昨天台灣大哥大發布訊息,自 2019 年 4 月 1 日起將聘任 AppWorks 創辦合夥人 Jamie 林之晨為總經理,長期關心 AppWorks 的朋友,或許會有些疑惑。其實不是 Jamie 換工作,而是 AppWorks 將與台灣大一起,挑戰一個放大 10 倍的計畫。在此跟大家分享 Jamie 的聲明,有更完整的敘述。
稍早台灣大哥大發布訊息,自 2019 年 4 月 1 日起將聘任為我為總經理,我的朋友們,以及長期關心我與 AppWorks 的媒體,一定會有許多疑惑,請容我在此統一向大家說明。
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#EnglishBelow 稍早台灣大哥大發布訊息,自 2019 年 4 月 1 日起將聘任為我為總經理,我的朋友們,以及長期關心我與 AppWorks 的媒體,一定會有許多疑惑,請容我在此統一向大家說明。
首先,我不是接下了台灣大總經理的職位,而是接下了整合市值美金 120 億、營收美金 38 億的台灣大與市值美金 36 億、營收美金 25 億的 AppWorks Ecosystem,放大出 10 倍成果的任務。
這得從我的故事說起,如果您還沒聽過的話,我原本已經移民美國,和老婆小孩開心的住在紐約,2008 年,我在美看到 iPhone、Android 相繼問世,Facebook、Twitter 等社群媒體成為主流,意識到軟體的力量將越來越大,而硬體將越來越沒有價值,換言之,台灣的國際經濟地位將受到極大挑戰,因此決定舉家搬遷回台,推動台灣的轉型升級,以免我熱愛的福爾摩沙從世界經濟奇蹟變成失落的遺跡。
這是一個很大的決定,不僅我要放棄自己的美國夢,老婆、小孩都得跟著改變職涯、學涯,因此既然要做,就得發揮最大的 Impact。所以回台之後,我每天思考、決定、努力的,都是最大化我對台灣的貢獻。
因此這些年來我戴了很多帽子,表面看起來沒什麼相關性,但背後都有一個共同的目的,那就是推動台灣的改變。首先,我長期寫網誌、經營 Facebook 等網路社群、在《天下》等期刊寫專欄、出書、演講、接受採訪,心想的是分享新知、新觀念,散播進步需要的養分。
我與夥伴們成立 AppWorks,有系統的幫助年輕人創業,為的是培養千千萬萬帶領台灣前進的下一代生力軍。這也是為什麼 AppWorks 從 2010 年啟動半年一期的創業加速器,至今一直堅持免費提供。目前 AppWorks Accelerator 共畢業的 17 屆、925 位創業者,由他們成立的活躍企業高達 328 家,2018 年產值 760 億,提供 9,500 個工作機會,非常確切的為台灣貢獻一股向上動能。更重要的是,這些創業者們因 AppWorks 而相識相惜,形成一個緊密互助的網路,更是社會的長期資產。
當 AppWorks 在台灣站穩腳步,2014 年我們開始積極走訪東南亞,邀請優秀的東協創業者前來加入,希望透過串連跨國創業者網路,促進台灣的區域化,同時貢獻東協的數位發展。經過 5 年的推動,這個工作也有大幅進展,即將在 3 月進駐 AppWorks 的 33 組 AW#18 團隊,將有高達 19 組來自東南亞,包含他們在內,AppWorks 有 160 家企業在台灣以外的大東南亞市場有據點,形成一個真正區域化的網路。現在,來自台灣、香港、新加坡的 AppWorks 創業者要前往印尼、越南發展,可以很容易的找到 AppWorks 校友帶路,大大降低了區域化的門檻。
除了創業加速器,透過 AppWorks,我們同時努力創造更多台灣改變需要的新典範。以創業投資為例,我們 2012 年成功募集 3.2 億 Fund I,2014 年募得 15 億 Fund II,在 AppWorks 團隊的努力經營下,目前兩支基金的投資績效都是水準以上,其中 Fund II 至今的年化內部報酬率 (IRR) 達 29%,遠高於歐美同期創投基金的 Top Quartile (前四分之一) 指標。透過追求與國際一流基金同等的表現,我們希望促進台灣 LP (創投投資人的簡稱) 更有信心支持本土新興 GP (創投管理公司的簡稱),進而推動台灣創投業的復甦。
2016 年,我們出資成立 AppWorks School,每 4 個月一期,免費幫助年輕人透過實作學習程式、轉職工程師、加入成長中的數位行業,提升他們的職涯的同時,也為台灣貢獻人才。目前 School 已畢業 106 位學生,其中 85% 成功轉職,第一年起薪中位數達 67 萬。雖然杯水車薪,但我們希望拋磚引玉,刺激台灣教育的現代化,幫助年輕人準備好面對 AI 時代。
此外,AppWorks 雖然仍是中小企業,但受到的關注較多,因此也經常以身作則,為台灣業界示範新時代企業可以有的新思維。除了看齊國際優質創投的薪資獎金水準、年假無上限、自由選擇工作時間地點、新年假期長達三、四週外,我們更在日前啟動交棒計畫,讓年僅 30 歲的 Jessica 劉侊縈、40 歲的 Andy 蔡欣翰升任合夥人,希望激發台灣企業勇敢讓年輕人當家。
私部門之外,有機會推動台灣轉型的公領域活動,我也積極參與。2016 年,我從詹宏志先生手上接下 TiEA (台灣網際網路暨電子商務產業發展協會) 理事長,上任後便努力推動網路電商正名運動,成功說服了櫃買中心創立電子商務分類;2017 年起我開始擔任亞洲·矽谷民諮委共同召集人、數位國家諮詢委員、代表台灣參加每年四次的 ABAC (APEC Business Advisory Council) 會議,2018 年又奉總統之命擔任 APEC Vision Group 代表,與其他 20 會員國派出的先進,一起定義 APEC 未來的 20 年願景。這些雖然都是義務工作,但我都當作正職全力以赴,因為都有機會大大影響台灣的命運,以及在經濟領域的國際能見度。
最後,我去年決定再次舉家,準備遷往雅加達,同樣還是以為台灣貢獻出發。我觀察到 2.6 億人口的印尼正在快速崛起,短短 5 年內從有限的新創活動,到 4 隻本土獨角獸加 3 隻外來獨角獸的蓬勃景況,必須要幫助台灣抓住這個成長機會,但印尼商業生態與台灣大不相同,所以我決定進駐雅加達、深耕當地,希望能因此扮演帶領 AppWorks 新創進入印尼的嚮導,縮短我們與世界第四大國、東南亞第一大國的距離。這麼做得犧牲一些我在台灣的工作,但這些工作多半我的夥伴們可以承接,因此我便毅然開始行動。
如此我們便可以回到正題,這次的「台灣大 + AppWorks」專案。
第一,結合台灣大和 AppWorks,用 AppWorks 生態系去幫助台灣大轉型為科技企業,同時以台灣大為平台去加速 AppWorks 新創的成長,因此創造更多成功的企業,為台灣示範成熟企業如何與新創實際合作;
第二,由 AppWorks 帶路,推動台灣大 + AppWorks 走出台灣,成為一個大東南亞科技集團,為台灣企業的區域化寫下典範,同時也成為能加速 AppWorks 新創區域化的大平台;
第三,以建立一個市值 1,000 億美金 (US$ 100B) 的科技集團為目標,創造第一個由台灣出發、真正達到國際級的非代工企業;
第四,所有因為台灣大 + AppWorks 集團未來的價值成長,公司依規定希望給予我個人的獎勵,要能全數由集團捐為公益使用,且專注在推動台灣的教育改革與電影工業上。
我跟蔡董事長說,如果以這四個目標為前提,那就值得我花 10 到 15 年的生命去推動。這基本上是我的夢幻清單,如果這麼做的話,能為台灣創造的貢獻,比 AppWorks 繼續獨立營運還會巨大許多,想不到蔡董事長毫不猶豫的答應。也因此,我回頭與 AppWorks 的夥伴們溝通,得到大家的支持後,我們決定一起接受這個挑戰。所以開頭我說,我不是接下了台灣大總經理的職位,而是接下了整合台灣大與 AppWorks,放大出 10 倍成果的任務。
當然,這不是一件容易的工作,發展新的商業模式,我或許有 20 年的創業、工作經驗作為後盾,但對於管理電信事業,對於領導一個 7,000 人的大集團,我有太多需要學習的地方,所以,我請蔡董事長務必持續扮演我的 Partner,在這個過程中一起確保電信本業的營運,好讓我們有最大的空間與時間,去爭取新事業的發展,為所有「台灣大 + AppWorks」的 Stakeholders,爭取最佳的長期利益。
未來幾年,將是電信業轉型的關鍵時期,去年 499 之亂加速電信用戶 ARPU (平均每戶營收) 的下滑,消費者換機時間拉長導致手機營收停滯,接下來資本支出是 4G 近 4 倍的 5G 即將到來,更讓電信長達 20 年紅利時代難以延續,AI、IoT、Blockchain、Cloud 等巨型典範轉移接連的到來,進一步逼迫電信業者不能繼續防守。
另一方面,電信業已經建立的品牌、長期客戶關係、大量用戶數據,卻是極有價值,可以更全面應用的資產。透過台灣大 + AppWorks 的結合,目前已經產生 760 億年營收的 AppWorks 的 328 家新創,以及未來將持續培養的更多新興企業,都有機會透過與台灣大的合作加速成長,而台灣大也能因此取得新的營收引擎,創造雙贏的局面。
所以,在可預見的未來,AppWorks 的方向不會改變,我們將持續邀請優秀的創業者加入,透過 AppWorks 原有的能量,以及新增的台灣大平台幫助他們。AppWorks 基金的營運也不會改變,事實上,加入了台灣大的能量,我們有信心能為 LP 們創造更好的財務、策略報酬。我的角色,除了新增台灣大總經理以外,也沒有改變,將持續擔任 AppWorks 的董事長、合夥人,戮力確保台灣大 + AppWorks 的整合能順利成功、長長久久,創造多贏。唯一改變的,大概是我的工作時間將會增加,因此要犧牲與家人的相處,在此先跟偉大的老婆、兩個可愛的兒子道歉,感謝他們對這個決定的支持與諒解。
至於搬遷至雅加達、引導更多 AppWorks 新創進軍印尼的計畫,很遺憾必須暫緩,所幸 AppWorks 的新任合夥人 Jessica (劉侊縈),已經承諾會扛起這個責任,相信在她的帶領下,AppWorks 的印尼計畫還是能夠大鳴大放、開花結果。
以上,就是針對此次台灣大 + AppWorks 的重大發展,向各位好友、媒體朋友的報告,懇求你們的支持。無論如何,我會持續為貢獻台灣而努力,希望我們這一輩的小孩們長大後,可以和我們一樣,以做台灣人為榮。
最後,預祝 您
新年快樂 諸凡順遂
助君張目 豬滿福保
Earlier today, Taiwan Mobile published an announcement communicating their intention to appoint me as the company’s general manager as of 4/1/2019. I’m sure this announcement may come as a surprise to many of my friends in the startup community, likely leaving you all with ample questions, concerns, and potentially even doubt. Let me take the opportunity to clarify the situation and explain the reasonings behind my decision for everyone.
