[158071] 24871. 航海王:開始行動 執著的新元帥盃"One Piece" Going into Action! The Implacable New Admiral of the Fleet - Sakazuki! (2019)★
[158072] 24872. 航海王:頂點戰爭 海賊王被繼承的意志"One Piece" The Paramount War! The Inherited Will of the King of the Pirates! (2019)★★
[158073] 24873. 航海王:夢想的一步 白星來到太陽下"One Piece" One Step Forward for Her Dream! Shirahoshi Goes Out in the Sun! (2019)★
[158074] 24874. 航海王:好想見面 薇薇與蕾貝卡的思念"One Piece" I Miss Him! Vivi and Rebecca's Sentiments! (2019)★
[158075] 24875. 航海王:聖地的暗影 神秘的巨大草帽"One Piece" In the Dark Recesses of the Holyland! A Mysterious Giant Straw Hat! (2019)★
[158076] 24876. 航海王:聖地騷然 被盯上的白星公主"One Piece" The Holyland in Tumult! The Targeted Princess Shirahoshi! (2019)★
[158077] 24877. 航海王:一觸即發 盯上魯夫的兩位四皇"One Piece" An Explosive Situation! Two Emperors of the Sea Going After Luffy! (2019)★
[158078] 24878. 航海王:薩波震怒 革命軍幹部大熊的悲劇"One Piece" Sabo Enraged! The Tragedy of the Revolutionary Army Officer Kuma! (2019)★
[158079] 24879. 航海王:終於開幕 陰謀湧動的世界會議"One Piece" Finally, It Starts! The Conspiracy-filled Reverie! (2019)★
[158080] 24880. 航海王:馬可 白鬍子遺物的守護者"One Piece" Marco! The Keeper of Whitebeard's Last Memento! (2019)★
[158081] 24881. 航海王:登上瀑布 和之國海域大航海"One Piece" Climbing Up a Waterfall! A Great Journey Through the Land of Wano's Sea Zone! (2019)★★‒
[158082] 24882. 航海王:和之國 前往櫻花飛舞的武士之國"One Piece" The Land of Wano! To the Samurai Country where Cherry Blossoms Flutter! (2019)★★
[158083] 24883. 航海王:玉兒登場 魯夫VS海道軍"One Piece" Otama Appears! Luffy vs. Kaido's Army! (2019)★★
[158084] 24884. 航海王:一定會來 和之國的艾斯傳說"One Piece" He'll Come! The Legend of Ace in the Land of Wano! (2019)★★
[158085] 24885. 航海王:特別篇——最強的賞金獵人希多爾"One Piece" Side Story! The World's Greatest Bounty Hunter, Cidre! (2019)★★
[158086] 24886. 航海王:特別篇——決戰 魯夫VS碳酸王"One Piece" Side Story! Clash! Luffy vs. the King of Carbonation! (2019)★★
[158087] 24887. 航海王:拯救玉兒 草帽小子馳騁荒野"One Piece" Save Otama! Straw Hat, Bounding through the Wasteland! (2019)★★
[158088] 24888. 航海王:首席戰士 魔術師霍金斯登場"One Piece" The Headliner! Hawkins the Magician Appears! (2019)★★
[158089] 24889. 航海王:確定敗北 稻草人的猛攻"One Piece" Defeat is Inevitable! The Strawman's Fierce Attack! (2019)★★
[158090] 24890. 航海王:最棒的一天 玉兒的第一碗紅豆湯"One Piece" The Greatest Day of My Life! Otama and Her Sweet Red-bean Soup! (2019)★★
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[158033] 24833. 航海王:巨城崩毀 草帽小子一行人展開大逃亡"One Piece" The Castle Collapses! The Straw Hat’s Great Escape Begins! (2018)★
[158034] 24834. 航海王:巨人烈槍 強襲 翱翔空中的BIG MOM "One Piece" The Spear of Elbaph! Onslaught! The Flying Big Mom! (2018)★
[158035] 24835. 航海王:普琳的決心 熊熊燃燒的誘惑森林"One Piece" Pudding's Determination! Ablaze! The Seducing Woods! (2018)★
[158036] 24836. 航海王:反擊的雷電 娜美與雷雲宙斯"One Piece" A Lightning Counterattack! Nami and Zeus the Thundercloud! (2018)★
[158037] 24837. 航海王:偶然的重逢 香吉士與戀愛中的邪惡普琳"One Piece" A Coincidental Reunion! Sanji and the Lovestruck Evil Pudding! (2018)★
[158038] 24838. 航海王:守護千陽號 奮戰 喬巴&布魯克"One Piece" Save the Sunny! Fighting Bravely! Chopper and Brook! (2018)★
[158039] 24839. 航海王:黎明前夕 俠客團團長佩特羅"One Piece" Before the Dawn! Pedro, the Captain of the Guardians! (2018)★
[158040] 24840. 航海王:一定會回來 魯夫賭上性命的出航"One Piece" I'll Be Back! Luffy, Deadly Departure (2018)★
