“Capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism. It’s exploitation,” ... “Without healthy competition, big players can change and charge whatever they want, and treat you however they want. And for too many Americans that means accepting a bad deal for things that you can’t go without.”
我們看到前任Fed主席,現任美國財政部部長Janet L. Yellen也於7月中旬接受紐約時報採訪時鬆口承認Trump時代對中國的關稅障礙結果是在傷害美國消費者。("Tariffs are taxes on consumers. In some cases it seems to me what we did hurt American consumers, ...")
這樣的錯誤,美國政府百年來犯了無數次。例如我們曾談過Milton Friedman 與George Stigler 兩位諾貝爾經濟學獎得主共同撰寫的知名論文「Roofs or Ceilings? The Current Housing Problem」以1906年甫大地震後225,000人無家可歸的舊金山市為研究對象,發現當時無力管制的市政府放任市場自由定價,結果是多數人很快找到新家,即便是十分貧窮者,也有與之對應的廉價房屋提供(1906 advertisement “Six-room house and bath, with 2 additional rooms in basement having fire-places, nicely furnished; fine piano; … $45.")
這點不僅我這樣看,如經濟學名家張五常教授、前任美國聯準會主席Alan Greenspan於2005年美國國會聽證會發言,乃至於經濟學人雜誌2004年10月份的特別報告「Unnaturally low -- China is helping to keep down global interest rates」也做如是想,且不說還有許多經濟學家也持一樣的觀點。
誠如Greenspan於前述聽證會上發言指出,對中國貿易制裁結果必然導致美國民生物價上漲與人民生活品質受損,但卻無任何經濟學理與客觀證據支撐政客謬論 -- 制裁中國並無法改善美國就業率。
4. 歐美國家與日本普遍高負債結果只能以提高稅率或利率為結果。
通貨膨脹現象說到底是個「貨幣增長率對上經濟成長率」的過程 -- 當貨幣增長率追不上實質經濟成長率,通貨收縮會發生;當貨幣增長率超過實質經濟成長率,則通貨膨脹會發生。注意,我這裡指的「實質經濟成長率」是「真實」的經濟成長,而不是GDP、凱因斯經濟學那套錯誤的觀念。這部分我以前就為文批評過,有興趣的讀者請自行查找。
英國經濟學家,前英格蘭銀行與英國貨幣政策顧問Charles Goodhart警告:「中國帶給全世界的經濟紅利若因其人口結構老化而逐漸消失,則世界必將面對通貨膨脹衝擊。」("...as aging populations in China and other nations spend more of their savings, average interest rates will rise higher than governments have bargained for...China’s greatest contribution to global growth is now past. This great demographic reversal will lead to a return of inflation.”)
美元20多年來快速通貨成長下而無明顯國內通膨的一個重要因素,在於其做為世界最主要國際貿易交易結算貨幣的角色,使得世界整體經濟成長大於等於美元通貨成長時,通膨率不易上升。就如Greenspan 2005年在美國國會作證所闡釋,中國作為1990年代以來美國成長最快且體量非常大的貿易夥伴,中國對美元的需求本身就保證了美元的購買力,同時物美價廉的中國製造產品也大幅壓低了美國國內物價增長率。
上個世代扮演此角色的是日本,因此我們也看到日本與中國分別是目前美國國債最大持有國。(Foreign governments owned US$7.053 trillion of US debt in November, including China's US$1.063 trillion, and Japan's US$1.260 trillion, US Treasury data showed. )
人民幣國際化的推進與中美經貿脫鉤二者都會帶來美元實質購買力的衰退與美國通膨惡化。因此美國政府如要避免財政危機,必須做到二件事:a. 解除貿易壁壘,尤其是針對中國的貿易制裁;b. 確保中國繼續願意大額購買美國債券以及使用美元為主要國際貿易結算貨幣。
然而如同我多次解釋過,美式民主制度下政客的利益與人民利益往往不一致。當鼓動對中仇視有利於競選時,美國政客很難選擇與中國和平、更深度交流的道路;當增加更多政府管制干預與有利於尋租時,政客也是毫不猶豫地如此選擇。所以我們會在未來相當長時間看到精神分裂的美國 -- 又不希望中國在世界經濟影響力增加而欲打壓,但自己又不能真的因打壓中國與之脫鉤。
WSJ, "How Much Are Prices Up? Here’s One Family’s Day-to-Day Expenses." July 9, 2021
WSJ, "Job Openings Are at Record Highs. Why Aren’t Unemployed Americans Filling Them?" July 9, 2021
WSJ, "Governments World-Wide Gorge on Record Debt, Testing New Limits" July 12, 2021
范一飞, "关于数字人民币M0定位的政策含义分析" 2020年09月15日
元毓, "宏觀經濟學的尷尬—菲利普曲線死了嗎?" May 8, 2018
NYT, "Yellen Says China Trade Deal Has ‘Hurt American Consumers’" July 16, 2021
WSJ, "Biden Targets Big Business in Sweeping Executive Order to Spur Competition" July 9, 2021
WSJ, "The 2021 Olympics Are Turning Into a $20 Billion Bust for Japan" July 20, 2021
Bank for International Settlement, "CBDCs: an opportunity for the monetary system" BIS Annual Economic Report | 23 June 2021
Barron's, "The Housing Market Is on Fire. The Fed Is Stoking the Flames." July 23, 2021
Barron's, "Disco Inferno: The U.S. Could Be Headed Back to ’70s-Style Stagflation" July 16, 2021
Reuters, "Russia raises key rate to 6.5% in sharpest move since 2014" July 23, 2021
Milton Friedman & George Stigler, "Roofs or Ceilings? The Current Housing Problem" September 1946