Firstly, I must clarify that I am not merely taking over as GM of Taiwan Mobile, but taking on the bigger job of integrating Taiwan Mobile, a $12B market cap & $3.8B revenue company, and AppWorks, a $3.6B valuation & $2.5B revenue ecosystem, to amplify our impact by 10x.
But to adequately understand where we’re going, I think it’s important for everyone to know where we’ve come from. This begins with my story—for those of you that haven’t heard it before—which dates back to my time living in New York. It was around 2008 when I saw the launch of iPhone and Android, as well as the advent of Facebook, Twitter, etc, collectively catapulting social media into mainstream use. It was clear that software was increasingly taking over the world while the value of hardware was becoming more and more commoditized. This posed a dire existential threat to Taiwan, whose global economic contributions had been primarily driven by hardware and semiconductor manufacturing. This eventually prompted my resolve to move back to Taiwan and prevent our country from becoming a relic of the past.
This was by no means an easy decision. Not only did I have to give up my American dream, but my wife and child would have to completely uproot their lives, changing jobs and schools. It was a huge sacrifice on their end, so after moving back I dedicated myself to working hard every day to maximize my contribution to Taiwan and exert the greatest impact possible.
I have worn a lot of hats since, and it may seem that there is no correlation on the surface. But, there is indeed a common purpose behind them, which is to promote change in Taiwan. First of all, I have long written posts and columns in online communities such as my own blog, Facebook, and journals like “The Commonwealth Magazine,” while also giving speeches and interviews for a variety of outlets whenever possible. I see these activities as a way to share new knowledge, new ideas, and disseminate the nutrients needed for progress.
I set up AppWorks with my partners to systematically help young people start their own businesses and cultivate the next generation of business leaders that will steer Taiwan forward. That's why AppWorks started its semi-annual startup accelerator in 2010, and has been offering it for free ever since. With the addition of the latest batch AW#17, the AppWorks Ecosystem encompasses 328 active startups and 925 founders, having collectively generated US$ 2.5 billion in revenues and created 9,586 jobs—not an immaterial contribution to Taiwan’s economy needless to say. More importantly, we’ve created a tight-knit community where founders can form lifelong relationships, while seeking advice from both peers and mentors in good times and bad. I see that as a long-term value to society.
Once AppWorks took a firm foothold in Taiwan, we began targeting Southeast Asia in 2014 to invite outstanding ASEAN entrepreneurs to join us. We hope to promote Taiwan's regionalization through a network of international founders, and in turn, facilitate the development of SEA’s digital economy. We've made significant strides these past five years. AW#18 will kick off in March 2019, and consists of 33 teams, 19 of which hailing from countries across SEA and beyond. Spanning our entire ecosystem, AppWorks encompasses 160 companies currently operating in Southeast Asia, forming a truly regional network. Now, AppWorks founders from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore are expanding to Indonesia and Vietnam, and it is easy to find local AppWorks alumni to lead the way, greatly reducing the barriers for international expansion.
In addition to AppWorks Accelerator, we have been working hard to create more examples for a modern Taiwan. Taking venture capital as an example, we successfully raised US$ 11 million for Fund I in 2012 and US$ 50 million for Fund II in 2014. Under the efforts of the AppWorks team, the investment performance of the two funds is currently above the industry average, of which Fund II has achieved an annualized internal rate of return (IRR) of 29%. This is much higher than the top quartile of VCs in both Europe and the United States. By pursuing the same performance as international first-class funds, we hope to encourage Taiwanese LPs (short for venture capital investors) to be more confident in supporting local emerging GPs (short for venture capital management companies) and to promote the recovery and ultimate longevity of Taiwan's VC industry.