[158041] 24841. 航海王:10億之男 最強的3將星卡塔克利"One Piece" The Man with a Bounty of Billion! The Strongest Sweet General, Katakuri! (2018)★
[158042] 24842. 航海王:激戰開打 魯夫VS卡塔克利"One Piece" A Hard Battle Starts! Luffy vs. Katakuri! (2018)★★
[158043] 24843. 航海王:海浪房間 無敵掌舵手吉貝爾"One Piece" The Green Room! An Invincible Helmsman, Jimbei! (2018)★
[158044] 24844. 航海王:土龍的威脅 魯夫沉默的戰役"One Piece" The Threat of the Mole! Luffy’s Silent Fight! (2018)★★
[158045] 24845. 航海王:殊死戰終結 卡塔克利憤怒的覺醒"One Piece" The End of the Deadly Battle?! Katakuri's Awakening in Anger! (2018)★
[158046] 24846. 航海王:禁忌的秘密 卡塔克利的點心時間"One Piece" The Forbidden Secret! Katakuri’s Merienda! (2018)★★
[158047] 24847. 航海王:魯夫反擊 無敵卡塔克利的弱點"One Piece" Luffy Fights Back! The Invincible Katakuri's Weak Point! (2018)★★✚
[158048] 24848. 航海王:危機再現 四檔VS無雙甜甜圈"One Piece" Another Crisis! Gear Four vs. Unstoppable Donuts! (2018)★
[158049] 24849. 航海王:叛逆的雪紡 香吉士的蛋糕運送大作戰"One Piece" The Rebellious Daughter, Chiffon! Sanji's Big Plan for Transporting the Cake! (2018)★
[158050] 24850. 航海王:男人的生存之道 培基與魯夫船長的決心"One Piece" A Man's Way of Life! Bege and Luffy's Determination as Captains! (2018)★
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[156172] 22972. 航海王:羅賓解放!魯夫和路基的屋頂激戰"One Piece" Robin Freed! Luffy vs. Lucci, Showdown Between Leaders! (2007)★★★
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[156175] 22975. 航海王:戰慄的過去!黑暗的正義與羅布.路基"One Piece" Shivering Past! Dark Justice and Rob Lucci! (2007)★★★
[156176] 22976. 航海王:出現了夢幻的人魚?在漸漸失去意識之際"One Piece" A Mysterious Mermaid Appears? As Consciousness Fades Away... (2007)★★
[156177] 22977. 航海王:砲火中沉沒的島嶼!佛朗基悔恨的吶喊"One Piece" Cannon Fire Sinks the Island! Franky's Lamentation! (2007)★★
[156178] 22978. 航海王:等待魯夫!猶豫之橋上的死鬥!"One Piece" Wait for Luffy! Mortal Combat on the Bridge of Hesitation! (2007)★★★
[156179] 22979. 航海王:充滿決心的一拳!魯夫用盡全力的槍亂打"One Piece" Fists Full of Emotion! Luffy Unleashes Gatling with All His Might! (2007)★★★❢
[156180] 22980. 航海王:來自海裡的朋友!草帽小子一夥人最強的牽絆"One Piece" From the Sea, a Friend Arrives! The Straw Hats Share the Strongest Bond! (2007)★★
[156181] 22981. 航海王:全員大逃亡!海賊踏上勝利之道"One Piece" Everyone Makes a Great Escape! The Road to Victory is for the Pirates! (2007)★★
[156182] 22982. 航海王:謝謝你梅利!雪霧大海中的別離"One Piece" Thank You, Merry! Snow Falls over the Parting Sea! (2007)★★★∿
[156183] 22983. 航海王:被破壞的平靜!有著愛之拳的海軍中將"One Piece" Peace Interrupted! A Navy Vice Admiral with a Fist of Love! (2007)★★
[156184] 22984. 航海王:最強的家族? 魯夫父親的驚人身份!"One Piece" The Strongest Family? Luffy's Father Revealed! (2007)★★
[156185] 22985. 航海王:那裡名為新世界!偉大的航路未來的路"One Piece" Its Name Is The New World! The Fate of the Grand Line! (2007)★★
[156186] 22986. 航海王:傑克展開行動!成為暴走時代的楔子"One Piece" Shanks Makes a Move! The Linchpin to the Reckless Era! (2007)★★
[156187] 22987. 航海王:尋找牛魚的少女!水之七島大搜查線!"One Piece" The Girl in Search of Her Yagara! Great Search in the City of Water! (2007)★★
[156188] 22988. 航海王:為母則強!索隆手忙腳亂幫忙做家事"One Piece" Mothers are Strong! Zoro's Hectic Household Chores! (2007)★★
[156189] 22989. 航海王:香吉士衝擊!神秘老人的超美味料理"One Piece" Sanji's Shock! Mysterious Old Man and His Super Yummy Cooking! (2007)★★
[156190] 22990. 航海王:終於所有人都成了通緝犯!超過6億的一夥人!"One Piece" Everyone Finally Has A Bounty! A Pirate Group Worth Over Six Hundred Million! (2007)★★