Alan Greenspan, "FRB: Testimony" June 23, 2005
The Economist, "Unnaturally low -- China is helping to keep down global interest rates" Oct 2nd 2004
同時也有47部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅Tasty Japan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,冷凍パイシートを使って、片手で食べられるミニパイができちゃいます♪ 甘酸っぱいミックスベリーパイから、シナモンがきいたアップルパイまで、いろんな味が楽しめます! 焼き上がったらクリームで楽しくデコレーション♪ぜひ作ってみてくださいね! ミニパイ5種 8人分 材料: 薄力粉(打ち粉用) 30g 冷...
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400 f to c 在 陳品安 苗栗縣議員 Facebook 的最佳解答
(See the end of Chinese paragraphs for English translation.)
今天(6/30)上午品安和 宋國鼎律師 苗栗縣議員 、邱顯智立委一起和代表菲律賓政府的馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處(MECO)留文克代理代表(Gilberto F. Lauengco)、高雄分處賴愛仁處長(Irene S. Ng)、台中分處勞工部比恩賽波主任(Bienvenido. A. Cerbo Jr.)及佳蕊副主任(Rosario C. Burayag)會面,並在下午陪同MECO的貴賓一起到縣府與陳斌山秘書長、勞工及青年發展處彭德俊處長及勞工服務科楊文東科長會談。
In Wednesday (June 30) morning, I met with MECO's Acting Resident Representative Mr. Gilberto F. Lauengco, Kaoshiung Extenstion Office's Director Ms. Irene S. Ng, Philippine Overseas Labor Office's Director Mr. Bienvenido. A. Cerbo Jr. and Deputy Director Ms. Rosario C. Burayag along with my councilor colleague and a legislator. I also accompanied MECO's visit to Miaoli County Government the same afternoon, where we met with its Secretary General Chen, Director Peng of Youth and Labor Development Division and the Division's Section Chief Yang of Labor Services.
There are close to 23,000 migrant workers in Miaoli (over 15,000 work as industry labors). Among all these migrant workers, about one third are from the Philippines. Mr. Lauengco had previously discussed this visit with representatives of Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand on Tuesday, and they all expressed concerns through MECO on the issues in relation to the recent capacity reduction and relocation of KYEC and Senhua dormitories, and on the County Government's controversial movement prohibitions against migrant workers. MECO also proposed a communications platform where the participation of workers, MECO, brokers/employers and the County Government could facilitate the workers' voice being heard, and relevant issues could be resolved with MECO and the County Government's joint mediation efforts with the brokers/employers.
I was actually rather embarrassed during the meeting with MECO. Over the past few weeks I have publicly questioned the County Government's movement prohibitions against migrant workers, and have done my best in asking, through the County Government, that the brokers and employers correct the issues resulting from dormitory capacity reduction. Despite this, several incidents still occurred in which the workers' rights were compromised, and were even covered by international media.
The movement prohibition is now cancelled and alert level 3 measures currently apply. However, the corrective actions required in relation to KYEC's Fullbee 1 dormitories, which violate government regulations, still require urgent attention. Sources indicate that KYEC and Senhua are currently looking for suitable replacement dormitories, and are expected to relocate close to 400 workers this weekend. I have received several messages from the workers, who do not wish to be moved, but while I understand that the workers may be shaken after the last chaotic relocation, we really cannot allow them to keep staying at dormitories which are against regulations and with safety concerns.
