「邵大倫講: 我這世人無一定愛做著臺語歌王。但是,我希望有一工⋯⋯臺語歌會當作王。」
若講著現主時的臺語歌壇當中,會當有廣播丶電視主持經驗閣有歌手身份的,相信有九十趴的運將朋友抑是大哥大姊,攏會喝出伊的名: 大輪 e~邵大倫。
邵大倫毋但二擺入圍金曲獎台語男歌手,真積極咧推廣臺語流行音樂,對臺語本土文化嘛真熱情支持。2017 年閣較是得到廣播金鐘獎流行音樂節目主持人獎這個大獎,是歷史上頭一位以臺語節目作品得到這個獎的廣播人。
大輪 e 伊拄對國立臺灣師範大學流行音樂產業碩士班畢業。這擺佇總統府 音樂會,大輪 e 著欲用伊上熱情上溫暖的歌聲,來發表伊所創作的臺語歌。
邵大倫講: 我這世人無一定愛做著臺語歌王。但是,我希望有一工⋯⋯臺語歌會當作王。」
誠心邀請你來收聽:現代的懷念播音員~大輪 e 邵大倫
總統府參觀 介紹 在 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen Facebook 的最佳貼文
總統府開門 歡喜當志工
總統府參觀 介紹 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 的精選貼文
【現場直擊 ~ 葡萄牙總統府參觀】
【Live ~ Museu da Presidência da República】
位於里斯本近郊貝倫區的葡萄牙總統官邸,昔日是葡萄牙王室的渡假王宮 - 貝倫宮, 建於16世紀。葡萄牙王室在1910年被推翻和國家成為共和國後, 在1911年開始此地方就成為葡萄牙總統官邸。
位在貝倫小山丘上的貝倫宮, 內部保養良好, 四周環境清幽, 更有多個公園, 舒適恬靜。
Built in the 16th century, the official residence of the President of Portugal was originally a holiday palace for the royal Portuguese family - called Palace of Belém (Palácio de Belém). The royal family was overthrown in 1910 and the country has become a republic state since then; and Palácio de Belém has turned into the official residence of the President of Portugal since 1911.
The palace has been kept in really good conditions. There are several gardens in the area too.
參觀是要跟導賞團 (只有葡萄牙語講解, 但如有其他國籍參觀者, 導賞員或會以英語作簡單介紹; 另外, 如遇上總統回府、接待外國政要和使節到訪等, 導賞團需要除消。進入參觀前需要接受安檢)
To visit the palace and garden, one has to join a guided tour (in Portuguese only, but if there are visitors from other countries, the tour guide may give English explanations). Tours will be cancelled if the President is inside or needs to receive foreign dignitaries and/or envoys.
昨天里斯本大部分時間天晴, 但下午時突然短暫下雨。氣溫介乎25-30度, 不太熱且有陣陣涼風, 感覺舒服清爽。
Lisbon was mostly sunny yesterday, with some showers in the afternoon. Temperatures were around 25-30 degrees Celsius, with breezes, so it's not very hot, making it really pleasant to walk around Lisbon.