Dear @shawnmendes,
Happy becoming 20th Birthday, I wanna Thank You for making Beautiful & Inspirational music, Your Music has such a deep positive meaning that really helped me in life as a teenager and I Look up to you so much, Can’t stop playing them 24/7, You inspire me so much on becoming someone successful in the Musical Industry. Handwritten & Illuminate was a Blast and now 2018, “Shawn Mendes The Album” has stolen our hearts once again, Thank You So Much Shawn For everything ❤️ We #MendesArmy will be there for you no matter what, I Hope to meet you someday in the future ❤️Ill Never Give Up and Follow My Dreams On Becoming Someone Inspirational Like You, Thank You So Much Shawn Menndes & Happy Birthday bro ! 🍰 Lots of Love from Malaysia ❤️ ~ Faiz Najib #MendesArmy