然後啊,是的,我放毒我負責,明天(June27, Sunday)中午12點我和 Shiang Peng Too 會在 Go Shop Malaysia臉書/和Astro CH303 同時為大家羹詳細的介紹和提供優惠,請記得收看(和下單)喔😉
#DeRoyal #EletricalSteamer #電動便攜式蒸煮飯盒 #AstroGoShop
So this is the video that I try cooking with both single layer and double layer electric steamers, I put seasoned raw ingredients like rice, fish, egg, vege and ribs in and simply press “on”, 4 of us in the family (2 adults & 2 kids) enjoy our dinner within 50 minutes, and, no cooking smoke smell on me finally🎉🎉
I do like to recommend this to people who eat outside food, it’s better heat up and eat, you know, health reason especially during pandemic days, good for people who prefer low oil/ no oil diet, just simply steam the ingredients 😉
Am gonna provide more recipes and promotion to you tomorrow (June27, Sunday) at 12pm on FB page #GoShopMalaysia and Astro Ch303, I’ll share the link too, watch my video and if you’re interested in this, I’ll see you tomorrow ya.
#cooking #convenient #easy #simple #helper #healthy #mandychen #陳諭 #家庭 #下廚 #蒸 #健康 #簡單 #食用 #生活 #小物 #lifestyle
電動便攜式蒸煮飯盒 在 [淘寶開箱] Rasonic 同款小熊蒸煮飯盒- 35分鐘生米成熟飯 的推薦與評價

[淘寶開箱] Rasonic 同款小熊 蒸煮飯盒 - 35分鐘生米成熟飯. 165K views · 3 years ago HONG KONG ...more. hokoonho. 63.9K. Subscribe. 1.3K. Share. ... <看更多>
電動便攜式蒸煮飯盒 在 電動蒸煮飯盒試用影片來了,我用一架單層和一架雙層包辦了一家四 ... 的推薦與評價
菇蒸蛋、蒸白鯧魚、蠔油花椰菜蘿蔔和紅棗枸杞排骨湯 ,50分鐘完成,我就只需要備料和調味而已,不用全身 油煙味 因為是便攜式,我覺得更適合外食族,直接用裡面附蓋 子 ... ... <看更多>