In 2016, we created AppWorks School with the aim of helping the younger generation pick up new skill sets, enhance their careers, and join the growing tech industry. The school offers four-month free programs and has now graduated 106 students, 85% of whom have secured jobs as software engineers, with a median starting salary of US$ 21,833. Although our scale is still tiny compared to larger institutes, we hope our efforts have inspired others to promote the modernization of Taiwan’s education system and equip young people with the necessary skills to thrive in the AI era.
In addition, although AppWorks is still a small to medium-sized enterprise, it has received a lot of attention. Therefore, it often leads by example and demonstrates how to apply new thinkings to modern corporate management. In addition to internationally-competitive salaries, our colleagues enjoy flexible working hours and locations, unlimited vacation days, and several weeks off around Chinese New Year. AppWorks also recently launched an internal promotion track, promoting two of our very own staff to partners, Jessica Liu (30) and Andy Tsai (40). We hope that this move will also create a ripple effect across traditional Taiwanese industries, inspiring more local enterprises to put their faith in younger leaders.
Alongside the private sector, I am also actively involved in promoting Taiwan’s transformation through public sector activities. In 2016, I took over as chairman of TiEA (Taiwan Internet and E-Commerce Association) from Mr. Hung-Tze Jan (詹宏志). After taking office, I have worked hard to promote our industry and successfully convinced government cabinet members to create a separate category for e-commerce companies, which didn’t previously exist in Taiwan’s stock market. Since 2017, I have been the co-convenor of the Asia-Silicon Valley Development Agency Advisory Committee, advisor of DIGI+ Taiwan, and the country’s member in ABAC (APEC Business Advisory Council). Most recently in 2018, I was appointed by the President to represent Taiwan in the APEC Vision Group, where 21 member states come together to define APEC's vision for the next 20 years. Although these are all voluntary work, I have treated them as full-time jobs because they produce opportunities that can greatly influence Taiwan’s future.
Finally, last year I was prepared to uproot my family again and move to Jakarta. With a population of 260 million people, I observed that Indonesia was a rapidly emerging economy, producing many areas where Taiwan and Taiwanese companies can contribute. In the span of just five years, Indonesia went from a barren startup landscape to producing four local unicorns and attracting the presence of three international unicorns. Although the opportunities are abundant, Indonesia’s ecosystem was much different from Taiwan’s, creating immense cultural, regulatory, and competitive barriers for Taiwanese companies. I had thus planned on relocating to Jakarta in hopes of better leading AppWorks startups into Indonesia and shortening our distance from the world’s fourth most populous country and GSEA’s biggest economy. I would have had to sacrifice some of my roles and responsibilities in my Taiwan, but I put faith in my partners and co-workers to fill the void.
With all that said, I want you to understand that the underlying mission to change Taiwan has never faltered. With this mission in mind, I’ve never hesitated in making decisions over the years because I’ve never needed to consider my own interests—but only the things I can do at the moment to best contribute to Taiwan and generate the most impact. It’s what prompted my resolution to move back from New York, my intent to move to Jakarta, and now my decision to take on this new opportunity with “Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks.”
Not long ago, the Chairman of Taiwan Mobile Daniel Tsai reached out and asked if I was interested in taking over as General Manager of Taiwan Mobile. At first, I was unable to take his offer because I was getting ready to move to Indonesia and I didn’t know how this would contribute to making Taiwan better. After allowing myself a few days to contemplate, I found an answer. I told Chairman Tsai that I would take on the position, but only if I can pursue these 4 ambitions:
First, leverage the AppWorks ecosystem to help transform Taiwan Mobile into a true technology company. At the same time, leverage Taiwan Mobile as a platform to accelerate the growth of AppWorks startups, thereby creating a successful collaboration template for other Taiwan & SEA large corporations to work with startups.
Second, with AppWorks leading the way, establish Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks into a regional technology group across Greater Southeast Asia, in turn, inspiring other Taiwanese companies to explore Southeast Asia as well as becoming a platform for startups to go regional.
Third, build Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks group to a market cap of US$ 100 billion and create the first non-OEM company that originates from Taiwan and truly reaches a global scale.
Fourth, throughout the process, all the bonuses I am entitled to shall be donated by the group to public welfare, focusing specifically on promoting education reform and the film industry in Taiwan.
I told Chairman Tsai if these are the goals, it’s worth dedicating the next 10 - 15 years of my life to achieve. This is basically my dream list. If I do this, the contribution to Taiwan and the GSEA region as a whole from the combined entity will be much greater than the continued independent operation of AppWorks. Chairman Tsai agreed on these four goals and gave me his promise, but it was still not a decision that I could make on my own--after all building AppWorks into what is it today was not something I did alone. Therefore, I went back to communicate with the AppWorks partners and team, and with everyone's support, we decided to accept this challenge together.
Thus, at the beginning of the post, I said, that I am not only taking over the position of Taiwan Mobile’s GM, but undertaking the task of integrating Taiwan Mobile and AppWorks to amplify our impact by 10x. Of course, developing a completely new business model is not an easy job. I may have 20 years of entrepreneurship and work experience under my belt, but I still have much to learn when it comes to managing a massive telecoms operation with over 7,000 people, most of whom are much more familiar with the industry than me. Therefore, I asked Chairman Tsai to act as my partner through the process to ensure the continued operations of the telecoms unit. This will enable more time and space to develop new businesses, benefiting all “Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks” stakeholders in the long run.
The telecoms industry will likely undergo a crucial transformation in the next few years. Last year’s “NT$499 war” accelerated the decline of telecom subscribers’ ARPU (average revenue per household). Longer replacement periods for smartphones have led to the stagnation of mobile phone revenues and the rollout of 5G will cost four times the capex as 4G. These factors all threaten the industry’s ability to maintain the fluid growth it’s experienced for the past 20 years. Furthermore, the arrival of paradigm shifting technologies such as AI, IoT, Blockchain, and Cloud have put all telecom operators on the defensive.
On the other hand, the telecoms industry has established brands, long-term customer relationships, and a massive amount of user data—all valuable assets that can be better maximized. Through the combination of Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks and the 328 startups that AppWorks has cultivated, all emerging startups will be able to look to the combined platform as a strategic engine for cooperation and growth. This is will also enable Taiwan to develop new sources of value creation--a win-win for both sides.
Therefore, in the foreseeable future, AppWorks will not change direction. We will continue to invite outstanding entrepreneurs to join our accelerator, staying true to the original ethos of AppWorks, while leveraging the new Taiwan Mobile platform to help them. The operation of AppWorks Funds will not change. In fact, with the backing of Taiwan Mobile’s resources, we are confident that we can create better financial and strategic rewards for LPs. My role at AppWorks will not change. I will continue to serve as a partner of AppWorks. I will ensure that the integration of Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks will be a successful, long-lasting win-win situation for all stakeholders involved. The only change is probably that my working hours will increase, effectively cutting into my family time. So first, I must apologize to my great wife and two lovely sons, and thank them for their continued support and understanding of this decision.
