Self care isn’t selfish - I feel that when I make time to take care of myself, it recharges my mama-power so I can take better care of everyone else. 坦白講 #產後掉髮 係一件好真嘅事但係我唔想俾佢get the best of me. 雖然有發生, 但係there is no need to panic, 有方法嘅. It took a little time and effort, but let me tell you, it was definitely worth it.
#50惠 #養潤育髮精華素 #50惠養潤育精華素 #來自日本 #改善產後掉髮 #產後秀髮濃厚如初 #好多媽媽Friend都話Work #NeverTooEarly #NeverTooLate #仙氣秀髮