Epidemic prevention in relation to migrant workers is the jurisdiction of Ministry of Labor in the central government, but the Ministry is placing all responsibilities on the employers and brokers. I understand that all these employers and brokers must have encountered many challenges for this reason, and the Ministry should really work on improvements in this regard. As for Miaoli's migrant workers, MECO will now provide assistance, and I hope that KYEC and Senhua could manage the upcoming relocation and the associated epidemic prevention work. Going forward, I will also continue to work, both with MECO and through the Country Government, on this issue with the workers' voice in mind.
400 f to c 在 李木生醫師 Facebook 的精選貼文
上個月是世界乳癌月,因為有乳癌基因BRCA1與BRCA2的突變(統稱BRCA) 而做預防性乳房切除的議題再次被討論。女性大眾一生中約有八分之一的機率會得到乳癌,如果不幸有 BRCA 基因突變的女性則約有 80% 的機率會得乳癌 。(40% 的機率得卵巢癌)
很顯然有這個基因突變會大幅增加得到乳癌的機率。再者,有突變病人的乳癌比其他人更難治療也更容易復發。影星安潔莉娜∙裘莉就是因爲有這個基因的突變而決定做預防性的全乳房與卵巢切除。但為什麼各國的婦產科醫學會大都不推薦所有女性做BRCA 突變的檢測? 早點知道基因檢測的結果會有壞處嗎?我自己尋找資料後希望與各位分享我的想法,希望大家能更了解這個題目。
基因是人體細胞內含的遺傳資訊單位,它像是身體裡的零件製造代碼,代碼寫錯時做出來的零件就會有問題,而代碼的儲存媒介是雙股DNA,它像拉鏈一樣接合以便保存遺傳資訊,待基因需要表現時細胞會把DNA像拉鏈一樣拉開,轉錄為mRNA 最終轉譯為蛋白質,而各種不同的蛋白質表現成了各種細胞的變化,形成外在人與人之間不同的表現 如酒渦或髮線。(可惜的是我兩者都沒有)顯性的基因變化代表只要從父母任一方遺傳到這個變化便會表現出來,隱性的基因變化代表必需從父母雙方都遺傳到這個變化才會表現出來。BRCA 屬於顯性基因。
健康BRCA基因製造的蛋白質可以抑制細胞不正常的增生而突變的結果,造成所製造的蛋白質無法有效的抑制細胞增生進而產生癌症,約400個人就有一個帶有此突變,對個人來說,只要花幾千塊可以找到這個高度致癌因子是否存在有何不可?在美國婦產科學會的調查中,只有40% 的醫生認為每位女性都可以做 ,我認為原因在於檢測結果的後續行動,在目前的科技下還沒有專家們明確的共識。 雖然有些方法可以降低BRCA突變病人發生乳癌的風險(如吃藥或手術)姑且不論這些方法本身含有的風險,但陽性不代表一定會得乳癌,而陰性也不代表得乳癌的機率會大幅降低。 (約90% 的乳癌病人都沒有BRCA突變) 所以尤其是對於無其他風險的健康女性來說 ,檢測結果背後意義,其複雜度與心理負擔遠比一般的抽血(如膽固醇檢測) 來的大許多,而其必要性也可受討論。
目前國際上的共識是除了需要詳盡的檢測前基因諮詢外,也建議已經有其他危險因子,如家族史 年齡早發(50歲前)乳癌,同患乳癌與卵巢癌的病人考慮做基因檢測,才會有比較大的幫忙。希望這些想法能幫助考慮做乳癌基因檢測的各位做參考,有不詳盡的方面也請多包涵。
The breast cancer genes BRCA1 and 2 (BRCA) made its biggest fame with Angelina Jolie’s decision to undergo preventive breast and ovary surgical removal after learning she carries a pathogenic mutation of BRCA. There is about a 1 in 8 chance of getting breast cancer in a woman’s lifetime. With the BRCA mutations, the risk of developing breast cancer can be as high as 80%. (and about 40% chance of developing ovarian cancer).