As for the plan to move to Jakarta and guide more AppWorks startups to enter Indonesia, regrettably it must be suspended. Fortunately, Jessica Liu, AppWorks’ newest partner, has promised to take up this responsibility. I believe that under her leadership, AppWorks' Indonesia initiative will still be able to make a big splash and develop fruitfully.
Hopefully, this post has provided you with all the relevant details regarding the Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks announcement. To friends and media, I sincerely appreciate your continued support. At any rate, I will continue to work hard to contribute to Taiwan. I hope that the children of our generation will grow up and be proud of being Taiwanese.
Finally, I wish everyone all the best. Have a wonderful and prosperous pig year!
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅寵物營養顧問家安x剝殼計劃,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🔵你知道嗎?🔵 許多東南亞國家依舊保有食用貓狗肉習俗 你知道嗎? 即便是日本、韓國等國家也尚未立法禁食貓狗 你知道嗎? 世界上有一些人正為了禁食貓狗肉努力著 愛貓愛狗的人不忍心看😣 不在意貓狗的人沒興趣 造就了2021的今天,依舊有許多先進國家沒有禁食貓狗的法令 讓我們用這部影片告訴您真相、...
東南亞第一大國 在 Rabbie 創業兔 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#EnglishBelow 稍早台灣大哥大發布訊息,自 2019 年 4 月 1 日起將聘任為我為總經理,我的朋友們,以及長期關心我與 AppWorks 的媒體,一定會有許多疑惑,請容我在此統一向大家說明。
首先,我不是接下了台灣大總經理的職位,而是接下了整合市值美金 120 億、營收美金 38 億的台灣大與市值美金 36 億、營收美金 25 億的 AppWorks Ecosystem,放大出 10 倍成果的任務。
這得從我的故事說起,如果您還沒聽過的話,我原本已經移民美國,和老婆小孩開心的住在紐約,2008 年,我在美看到 iPhone、Android 相繼問世,Facebook、Twitter 等社群媒體成為主流,意識到軟體的力量將越來越大,而硬體將越來越沒有價值,換言之,台灣的國際經濟地位將受到極大挑戰,因此決定舉家搬遷回台,推動台灣的轉型升級,以免我熱愛的福爾摩沙從世界經濟奇蹟變成失落的遺跡。
這是一個很大的決定,不僅我要放棄自己的美國夢,老婆、小孩都得跟著改變職涯、學涯,因此既然要做,就得發揮最大的 Impact。所以回台之後,我每天思考、決定、努力的,都是最大化我對台灣的貢獻。
因此這些年來我戴了很多帽子,表面看起來沒什麼相關性,但背後都有一個共同的目的,那就是推動台灣的改變。首先,我長期寫網誌、經營 Facebook 等網路社群、在《天下》等期刊寫專欄、出書、演講、接受採訪,心想的是分享新知、新觀念,散播進步需要的養分。
我與夥伴們成立 AppWorks,有系統的幫助年輕人創業,為的是培養千千萬萬帶領台灣前進的下一代生力軍。這也是為什麼 AppWorks 從 2010 年啟動半年一期的創業加速器,至今一直堅持免費提供。目前 AppWorks Accelerator 共畢業的 17 屆、925 位創業者,由他們成立的活躍企業高達 328 家,2018 年產值 760 億,提供 9,500 個工作機會,非常確切的為台灣貢獻一股向上動能。更重要的是,這些創業者們因 AppWorks 而相識相惜,形成一個緊密互助的網路,更是社會的長期資產。
當 AppWorks 在台灣站穩腳步,2014 年我們開始積極走訪東南亞,邀請優秀的東協創業者前來加入,希望透過串連跨國創業者網路,促進台灣的區域化,同時貢獻東協的數位發展。經過 5 年的推動,這個工作也有大幅進展,即將在 3 月進駐 AppWorks 的 33 組 AW#18 團隊,將有高達 19 組來自東南亞,包含他們在內,AppWorks 有 160 家企業在台灣以外的大東南亞市場有據點,形成一個真正區域化的網路。現在,來自台灣、香港、新加坡的 AppWorks 創業者要前往印尼、越南發展,可以很容易的找到 AppWorks 校友帶路,大大降低了區域化的門檻。
除了創業加速器,透過 AppWorks,我們同時努力創造更多台灣改變需要的新典範。以創業投資為例,我們 2012 年成功募集 3.2 億 Fund I,2014 年募得 15 億 Fund II,在 AppWorks 團隊的努力經營下,目前兩支基金的投資績效都是水準以上,其中 Fund II 至今的年化內部報酬率 (IRR) 達 29%,遠高於歐美同期創投基金的 Top Quartile (前四分之一) 指標。透過追求與國際一流基金同等的表現,我們希望促進台灣 LP (創投投資人的簡稱) 更有信心支持本土新興 GP (創投管理公司的簡稱),進而推動台灣創投業的復甦。
2016 年,我們出資成立 AppWorks School,每 4 個月一期,免費幫助年輕人透過實作學習程式、轉職工程師、加入成長中的數位行業,提升他們的職涯的同時,也為台灣貢獻人才。目前 School 已畢業 106 位學生,其中 85% 成功轉職,第一年起薪中位數達 67 萬。雖然杯水車薪,但我們希望拋磚引玉,刺激台灣教育的現代化,幫助年輕人準備好面對 AI 時代。
此外,AppWorks 雖然仍是中小企業,但受到的關注較多,因此也經常以身作則,為台灣業界示範新時代企業可以有的新思維。除了看齊國際優質創投的薪資獎金水準、年假無上限、自由選擇工作時間地點、新年假期長達三、四週外,我們更在日前啟動交棒計畫,讓年僅 30 歲的 Jessica 劉侊縈、40 歲的 Andy 蔡欣翰升任合夥人,希望激發台灣企業勇敢讓年輕人當家。
私部門之外,有機會推動台灣轉型的公領域活動,我也積極參與。2016 年,我從詹宏志先生手上接下 TiEA (台灣網際網路暨電子商務產業發展協會) 理事長,上任後便努力推動網路電商正名運動,成功說服了櫃買中心創立電子商務分類;2017 年起我開始擔任亞洲·矽谷民諮委共同召集人、數位國家諮詢委員、代表台灣參加每年四次的 ABAC (APEC Business Advisory Council) 會議,2018 年又奉總統之命擔任 APEC Vision Group 代表,與其他 20 會員國派出的先進,一起定義 APEC 未來的 20 年願景。這些雖然都是義務工作,但我都當作正職全力以赴,因為都有機會大大影響台灣的命運,以及在經濟領域的國際能見度。
最後,我去年決定再次舉家,準備遷往雅加達,同樣還是以為台灣貢獻出發。我觀察到 2.6 億人口的印尼正在快速崛起,短短 5 年內從有限的新創活動,到 4 隻本土獨角獸加 3 隻外來獨角獸的蓬勃景況,必須要幫助台灣抓住這個成長機會,但印尼商業生態與台灣大不相同,所以我決定進駐雅加達、深耕當地,希望能因此扮演帶領 AppWorks 新創進入印尼的嚮導,縮短我們與世界第四大國、東南亞第一大國的距離。這麼做得犧牲一些我在台灣的工作,但這些工作多半我的夥伴們可以承接,因此我便毅然開始行動。
如此我們便可以回到正題,這次的「台灣大 + AppWorks」專案。
第一,結合台灣大和 AppWorks,用 AppWorks 生態系去幫助台灣大轉型為科技企業,同時以台灣大為平台去加速 AppWorks 新創的成長,因此創造更多成功的企業,為台灣示範成熟企業如何與新創實際合作;
第二,由 AppWorks 帶路,推動台灣大 + AppWorks 走出台灣,成為一個大東南亞科技集團,為台灣企業的區域化寫下典範,同時也成為能加速 AppWorks 新創區域化的大平台;
第三,以建立一個市值 1,000 億美金 (US$ 100B) 的科技集團為目標,創造第一個由台灣出發、真正達到國際級的非代工企業;
第四,所有因為台灣大 + AppWorks 集團未來的價值成長,公司依規定希望給予我個人的獎勵,要能全數由集團捐為公益使用,且專注在推動台灣的教育改革與電影工業上。
我跟蔡董事長說,如果以這四個目標為前提,那就值得我花 10 到 15 年的生命去推動。這基本上是我的夢幻清單,如果這麼做的話,能為台灣創造的貢獻,比 AppWorks 繼續獨立營運還會巨大許多,想不到蔡董事長毫不猶豫的答應。也因此,我回頭與 AppWorks 的夥伴們溝通,得到大家的支持後,我們決定一起接受這個挑戰。所以開頭我說,我不是接下了台灣大總經理的職位,而是接下了整合台灣大與 AppWorks,放大出 10 倍成果的任務。
當然,這不是一件容易的工作,發展新的商業模式,我或許有 20 年的創業、工作經驗作為後盾,但對於管理電信事業,對於領導一個 7,000 人的大集團,我有太多需要學習的地方,所以,我請蔡董事長務必持續扮演我的 Partner,在這個過程中一起確保電信本業的營運,好讓我們有最大的空間與時間,去爭取新事業的發展,為所有「台灣大 + AppWorks」的 Stakeholders,爭取最佳的長期利益。
未來幾年,將是電信業轉型的關鍵時期,去年 499 之亂加速電信用戶 ARPU (平均每戶營收) 的下滑,消費者換機時間拉長導致手機營收停滯,接下來資本支出是 4G 近 4 倍的 5G 即將到來,更讓電信長達 20 年紅利時代難以延續,AI、IoT、Blockchain、Cloud 等巨型典範轉移接連的到來,進一步逼迫電信業者不能繼續防守。
另一方面,電信業已經建立的品牌、長期客戶關係、大量用戶數據,卻是極有價值,可以更全面應用的資產。透過台灣大 + AppWorks 的結合,目前已經產生 760 億年營收的 AppWorks 的 328 家新創,以及未來將持續培養的更多新興企業,都有機會透過與台灣大的合作加速成長,而台灣大也能因此取得新的營收引擎,創造雙贏的局面。
