Bila anak umur 1 bulan, rasa penatnya nak jaga bayi yang masih tak tahu siang dan malam dalam keadaan masih dalam berpantang. 😴
Bila anak umur 7 bulan, rasa penatnya nak kejar anak dan "selamatkan" anak bila hampir terjatuh ketika fasa lasak merangkak dan memanjat. 👶
Bila anak umur 8 bulan, penatnya nak melayan kehendak anak yang mahu berkepit 24 jam dengan kita kerana tengah "peak season" fasa "separation anxiety". 🙃
Bila anak umur 1 tahun, rasa penatnya nak mengejar anak yang siang malam berjalan sambil memunggah barang. 🏃♂️
Bila anak umur 1 tahun 6 bulan, rasa penatnya nak mengawal sikap mengamuk tanpa sebab anak. 😡
Bila anak umur 2 tahun, rasa penatnya nak membalas pertanyaan demi pertanyaan tentang segala benda kepada kita sambil menghadapi fasa merajuk anak. 🤪
Bila anak umur 2 tahun 6 bulan, rasa penatnya untuk memastikan anak boleh uruskan diri sendiri termasuklah penat nak mengelap lantai semasa proses "potty training". 👾
Jika mak ayah pernah rasa "penat" sepanjang anak umur 0-3 tahun, TAHNIAH saya ucapkan kerana mak ayah dah buat perkara yang betul. ❤
Saya kata begini sebab saya dah jumpa ramai mak ayah yang dah tersilap langkah apabila pilih "senang" dahulu semasa menjaga anak sewaktu waktu genting ini.😢
Bila anak melasak merangkak kemana-mana di rumah, buka TV.
Bila anak mula tak duduk diam, beri gadget.
Bila anak mula "menyanyi", dimintanya anak untuk diam.
Bila anak mula nak potpet, disumbatnya punting tiruan sebab bising.
Bila anak mula mengamuk pukul orang lain, dilayankan amukan dengan beri segala benda yang anak mahu.
Bila anak nak belajar makan sendiri, disuapkan sebab tak mahu bersepah.
Apabila kita pilih senang dahulu, di masa hadapan pasti lagi susah. 🌋
Apabila anak mula terlewat perkembangan bahasa disebabkan 24 jam dengan gadget,
Anak tak belajar becakap apabila 24 jam dengan puting tiruan,
Anak tak hormat mak ayah jika mak ayah tak pernah beritahu tindakannya salah,
Anak tak reti uruskan diri sendiri walaupun dah umur 6 tahun.
Setiap didikan yang kita berikan kepada anak semasa kecil membentuk peribadinya. 💎
Setiap kali terasa penatnya nak menghadap ragaman anak semasa ini, kenanglah kembali teletah anak sejak dari lahir sehingga sekarang. Saat itu, kita akan tersedar kembali yang anak membesar hanya sekali. Anak tidak akan jadi bayi selamanya, tidak akan selamanya 24 jam dengan kita dan tidak akan selamanya "obsess" dengan kita. 🤱
Anak "obsess" dengan kita sewaktu ini kerana kitalah dunia mereka. Sampai satu masa apabila anak mula sedar kewujudan dunia yang lebih luas dan menarik, pasti kita rindu saat ini. ❤
Jadi, saya ucapkan SELAMAT BERSUSAH-SUSAH kepada semua mak ayah yang mempunyai anak kecil. 😅😅😅
Terima kasih, silakan SHARE sekiranya bermanfaat untuk diri dan orang lain.
Kredit : Maryam Jamadi
When a child is 1 months old, I feel tired of taking care of a baby who still doesn't know day and night in confinement. 😴
When a child is 7 months old, he feels tired of chasing a child and ′′ save ′′ the child when he almost fell when the phase is cooking and climbing. 👶
When a child is 8 months old, it's tiring to serve the will of a child who wants to squeeze 24 hours with us because of the ′′ peak season ′′ phase ′′ separation anxiety ". 🙃
When a child is 1, I feel tired of chasing a child who walks every night while uploading stuff. 🏃 ♂️
When a child is 1 years old and 6 months old, feeling tired of controlling the raging attitude without a child. 😡
When a child is 2 years old, I feel tired of replying questions for questions about everything to us while facing the phase of sulking the child. 🤪
When a child is 2 years old and 6 months old, it feels tired to make sure that the child can manage themselves including the tiredness of wiping the floor during the process of ′′ potty training ". 👾
If parents ever felt ′′ tired ′′ throughout their 0-3 year old, CONGRATULATIONS I say that my parents did the right thing. ❤
I say this because I've met many parents who have made the wrong step when I choose ′′ easy ′′ first while taking care of their children during this time. 😢
When the child is cooking crawls everywhere at home, turn on TV.
When the child starts not sitting still, give gadgets.
When the child starts ′′ singing ", he asks his child to be quiet.
When the child starts to potpet, the clogging is clogged because of being noisy.
When the child starts raging at other people, treating the rampage by giving everything the child wants.
When your child wants to learn to eat alone, you are fed up because you don't want to be mess
When we choose easy first, in the future will be harder. 🌋
When the child starts to miss the language development due to 24 hours with gadgets,
Kids don't learn to talk when 24 hours with imitation nipples,
Child disrespectful to parents if parents never tell them their actions wrong,
Children don't know how to manage themselves even though they are already 6 years old.
Every upbringing we give to a child as a child when he was a child shapes his personal life 💎
Whenever I feel tired of facing the current child's body, remembering the child's telecast from birth until now. That moment, we will realize that children grow up only once. Child won't be babies forever, won't be forever 24 hours with us and won't always ′′ obsess ′′ with us. 🤱
Children ′′ obsess ′′ with us at this time because we are their world. Until a time when children start to realize the existence of a wider and interesting world, we surely miss this moment. ❤
So, I say HAPPY HARD to all parents who have little children. 😅😅😅
Thank you, please SHARE if it's beneficial for yourself and others.
Credit: Maryam JamadiTranslated
2 year old language development 在 Crisel Consunji - Artist / Educator Facebook 的最讚貼文
Part 2: Behind the scenes in today’s video shoot at Baumhaus 😊
For 1-2 year olds, learning to sing and acquiring language go hand in hand.
In the previous video, 22-month old Nancy confidently finished my musical phrases (showing Expressive Vocabulary). In this one, she shows how well she UNDERSTANDS language by moving according to its meaning — (Receptive Vocabulary) 🌷
Jargons aside, it’s just so much fun to watch. I love my job ❤️
#Kindermusik #KindermusikHK #TalkSingRead #BaumhausHK #EarlyChildhood #Development #CriselConsunji #Music #Education #PerformingArts #Creativity #FollowTheChild #LearningThroughPlay
2 year old language development 在 Crisel Consunji - Artist / Educator Facebook 的精選貼文
Part 2: Behind the scenes in today’s video shoot at Baumhaus 😊
For 1-2 year olds, learning to sing and acquiring language go hand in hand.
In the previous video, 22-month old Nancy confidently finished my musical phrases (showing Expressive Vocabulary). In this one, she shows how well she UNDERSTANDS language by moving according to its meaning — (Receptive Vocabulary) 🌷
Jargons aside, it’s just so much fun to watch. I love my job ❤️
#Kindermusik #KindermusikHK #TalkSingRead #BaumhausHK #EarlyChildhood #Development #CriselConsunji #Music #Education #PerformingArts #Creativity #FollowTheChild #LearningThroughPlay