金桔 — 性溫,有理氣解鬱、消食化痰的作用,對於有胸悶氣結、心情鬱悶的人最為適合,同時可舒緩因肝氣鬱結而引起食慾不振。要注意脾胃氣虛者的不可多吃。
鹹金桔 — 將金桔加入大量鹽醃製,然後密封儲存。經醃鹹的金桔,除了可消食化痰,亦有清熱瀉火功用,能紓緩咽喉不適、因身體有熱而引起的喉嚨痛。
Moisten the throat with salted kumquat
You may have a lot of hidden treasures in your kitchen pantryMany treasures may be found deep in the kitchen cabinet, and one of them might be salted kumquats that older generations cherish very much. They believe the salted kumquats are good for healing the sore throat and coarse voice. From Chinese medicine perspective, kumquat is warm in nature and helps to regulate qi and relieve depression, aid digestion and reduce phlegm. The salt used to pickle the kumquats is easily absorbed by kidney to soften and resolve hard mass, clear heat-fire, relieve throat discomfort and sore throat due to heat. It is best to consult with a Chinese medicine practitioner if you have sore throat and loss of voice because of throat discomfort and cold/flu.
Kumquat- Warm in nature. It helps to regulate qi and relieve depression, aid digestion and reduce phlegm. It is especially suitable for those for those with qi stagnation and tight chest, and those in a bad mood. It helps to relieve lack of appetite due to liver qi stagnation. Note those with weak spleen and stomach should not have too many.
Salted Kumquat- Kumquats pickkled with large amount of salt then sealed for storage. Aside from aiding digestion and reducing phlegm, salted kumquat can clear heat-fire. It also can relieve throat discomfort and sore throat due to heat.
Salted kumquat water
Ingredients: 2-3 salted kumquats, 1 teaspoon honey
Preparation: Add salted kumquats to cup or thermos and smash with spoon. Add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes. Add in honey when it cools down slightly.
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