所以,在可預見的未來,AppWorks 的方向不會改變,我們將持續邀請優秀的創業者加入,透過 AppWorks 原有的能量,以及新增的台灣大平台幫助他們。AppWorks 基金的營運也不會改變,事實上,加入了台灣大的能量,我們有信心能為 LP 們創造更好的財務、策略報酬。我的角色,除了新增台灣大總經理以外,也沒有改變,將持續擔任 AppWorks 的董事長、合夥人,戮力確保台灣大 + AppWorks 的整合能順利成功、長長久久,創造多贏。唯一改變的,大概是我的工作時間將會增加,因此要犧牲與家人的相處,在此先跟偉大的老婆、兩個可愛的兒子道歉,感謝他們對這個決定的支持與諒解。
至於搬遷至雅加達、引導更多 AppWorks 新創進軍印尼的計畫,很遺憾必須暫緩,所幸 AppWorks 的新任合夥人 Jessica (劉侊縈),已經承諾會扛起這個責任,相信在她的帶領下,AppWorks 的印尼計畫還是能夠大鳴大放、開花結果。
以上,就是針對此次台灣大 + AppWorks 的重大發展,向各位好友、媒體朋友的報告,懇求你們的支持。無論如何,我會持續為貢獻台灣而努力,希望我們這一輩的小孩們長大後,可以和我們一樣,以做台灣人為榮。
最後,預祝 您
新年快樂 諸凡順遂
助君張目 豬滿福保
Earlier today, Taiwan Mobile published an announcement communicating their intention to appoint me as the company’s general manager as of 4/1/2019. I’m sure this announcement may come as a surprise to many of my friends in the startup community, likely leaving you all with ample questions, concerns, and potentially even doubt. Let me take the opportunity to clarify the situation and explain the reasonings behind my decision for everyone.
Firstly, I must clarify that I am not merely taking over as GM of Taiwan Mobile, but taking on the bigger job of integrating Taiwan Mobile, a $12B market cap & $3.8B revenue company, and AppWorks, a $3.6B valuation & $2.5B revenue ecosystem, to amplify our impact by 10x.
But to adequately understand where we’re going, I think it’s important for everyone to know where we’ve come from. This begins with my story—for those of you that haven’t heard it before—which dates back to my time living in New York. It was around 2008 when I saw the launch of iPhone and Android, as well as the advent of Facebook, Twitter, etc, collectively catapulting social media into mainstream use. It was clear that software was increasingly taking over the world while the value of hardware was becoming more and more commoditized. This posed a dire existential threat to Taiwan, whose global economic contributions had been primarily driven by hardware and semiconductor manufacturing. This eventually prompted my resolve to move back to Taiwan and prevent our country from becoming a relic of the past.
This was by no means an easy decision. Not only did I have to give up my American dream, but my wife and child would have to completely uproot their lives, changing jobs and schools. It was a huge sacrifice on their end, so after moving back I dedicated myself to working hard every day to maximize my contribution to Taiwan and exert the greatest impact possible.
I have worn a lot of hats since, and it may seem that there is no correlation on the surface. But, there is indeed a common purpose behind them, which is to promote change in Taiwan. First of all, I have long written posts and columns in online communities such as my own blog, Facebook, and journals like “The Commonwealth Magazine,” while also giving speeches and interviews for a variety of outlets whenever possible. I see these activities as a way to share new knowledge, new ideas, and disseminate the nutrients needed for progress.
I set up AppWorks with my partners to systematically help young people start their own businesses and cultivate the next generation of business leaders that will steer Taiwan forward. That's why AppWorks started its semi-annual startup accelerator in 2010, and has been offering it for free ever since. With the addition of the latest batch AW#17, the AppWorks Ecosystem encompasses 328 active startups and 925 founders, having collectively generated US$ 2.5 billion in revenues and created 9,586 jobs—not an immaterial contribution to Taiwan’s economy needless to say. More importantly, we’ve created a tight-knit community where founders can form lifelong relationships, while seeking advice from both peers and mentors in good times and bad. I see that as a long-term value to society.
Once AppWorks took a firm foothold in Taiwan, we began targeting Southeast Asia in 2014 to invite outstanding ASEAN entrepreneurs to join us. We hope to promote Taiwan's regionalization through a network of international founders, and in turn, facilitate the development of SEA’s digital economy. We've made significant strides these past five years. AW#18 will kick off in March 2019, and consists of 33 teams, 19 of which hailing from countries across SEA and beyond. Spanning our entire ecosystem, AppWorks encompasses 160 companies currently operating in Southeast Asia, forming a truly regional network. Now, AppWorks founders from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore are expanding to Indonesia and Vietnam, and it is easy to find local AppWorks alumni to lead the way, greatly reducing the barriers for international expansion.
