[Keywords / #法式甜點關鍵詞] 甜點與麵包的分界 🍰🥐🍞🥖 / The fine line between pâtisserie and boulangerie (for English, please click “see more”)
你是不是也和我一樣,覺得台灣的麵包根本就是甜點呢?其實,在法國,甜點跟麵包的分界似乎也沒有我們想像的那麼非黑即白呢!關鍵詞系列第二篇,我們來看看 #麵包(pain)和 #甜點(pâtisserie)到底差在哪裡、#麵包店(boulangerie)和 #甜點店(pâtisserie)是不是真的有那麼不一樣!文中還回顧了 #甜點師在法國正式取得行會地位的歷史,以及 #他們與麵包師之間激烈的爭端,為你細細道來甜點與麵包之間難捨難分的關係。
📌 麵包店、甜點店、麵包甜點店?
在巴黎,有許多「boulangerie-pâtisserie」(麵包甜點店),擔任著和台灣麵包店類似的角色,除了販賣巴黎人生活中不可或缺的各種麵包,也賣各種 viennoiserie(維也納麵包類)以及簡單的 pâtisserie(甜點)...很顯然,麵包業(boulangerie)與糕點、甜點業(pâtisserie)的分界是相當模糊的。
🍯 甜點與麵包系出同源
👩🍳👨🍳甜點師 vs. 麵包師
到了 1440 年,源自 oublieur 的 pâtissier 終於成為一種正式職業。不過,一直到 16 世紀,糕點師的工作範圍都和我們今天認知的很不一樣。除了製作輕甜點外,也製作各種點心,包著起司、魚、肉等鹹的餡餅更是大宗。事實上,從路易九世時期開始,食品業者就因為爭奪各種權利規定而有無數的訴訟案,糕點師和麵包師之間也一樣,各種爭端與官司一直延燒到 19 世紀後。
Do you also wonder sometimes if pastries and bread are that different? After all, in English, they’re all sold in a bakery. If you look into history, you’d find out that even in France, there’s only a fine line between bread and pastries. Boulangeries and pâtisseries may sell same products. In my “French pastry keywords” series, the latest post tries to disentangle the difficult relationship between boulangers and pâtissiers.
📌 Boulangerie, pâtisserie, what about boulangerie-pâtisserie?
In Paris, there are many “boulangerie-pâtisserie” where they sell a variety of bread (pain), viennoseries, and pastries (pâtisseries). It seems that the difference between boulangerie and pâtisserie could be quite tiny.
🍯 From the same origin
In fact, pastries and bread emerge from the same origin. In ancient Mesopotamia, people added date palm fruits, figues, and honey into bread to create pastries.
👩🍳 Pâtissiers vs. boulangers
Stemmed from “oublieur”, “pâtissier” finally became a profession in 1440. However, until 16th century, what pâtissiers make back then was quite different from the concept of “pâtisserie” in the present day. On the one hand, they prepare “pâtisseries légères” like oublies and neules and snacks like rissoles, gaufres, and beignets, on the other hand, savory “pâtés” filled with minced meat, fish, and cheese are in fact their major domain. As many other professions like boulangers, charcutiers, and traiteurs could also get involved in making such products, ever since Louis IX, there were countless fights and lawsuits among professions in food industry. Serious disputes and conflicts lasted till the second half of 19th Century...
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