Having a pathogenic mutation in BRCA greatly increases the risk of developing breast cancer (and ovarian cancer). Moreover, breast cancer in patients with BRCA mutation tends to be more aggressive and more likely to recur. It seems intuitive to screen for BRCA mutation in every woman. However, most professional bodies around the world do not recommend routine BRCA testing because the carrier rate is low (approximately 0.25% in the general population). Also, there is no conclusive evidence on non-surgical methods of risk reduction. (Hormone antagonists such as Tamoxifen has only been shown to reduce breast cancer in the general population but not patients with BRCA mutation)
Prophylactic mastectomy and oophorectomy is very effective at reducing the risk of breast ( 50% reduction) and ovarian cancer (80% reduction) in patients with BRCA mutation, although the risk is not completely eliminated. However, not everyone who carries the BRCA gene will develop breast/ovarian cancer, so there is potentially an unnecessary surgical risk if one chooses to undertake prophylactic surgery.
Pre-test genetic counselling should be considered in everyone who wishes to take the BRCA testing. Currently the recommendation for women is those who have a strong family history of breast cancer, breast cancer younger than 50 years of age or patients with both breast and ovarian cancer.
BRCA: The Breast Cancer Gene [Internet]. National Breast Cancer Foundation. [cited 2020 Nov 29]. Available from: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/what-is-brca/
Kim E-K, Park SY, Kim S-W. Clinicopathological characteristics of BRCA-associated breast cancer in Asian patients. J Pathol Transl Med. 2020 May 14;54(4):265–75.
Hung F-H, Wang YA, Jian J-W, Peng H-P, Hsieh L-L, Hung C-F, et al. Evaluating BRCA mutation risk predictive models in a Chinese cohort in Taiwan. Scientific Reports. 2019 Jul 15;9(1):10229.
Sung P-L, Wen K-C, Chen Y-J, Chao T-C, Tsai Y-F, Tseng L-M, et al. The frequency of cancer predisposition gene mutations in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer patients in Taiwan: From BRCA1/2 to multi-gene panels. PLOS ONE. 2017 Sep 29;12(9):e0185615.
400 f to c 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最佳解答
薄力粉(打ち粉用) 30g
冷凍パイシート 2枚
卵 1個
水 大さじ1
クリームチーズ(常温) 55g
砂糖 大さじ1
バニラエクストラクト 小さじ1
いちご(みじん切り) 4個
ラズベリー 40g
ブルーベリー 35g
砂糖 大さじ1
レモン汁 大さじ1/2
レモンの皮 小さじ1/2
チョコレートスプレッド 75g
バナナ(スライス) 1本
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1. 作業台の上に軽く薄力粉をまぶし、冷凍パイシートを23x30cmの長方形になるまで綿棒で伸ばす。パイシート1枚を3回折り畳み、折り線で8つの長方形を作る。クッキングシートを敷いた天板に載せる。
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3. ミックスベリーパイのフィリングを作る。小さめのボウルにラズベリーを入れてフォークでつぶす。ブルーベリー、レモン汁、砂糖、レモンの皮を加えてよく混ぜる。
4. (3)をパイシートの長方形2つの真ん中に載せる。
5. 3つ目と4つ目の長方形にチョコレートスプレッドを塗り、バナナのスライスを載せる。
6. 5つ目と6つ目の長方形に(2)を塗り、いちごを載せる。
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8. オーブンを200˚Cに予熱しておく。
9. パイに塗る卵液を作る。小さめのボウルに卵と水を混ぜ合わせる。刷毛でパイ生地の折線に沿って塗る。もう2枚目のパイシートを上から被せ、折線に沿ってフィリングの周りの生地を押す。
10. ピザカッター、または包丁で折線に沿って切る。縁にフォークを押し付けて真ん中に穴を3-4ヶ所開ける。表面に卵液を塗る。
11. オーブンで25分焼く。焼き色がついたら取り出し、5分冷ます。
12. トッピング用のクリームを作る。ボウルに粉砂糖、牛乳、バニラエクストラクトを入れ、滑らかになるまで混ぜる。
13. クリームを絞り袋に入れる。パイの表面をクリームでデコレーションしたら、完成!