In addition to AppWorks Accelerator, we have been working hard to create more examples for a modern Taiwan. Taking venture capital as an example, we successfully raised US$ 11 million for Fund I in 2012 and US$ 50 million for Fund II in 2014. Under the efforts of the AppWorks team, the investment performance of the two funds is currently above the industry average, of which Fund II has achieved an annualized internal rate of return (IRR) of 29%. This is much higher than the top quartile of VCs in both Europe and the United States. By pursuing the same performance as international first-class funds, we hope to encourage Taiwanese LPs (short for venture capital investors) to be more confident in supporting local emerging GPs (short for venture capital management companies) and to promote the recovery and ultimate longevity of Taiwan's VC industry.
In 2016, we created AppWorks School with the aim of helping the younger generation pick up new skill sets, enhance their careers, and join the growing tech industry. The school offers four-month free programs and has now graduated 106 students, 85% of whom have secured jobs as software engineers, with a median starting salary of US$ 21,833. Although our scale is still tiny compared to larger institutes, we hope our efforts have inspired others to promote the modernization of Taiwan’s education system and equip young people with the necessary skills to thrive in the AI era.
In addition, although AppWorks is still a small to medium-sized enterprise, it has received a lot of attention. Therefore, it often leads by example and demonstrates how to apply new thinkings to modern corporate management. In addition to internationally-competitive salaries, our colleagues enjoy flexible working hours and locations, unlimited vacation days, and several weeks off around Chinese New Year. AppWorks also recently launched an internal promotion track, promoting two of our very own staff to partners, Jessica Liu (30) and Andy Tsai (40). We hope that this move will also create a ripple effect across traditional Taiwanese industries, inspiring more local enterprises to put their faith in younger leaders.
Alongside the private sector, I am also actively involved in promoting Taiwan’s transformation through public sector activities. In 2016, I took over as chairman of TiEA (Taiwan Internet and E-Commerce Association) from Mr. Hung-Tze Jan (詹宏志). After taking office, I have worked hard to promote our industry and successfully convinced government cabinet members to create a separate category for e-commerce companies, which didn’t previously exist in Taiwan’s stock market. Since 2017, I have been the co-convenor of the Asia-Silicon Valley Development Agency Advisory Committee, advisor of DIGI+ Taiwan, and the country’s member in ABAC (APEC Business Advisory Council). Most recently in 2018, I was appointed by the President to represent Taiwan in the APEC Vision Group, where 21 member states come together to define APEC's vision for the next 20 years. Although these are all voluntary work, I have treated them as full-time jobs because they produce opportunities that can greatly influence Taiwan’s future.
Finally, last year I was prepared to uproot my family again and move to Jakarta. With a population of 260 million people, I observed that Indonesia was a rapidly emerging economy, producing many areas where Taiwan and Taiwanese companies can contribute. In the span of just five years, Indonesia went from a barren startup landscape to producing four local unicorns and attracting the presence of three international unicorns. Although the opportunities are abundant, Indonesia’s ecosystem was much different from Taiwan’s, creating immense cultural, regulatory, and competitive barriers for Taiwanese companies. I had thus planned on relocating to Jakarta in hopes of better leading AppWorks startups into Indonesia and shortening our distance from the world’s fourth most populous country and GSEA’s biggest economy. I would have had to sacrifice some of my roles and responsibilities in my Taiwan, but I put faith in my partners and co-workers to fill the void.
With all that said, I want you to understand that the underlying mission to change Taiwan has never faltered. With this mission in mind, I’ve never hesitated in making decisions over the years because I’ve never needed to consider my own interests—but only the things I can do at the moment to best contribute to Taiwan and generate the most impact. It’s what prompted my resolution to move back from New York, my intent to move to Jakarta, and now my decision to take on this new opportunity with “Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks.”
Not long ago, the Chairman of Taiwan Mobile Daniel Tsai reached out and asked if I was interested in taking over as General Manager of Taiwan Mobile. At first, I was unable to take his offer because I was getting ready to move to Indonesia and I didn’t know how this would contribute to making Taiwan better. After allowing myself a few days to contemplate, I found an answer. I told Chairman Tsai that I would take on the position, but only if I can pursue these 4 ambitions:
First, leverage the AppWorks ecosystem to help transform Taiwan Mobile into a true technology company. At the same time, leverage Taiwan Mobile as a platform to accelerate the growth of AppWorks startups, thereby creating a successful collaboration template for other Taiwan & SEA large corporations to work with startups.
Second, with AppWorks leading the way, establish Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks into a regional technology group across Greater Southeast Asia, in turn, inspiring other Taiwanese companies to explore Southeast Asia as well as becoming a platform for startups to go regional.
Third, build Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks group to a market cap of US$ 100 billion and create the first non-OEM company that originates from Taiwan and truly reaches a global scale.
Fourth, throughout the process, all the bonuses I am entitled to shall be donated by the group to public welfare, focusing specifically on promoting education reform and the film industry in Taiwan.
I told Chairman Tsai if these are the goals, it’s worth dedicating the next 10 - 15 years of my life to achieve. This is basically my dream list. If I do this, the contribution to Taiwan and the GSEA region as a whole from the combined entity will be much greater than the continued independent operation of AppWorks. Chairman Tsai agreed on these four goals and gave me his promise, but it was still not a decision that I could make on my own--after all building AppWorks into what is it today was not something I did alone. Therefore, I went back to communicate with the AppWorks partners and team, and with everyone's support, we decided to accept this challenge together.
Thus, at the beginning of the post, I said, that I am not only taking over the position of Taiwan Mobile’s GM, but undertaking the task of integrating Taiwan Mobile and AppWorks to amplify our impact by 10x. Of course, developing a completely new business model is not an easy job. I may have 20 years of entrepreneurship and work experience under my belt, but I still have much to learn when it comes to managing a massive telecoms operation with over 7,000 people, most of whom are much more familiar with the industry than me. Therefore, I asked Chairman Tsai to act as my partner through the process to ensure the continued operations of the telecoms unit. This will enable more time and space to develop new businesses, benefiting all “Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks” stakeholders in the long run.
The telecoms industry will likely undergo a crucial transformation in the next few years. Last year’s “NT$499 war” accelerated the decline of telecom subscribers’ ARPU (average revenue per household). Longer replacement periods for smartphones have led to the stagnation of mobile phone revenues and the rollout of 5G will cost four times the capex as 4G. These factors all threaten the industry’s ability to maintain the fluid growth it’s experienced for the past 20 years. Furthermore, the arrival of paradigm shifting technologies such as AI, IoT, Blockchain, and Cloud have put all telecom operators on the defensive.
On the other hand, the telecoms industry has established brands, long-term customer relationships, and a massive amount of user data—all valuable assets that can be better maximized. Through the combination of Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks and the 328 startups that AppWorks has cultivated, all emerging startups will be able to look to the combined platform as a strategic engine for cooperation and growth. This is will also enable Taiwan to develop new sources of value creation--a win-win for both sides.
Therefore, in the foreseeable future, AppWorks will not change direction. We will continue to invite outstanding entrepreneurs to join our accelerator, staying true to the original ethos of AppWorks, while leveraging the new Taiwan Mobile platform to help them. The operation of AppWorks Funds will not change. In fact, with the backing of Taiwan Mobile’s resources, we are confident that we can create better financial and strategic rewards for LPs. My role at AppWorks will not change. I will continue to serve as a partner of AppWorks. I will ensure that the integration of Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks will be a successful, long-lasting win-win situation for all stakeholders involved. The only change is probably that my working hours will increase, effectively cutting into my family time. So first, I must apologize to my great wife and two lovely sons, and thank them for their continued support and understanding of this decision.
