來看 #BBC 西班牙記者剖析用外語的優勢!
Why Using a Foreign Language Could Make You Better at Work
🧐 I recently spent four months working at the BBC in London, and English always sounded far smarter in my head than when it came out of my mouth. I often forgot words, made grammatical slips, and missed the usual precision of my native Spanish. It felt like trying to eat soup with a fork. As I write this, I have a dictionary open in front of me because I have learned to mistrust my ideas about what some words mean.
🌤 But there is a silver lining for those who are working in languages other than their native one. Research has recently shown that people who can speak a foreign language are likely to be more analytical. Other studies have suggested that people who are bilingual make decisions in different ways from those with one language.
📚 It suggests that as well as giving you an extra string to your bow in terms of where you can work and who you can work with, a foreign language also makes you a different kind of worker. But the real question is – does it make you a better worker?
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... 真的省了不少,尤其是國中生的衣服可以直接買男大人,媽咪荷包省起來⋯,趁採買之餘也順便看了一下自己的,本身有點胖是職場媽媽,所以大部分不會. ... <看更多>
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深圳南山區粵興三道8中國地質大學產學研基地2層科技寺創業空間(南山店). Perihal. Butiran. 如果把職場比喻為一場傳說對決,總有一些人能優雅地升級打怪。 ... <看更多>