Sheet Pan Stuffed Pastry Pockets
Servings: 8
¼ cup all-purpose flour (30 g), for dusting
2 sheets puff pastry, thawed if frozen
1 egg, beaten with 1 tablespoon water or milk
1 cup powdered sugar (120 g), sifted
1 tablespoon milk
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ cup cream cheese (55 g), softened
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 strawberries, stemmed and diced
⅓ cup raspberry (40 g)
⅓ cup blueberry (35 g)
1 tablespoon sugar
½ tablespoon lemon juice
½ teaspoon lemon zest
¼ cup chocolate hazelnut spread (75 g)
1 banana, sliced
½ green apple, sliced
1 tablespoon brown sugar
⅛ teaspoon cinnamon
1. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the puff pastry sheets to 9x12-inch (23x30-cm) rectangles. Set one pastry sheet aside and fold the other in half lengthwise, then in half crosswise twice, to form creases for 8 pockets. Unfold the pastry sheet on the prepared baking sheet.
2. Make the Strawberries ‘n’ Cream filling: In a small bowl, combine the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla, and mix until smooth.
3. Make the Very Berry filling: In a small bowl, mash the raspberries, then add the blueberries, sugar, lemon juice, and lemon zest. Mix with a fork.
4. Spoon the berry mixture over the center of 2 of the 8 rectangles.
5. Use a spatula to spread the chocolate hazelnut spread over the center of 2 more rectangles, then top with the banana slices.
6. Use a spatula to spread the cream cheese mixture in the center of 2 more rectangles, then top with the strawberries.
7. Place apples slices in the center of the remaining 2 rectangles, then sprinkle with the brown sugar and cinnamon.
8. Preheat the oven to 400˚F (200˚C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
9. Brush the egg wash over the pastry around the edges and between each filling, then top with the remaining puff pastry sheet. Use your fingers to press the pastry down around each filling. Once tightly pressed, use a pizza cutter or knife to cut out each pocket.
10. Seal the outside edges with a fork. Poke the top of each pocket with a fork 3-4 times to ventilate. Brush the tops with egg wash.
11. Bake for 25 minutes, or until golden brown.
12. Make the glaze: In a medium bowl, combine the powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla. Stir until smooth and thick.
13. Remove the pockets from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Decorate with the glaze, then serve immediately, or wrap in wax paper and freeze for up to a week. Reheat in the toaster oven.
14. Enjoy!
Licensed via Audio Network
400 f to c 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最讚貼文
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
玉ねぎ(みじん切り) 1個
パプリカ(みじん切り) 3個
にんにく(みじん切り) 4片
なす(みじん切り) 455g
ズッキーニ(みじん切り) 中2本
かぼちゃ(みじん切り) 中2本
トマトペースト 340g
オレガノ 大さじ1
タイム 大さじ1
カットトマト 795g
リコッタチーズ 850g
細切りモッツァレラチーズ 100g
バジル(刻んでおく) 10g
パセリ(刻んでおく) 20g
卵 1個
なす(スライス) 2本
ズッキーニ(スライス) 2本
かぼちゃ(スライス) 2本
ローマトマト(スライス) 6個
にんにく(みじん切り) 2片
タイム 大さじ1
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
ラザニア 8枚
塩 少々
コショウ 少々
1. オーブンを200°Cに予熱しておく。
2. トマトソースを作る。中火でフライパンを熱してオリーブ油をひく。玉ねぎ、パプリカ、にんにく、塩、コショウ を入れて炒める。
3. なす(みじん切り)、ズッキーニー(みじん切り)、かぼちゃ(みじん切り)、トマトペースト、オレガノ、タイムを加える。塩コショウで味を整え、焼き色がつくまで炒める。
4. カットトマトを入れ、弱火で30分ほど煮る。
5. チーズソースを作る。大きめのボウルにリコッタチーズ、モッツァレラチーズ、バジル、パセリ、塩、コショウ 、卵を入れて混ぜる。
6. スライス野菜を準備する。ボウルになす(スライス)、ズッキーニー(スライス)、、かぼちゃ(スライス)、ローマトマト(スライス)、にんにく、タイム、オリーブオイル、塩、コショウ を入れて混ぜ合わせる。
7. 大きさ23x33cmの耐熱皿にトマトソースを敷き詰める。ラザニアを4枚のせてチーズソースを塗る。 その上にスライス野菜を並べる。もう一度、トマトソース、ラザニア、チーズソース、野菜スライスの順で重ねる。
8. オーブンで30分焼く。表面に焼き色がついたら取り出す。切ってさらに盛り付けたら、完成!