As for the plan to move to Jakarta and guide more AppWorks startups to enter Indonesia, regrettably it must be suspended. Fortunately, Jessica Liu, AppWorks’ newest partner, has promised to take up this responsibility. I believe that under her leadership, AppWorks' Indonesia initiative will still be able to make a big splash and develop fruitfully.
Hopefully, this post has provided you with all the relevant details regarding the Taiwan Mobile + AppWorks announcement. To friends and media, I sincerely appreciate your continued support. At any rate, I will continue to work hard to contribute to Taiwan. I hope that the children of our generation will grow up and be proud of being Taiwanese.
Finally, I wish everyone all the best. Have a wonderful and prosperous pig year!
東南亞第一大國 在 黎明柔 Facebook 的最讚貼文
新聞特派員 寫給台灣的 東南亞傳奇
東南亞第一大國 在 寵物營養顧問家安x剝殼計劃 Youtube 的最讚貼文
🔵你相信嗎?韓國人居然會吃狗肉……外國人不知道的韓國狗肉文化 🔵
from 不韓而栗BHEC
1. 香港:1950年起在香港屠宰狗肉作為食物用途即屬違法,《香港法例》第167A章《貓狗規例》
2. 德國:於1986年禁止,根據《肉類檢疫法》(Fleischbeschaugesetz)禁止販賣狗肉。
3. 印度:主要依據《2011年食品標準和食品添加法》,另外涉及《印度刑法》、《1973年肉類食品法》,明定狗肉不是食用肉類
4. 泰國:泰國國會2014年11月12日通過反虐待動物法,除去貓狗肉交易,用活體動物做飼料等20種針對動物的行為也被禁止
5. 台灣:2017年4月11日《動物保護法》修正草案三讀通過,第27條中,除了販售、購買之外,新增「食用」、「持有」犬貓屠體、內臟或含有犬貓成份的食品。
6. 美國:過去只有維吉尼亞州、加利福尼亞、夏威夷、紐約、喬治亞州、密西根州等六州於法規明定禁止食用犬貓,近年美國參眾兩院於2018年12月11日至12日,表決通過五年一度的《農業法案》,確定立法禁食狗貓肉
7. 大陸:繼深圳於2020年5月1日生效《深圳經濟特區全面禁止食用野生動物條例》裡,把貓狗列入了禁食名單後,珠海也以《珠海經濟特區禁止食用野生動物條例》變相禁食貓狗
8. 柬埔寨:2020暹粒省成為柬埔寨第一個禁止屠狗和販賣狗肉的省份。
9. 奥地利:動物保護法(Tierschutzgesetz)第六章第二款规定禁止以食用目的宰殺猫狗
10. 波蘭:動物保護法禁止殺狗
11. 澳大利亞:禁止食用狗肉或殺死狗以供食用,也禁止狗肉用作加工產業。
1. 加拿大:用於食肉目地的屠宰狗需政府批准,私宰屬於犯罪(因此通過批准就合法)
2. 瑞士:《動物類食物條例》(Ordonnance du DFI sur les denrées alimentaires d'origine animale)第二章禁止以販賣目的屠宰狗隻(因此私宰自家狗隻食用、不販售即不違法)
3. 法國:未特別明文禁止食用貓狗,只禁止以食用為目的殺害所有寵物,以及嚴懲虐待動物的行為(規範不夠明確)。
4. 菲律賓:首都馬尼拉事務監察委員會條例82-05明確禁止殺害和販賣狗肉作食物,1998年的菲律賓動物福利法進一步禁止殺害牛、豬、山羊、羊、家禽、兔以及水牛、馬、鹿和鱷魚以外其他任何動物,不過從菲律賓報紙的報導,食用狗肉在菲律賓並不少見(雖有規範但執法力度似乎不足)。
1. 大陸(深圳、珠海以外地區):大陸狗肉產業絶大多數是個體戶,大部分位於廣東、廣西和山東,根據世界愛犬聯盟調查統計,每年至少食用1500萬隻狗,其中逾70%是偷盗來的家犬
2. 韓國:直至2018年南韓國內仍有超過2000家狗肉農場,每年屠宰500萬條狗,近年因為年輕族群不喜歡狗肉市場開始萎縮
3. 日本:日本農林水產省官方紀錄過去十五年日本都有進口狗肉的數據,但現今食用者極少,目前預計於2020年東京奧運(延期)之前,完成禁食狗肉的立法程序
4. 越南:狗肉在越南被認為能帶來好運,目前是狗肉食用大國,狗肉消耗量甚至與雞肉、豬肉相近,約80%的民眾吃狗肉,全國一年的食用量在500萬隻左右
5. 印尼:穆斯林視狗肉不潔不食用,且印尼近年來保護狗的意識成長,但每年仍有逾百萬隻狗被屠殺來吃,根據『印尼無狗肉』聯盟調查發現,印尼約有7%人口吃狗肉
6. 東帝汶:因狗肉廉價,是當地仍然是常見食物
7. 丹麥:有吃狗肉的傳統
8. 柬埔寨:除寨暹粒省外,每年有大約300萬隻狗遭到屠殺,作為食物和肉品交易。
9. 馬來西亞:僅《2015年動物福利法令》禁止虐待犬隻,但並沒有明確規範禁售狗肉。
⬛️ 相關素材 ⬛️
日本為愛狗的拜登送上大禮!跨黨派議員促日美結盟 合推《禁食犬貓國際公約》
誓言終止全球食貓狗行為 WDA發起國際公約
ViuTV 守護毛小孩 - 玄陵專訪
特派專欄 印尼人每年吃掉百萬隻狗 動保人士籲嚴格取締[影]
深圳之後中國第二地 珠海也禁食貓狗!
https://www.freepik.com/vectors/map Map vector created by freepik - www.freepik.com
https://www.freepik.com/vectors/medical Medical vector created by starline - www.freepik.com
Dog on a stick

東南亞第一大國 在 窮遊達人 Mr.Travel Genius Youtube 的最佳解答
➥? 訂閱頻道- https://www.youtube.com/c/窮遊達人MrTravelGenius?sub_confirmation=1
00:00 Start
00:34 Opening
01:56 大澳到著
03:25 強記冰室 優質沙嗲牛肉麵
04:33 益昌號 大澳名物 海味工場參觀
10:58 蘇廬 大澳河邊咖啡店
16:30 大澳版 GONDOLA 舢舨觀光船
19:06 將軍石
21:07 大澳文物酒店Staycation
21:40 預告
? Camera - Sony ZV1 + iPhone XR
PS: Sony ZV1 真係拍片真係震到好似地震咁,第一次用,震到不行,可能我唔識用啦,Mike Yuen 佢糾正返我原來我無開防震,所以有好多畫面都係勁震,真係好抱歉。
反而我上次用Nikon Z50,乜都無set過,拍出黎已經好穩定好完美,如果要我再揀,我會揀返用NIKON Z50黎拍片.
