來讀 #vogue 探索世界‘老化’的危機
🌍 Google的首席永續官想要讓你看到世界的變化
Google’s Head of Sustainability Wants You to See the Earth in a New Way
☀️Most of us will never travel to space or experience “the overview effect,” a feeling astronauts have reported after seeing Earth from a distance. In orbit, our home looks surprisingly tiny and fragile, surrounded by darkness; as Apollo 8 astronaut Jim Lovell put it in 1968: “The vast loneliness is awe-inspiring, and it makes you realize just what you have back there on Earth.”
-orbit: 軌道
-fragile: 脆弱
-vast: 遼闊的
-awe-inspiring: 令人驚嘆的
👀 Many astronauts have returned home with a renewed passion for protecting our fragile planet, and scientists have long tried to recreate the overview effect for citizens using virtual reality, isolation tanks, and videos. Seeing is believing—especially when it comes to abstract concepts, whether it’s Earth’s place in the universe or irreversible climate change.
-renewed: 重新的
-recreate: 重現
-isolation: 隔離
-irreversible: 不可逆轉
📷 Google Earth’s new TimeLapse feature was inspired by a desire to show us precisely what climate change looks like. Using 24 million satellite images representing quadrillions of pixels compiled over the course of 37 years (thanks in large part to NASA), TimeLapse is an interactive, 4-D experience that illustrates how certain areas of the planet have changed incredibly quickly.
Google Earth最新的縮時攝影功能就是源自於一個想要展示氣候變遷具體樣貌的渴望,將過去37年來的2400萬衛星圖片(大多來自美國太空總署)也就是4.4兆像素集結成一個4D互動性體驗,展現地球的某些區域是如何在短期內經歷驚人的變化。
-satellite images: 衛星圖片
-compiled: 季節
-interactive: 互動性
-illustrates: 展現
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被砍掉犀角的犀牛 在 犀牛角光要命、不治病。 - YouTube 的推薦與評價

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被砍掉犀角的犀牛 在 #被砍掉犀角的犀牛 - एक्सप्लोर करें | Facebook 的推薦與評價
Google的首席永續官想要讓你看到世界的變化. Google's Head of Sustainability Wants You to See the Earth in a New Way ... और देखें. ... <看更多>