Ratatouille Lasagna
4 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 yellow onion, diced
3 bell peppers, seeded and chopped
6 cloves garlic, minced, divided
salt, to taste
pepper, to taste
1 lb eggplant(455 g), cut into ½-inch (1 cm) cubes
2 yellow squashes, cut into ½-inch (1 cm) cubes
2 medium zucchinis, cut into ½-inch (1 cm) cubes
12 oz tomato paste(340 g)
1 tablespoon dried oregano
2 tablespoons fresh thyme
28 oz diced tomato(795 g)
30 oz ricotta cheese(850 g)
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese(100 g)
¼ cup fresh basil(10 g), chopped
½ cup fresh parsley(20 g), chopped
1 egg
2 japanese eggplants, thinly sliced
2 zucchinis, thinly sliced
2 yellow squashes, thinly sliced
6 roma tomatoes, thinly sliced
lasagna noodle, cooked
1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
2. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to a skillet on medium-high heat. Once warmed, add the onion, bell peppers, 4 minced garlic cloves, salt, and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until golden brown and caramelized.
3. Add the eggplant, yellow squash, zucchini, tomato paste, dried oregano, and 1 tablespoon of thyme, and more salt and pepper. Cook until the vegetables are soft and the tomato paste deepens in color and starts to stick to the bottom.
4. Add the diced tomatoes and bring the mixture to a simmer. Cook on low for at least 30 minutes. Set aside to prepare the rest of the lasagna layers.
5. In a large bowl, mix together the ricotta, mozzarella, basil, parsley, salt, pepper and egg. Set aside.
6. To a bowl, add the sliced Japanese eggplant, yellow squash, zucchini, Roma tomatoes, garlic, 1 tablespoon thyme, salt, pepper, and 2 tablespoons olive oil, and gently toss to combine.
7. In a 9x13-inch (23x33 cm) glass baking pan, add a layer of the ratatouille to the bottom. Top with lasagna noodles, and spread a layer of the ricotta mixture, then shingle alternating slices of the marinated vegetables. Repeat with another layer of ratatouille, noodles, ricotta, and on the top shingle the vegetables.
8. Bake for 30 minutes, or until the cheese and sauce are bubbling slightly and the sliced vegetables on top have browned to your liking.
9. Slice and serve.
10. Enjoy!
Licensed via Audio Network
400 f to c 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最佳解答
なす 2個
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
塩 少々
コショウ 少々
鶏ひき肉 225g
玉ねぎ(みじん切り) 1個
トマトソース 520g
ガーリックパウダー 少々
ピザ用モッツァレラチーズ 100g
パルメザンチーズ 55g
バジル(盛り付け用) 少々
1. オーブンを200°Cに予熱する。
2. なすを縦半分に切り、中身をスプーンでくりぬく。
3. くりぬいた部分はみじん切りにする。
4. (1)にオリーブオイルを刷毛で塗り、塩とコショウをかける。
5. オーブンで10-15分焼き、一度取り出す。
6. フライパンにオリーブオイルをひき、中火で熱す。玉ねぎとにんにくを入れて炒める。
7. 玉ねぎが半透明になったらとりひき肉を加え、ガーリックパウダー、塩、コショウで味付けをする。焼き色がつくまで炒める。
8. (3)を加え、なすが柔らかくなるまで 5-8分炒める。
9. トマトソースを入れて3-5分炒める。
10. (9)を(5)に入れ、ピザ用モッツァレラチーズとパルメザンチーズをかける。
11. オーブンで10-15分焼く。チーズが溶けたら取り出す。
12. バジルでトッピングしたら、完成!
Eggplant Parmesan Boats
for 4 servings
2 medium eggplants
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt, to taste
pepper, to taste
1/2 lb ground turkey(225 g)
1 onion, diced
2 cups marinara sauce(520 g)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup shredded low-fat mozzarella(100 g)
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese(55 g)
fresh basil, for garnish
1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
2. Scoop out inside of eggplant leaving about ½-inch (1 cm) border inside.
3. Chop the remaining eggplant and reserve.
4. Brush the scooped out eggplants with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
5. Bake for 10-15 minutes.
6. Heat olive oil in medium skillet over medium heat.
7. Add onions and garlic to the pan. Cook until translucent. Add ground turkey and season with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Cook until the meat is browned.
8. Add leftover eggplant pieces to ground turkey and onion. Cook for 5-8 minutes or until tender.
9. Add marinara sauce and cook for another 3-5 minutes.
10. Scoop meat sauce into the eggplants and sprinkle with mozzarella and parmesan.
11. Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until cheese is melted.
12. Sprinkle with basil and serve.
13. Enjoy!
Licensed via Audio Network
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