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【和你飛】大阪番外篇 - 和你暢遊「大阪篇」景點系列
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第四集 [熊本]:https://goo.gl/CCFMKB
第五集 [城采苑]:https://goo.gl/n9Uezi
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第九集 [下關]:https://goo.gl/GQxp4a
第十集 [小森江]:https://goo.gl/By449w
【東京篇】 各集內容 -
第一集 [船橋駅]:https://goo.gl/YqEzGQ
第二集 [乃木坂&池袋駅] :https://goo.gl/n2j53j
第三集 [下北沢]:https://goo.gl/jFzJVV
第四集 [上野 池袋 新宿]: https://goo.gl/9aqs73
第五集 [築地市場 1]:https://goo.gl/3GDPEC
第六集 [築地市場 2]:https://goo.gl/ZCJqPJ
第七集 [原宿] :https://goo.gl/332lVl
第八集 [新宿深宵美食] : https://goo.gl/f6lfBJ
第九集 [武藏境]:https://goo.gl/OjiQCk
第十集 [梅丘]:https://goo.gl/uvngD5
第十一集 [新宿深宵美食 2] : https://goo.gl/XmAVMt
第十二集 [東京優質膠囊] : https://goo.gl/Rnh8Ey

東南亞第一大國 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳貼文
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00:26 台鐵終於簽訂團體協約
01:01 政府補償蘭嶼25億
02:16 中國間諜爆料疑雲
04:00 民進黨推反滲透法
04:57 哥倫比亞反政府抗爭
05:04 玻利維亞後續
06:34 南韓暫時不撤GSOMIA
07:10 美國通過香港人權法案
08:21 香港區議會選舉泛民派大勝
09:55 金馬56
【 製作團隊 】
|剪輯助理:絲繡 & 范范
【 本集參考資料 】
→ 台鐵團協優於勞基法 林佳龍:助改革不輕易罷工:http://bit.ly/2QXEcHp
→ 歷經30年 台鐵局與工會簽訂團體協約:http://bit.ly/2OOfQNK
→ 政院公布歷史文件 蔣經國未經蘭嶼人同意設核廢場:http://bit.ly/2QQi021
→ 蘭嶼設核廢料貯存場 達悟族將獲逾25億補償:http://bit.ly/33mEtX8
→ 蘭嶼核廢》集中貯存選址恐再跳票 原能會將罰台電3千萬:http://bit.ly/34qC2nt
→ 蘭嶼核廢》藍批補償是政策買票 綠指替國民黨擦屁股:http://bit.ly/2qFxZW2
→ 蘭嶼人立場:補償金拿歸拿 核廢仍要遷走:http://bit.ly/37IuyOY
→ 有史以來最詳盡的中共統戰手段!中國間諜投誠澳洲,揭干預台灣選舉、迫害香港民權人士內幕:http://bit.ly/2pQ84u6
→ 中國間諜投誠澳洲 曝砸60億投資台灣電視圈:http://bit.ly/37J3oHu
→ 遭「共諜」王立強指收受中國資助 中天、中視及東森駁斥:http://bit.ly/2Dn0Cty
→ 韓國瑜否認拿中共錢 「有的話就退出總統大選」:http://bit.ly/2XPCJ7v
→ 中國疑似間諜案 國安局:持續向國際友方查證:http://bit.ly/34qCW3l
→ 澳媒訪王立強有徐斯儉片段》遭質疑事先知情共諜案 外交部痛斥蓄意栽贓:http://bit.ly/2sdRuVQ
→ 王立強接受澳洲節目專訪 重申參與滲透:http://bit.ly/37LcrIj
→ 中國特工疑雲》軍情局前副局長點出王立強「最大破綻」:尋求政治庇護製造的假案:http://bit.ly/35Av5R5
→ 王立強是共諜?陸判決書說這個王立強是詐騙犯:http://bit.ly/2QREcsm
→ 穿幫?共諜王立強為受訪化名 王浩宇批「中國自打臉」好大聲:http://bit.ly/2pTGPil
→ 回應王立強案 陸外交部:拙劣的鬧劇:http://bit.ly/2QXFEJR
→ 涉王立強共諜案 中國創新投資主席夫婦移送北檢偵辦:http://bit.ly/33oM07I
→ 哥倫比亞的罷工與宵禁:政府腐敗的萬人大抗爭:http://bit.ly/2QXFT7J
→ 不提中共代理人法了!民進黨團推《反滲透法》處罰敵對勢力行為、不開放登記制:http://bit.ly/37LcWCb
→ 民進黨團終於提出《反滲透法》盼朝野支持,和其他版本最大差別在哪?:http://bit.ly/2XOS8oF
→ 哥倫比亞的罷工與宵禁:政府腐敗的萬人大抗爭:http://bit.ly/2qNTsfm
→ 哥倫比亞反政府示威再起 波哥大宣布全市宵禁:http://bit.ly/2KX4gi6
→ 哥倫比亞反政府抗議第3天 宵禁過後軍警巡邏:http://bit.ly/2OnTyDv
→ 哥倫比亞警局遇襲 警員3〇7傷:http://bit.ly/2slmjYV
→ 哥倫比亞反政府示威 首都42年來首宵禁:http://bit.ly/2KWUSLr
→ 不滿總統執政不力 哥倫比亞罷工遊行:http://bit.ly/2XNjhs4
→ 安撫反政府示威 哥倫比亞總統展開全國對話:http://bit.ly/2QUOQyP
→ 拉美「老左派」垮台:玻利維亞軍隊逼宮,總統莫拉萊斯辭職逃亡:http://bit.ly/2KYb8vy
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→ 玻利維亞變天幕後大國對戰略能源鋰礦的爭奪:https://bbc.in/2smbqWL
→ 玻利維亞平息動盪露曙光 臨時總統簽重選法案:http://bit.ly/33oMVEY
→ 日韓軍情協定暫獲延續 雙方關係依然嚴峻:http://bit.ly/2Dn3l6g
→ 美國施壓奏效?日韓「軍事情報協定」終止前6小時,韓國讓步將「有條件延長」:http://bit.ly/2XOTsrD
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→ 美國聯邦參議院通過《香港人權法》 但川普會簽嗎?:http://bit.ly/34p53A9
→ 香港人權法案正式送出美國國會 遞交川普簽署:http://bit.ly/35E21rT
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→ 《香港人權法案》躺白宮過周末 川普:會好好看看:http://bit.ly/2rtm51v
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→ 香港法案出國會 卜睿哲憂中國誤判情勢影響貿談:http://bit.ly/37FNIVE
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→ 香港區議會選舉泛民大勝 特首選舉可發揮關鍵作用:http://bit.ly/34taz4I
→ 香港區議會選舉24日登場 光復香港轉為投票競爭:http://bit.ly/34rmf8e
→ 圖解整理包/打破多項記錄!親中派潰敗 看懂香港區議會選舉:http://bit.ly/34qCHW2
→ 香港區議會選舉徹夜開票 投票率7成1史上新高:http://bit.ly/37IxaMM
→ 香港選舉|香港選民對北京最直言不諱地一次表態:http://bit.ly/35GTzs3
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【 延伸閱讀 】
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→ 日韓軍情協定撤廢 後果會有多嚴重?:https://www.cw.com.tw/article/articleLogin.action?id=5096547
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万岛之国印度尼西亚, 东南亚第一大国 ,为何存在感不强? 5 views5 views. Feb 27, 2022. 0. Dislike. Share. Save. 卫星地图. 卫星地图. ... <看更多>