人才循環大聯盟(Talent Circulation Alliance 人才循環大聯盟, TCA)是AIT與台灣各界最新提出的旗艦型計畫,是台美關係中的一大主軸。透過公私部門的合作,推動台灣和理念相近夥伴之間的人才流通,旨在培養一群有能力、與國際接軌、精通數位科技的專業人才。人才循環大聯盟 2020年的第一場論壇將在1月14日(二)下午1400-1630在臺北文創大樓六樓(台北市菸廠路88號)舉辦,特別邀請國際知名學者和投資銀行家--林夏如教授,親自來台分享人才國際化與數位經濟時代勞動力發展等議題。本論壇亦邀請AIT處長、國發會主委親自蒞臨致詞,與談人包括勞動力發展署副署長施貞仰、工業局組長林俊秀等。 活動報名請見: https://www.accupass.com/go/taiwanworkforce
AIT is pleased to announce the “Workshop on the Internationalization of Taiwan Workforce” as one of the “Talent Circulation Alliance” serial programs. The workshop is taking place on the 6 floor of Taipei New Horizon on January 14, 14:00-16:10. Renowned international scholar and former partner at Goldman Sachs, Syaru Shirley Lin from the University of Virginia will deliver a keynote speech on workforce development in the digital era. Representatives from AmCham, National Development Council, Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Economic Affairs will together lead a discussion. Join us and register here: https://www.accupass.com/go/taiwanworkforce