Teaching and students’ application please cope with epidemic procedures (#UpdatedMay21)
(1) #5月17日起至本學期結束(109-2),#本校所有課程 (#含期末考) #全面採用遠距或線上方式辦理。教師可善用學校新一代數位教學平台 NTU COOL,上傳課程影片進行非同步之遠距教學及進行線上測驗。有關期末考評量方式,本校提供在家線上測驗、線上口頭報告及互評或線上實作演練等彈性辦理形式,請參閱附檔( http://curri.aca.ntu.edu.tw/covid/課程評量調整建議.pdf ),並請老師預作準務必遵守防疫規範。
(2) 教務處原先各項需透過授課教師、導師、指導教授、系所及其主管等親簽之文件,包含停修、休學、輔雙等臨櫃業務,改採變通方式辦理。學生得透過e-mail附帶已填妥之相關表單及/或檔案,寄送該表單給老師及承辦單位,以老師及承辦單位同意之e-mail取代簽名後,再由申請學生將e-mail轉寄所屬教務單位承辦同仁。惟仍依各項申請規定之截止時間辦理。
(1) 文、理、社、工、生物資源暨農、管理、電機資訊、法律、生命科學院。
(2) 醫學院:護理系一年級、除學士後護理學系外其他系一、二年級。
(3) 公共衛生學院一年級。
下列各院、系 (所) 之碩、博士班研究生,請mail給教務處註冊組承辦人:
(1) 醫學院:學士後護理學系所有學生;護理系學士班二年級以上及其他系三年級以上學生;各系 (所) 研究生。
(2) 公共衛生學院:公衛系學士班二年級以上學生及各系 (所) 研究生。
錄製課程相關諮詢 /
02-3366-3367 #566、563、586
NTU COOL數位教學平台 /
02-3366-3367 #598、02- 3366-3366 #25580
數位TA申請 /
U Meeting、U Webinar /
若老師在教學數位化上有任何問題,請參考數位學習中心專頁 (https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/)
教務處 敬上
Dear NTU community members,
Due to a rapid escalation in the number of COVID-19 cases in Taipei City and New Taipei City recently, the epidemic situation is now approaching Alert Level 3 (orange light). In response to this urgency, the University is asking all academic and administrative units to comply with the following preventive measures:
1) Starting May 17th, all classes will be switched to remote-only instruction for the rest of the spring semester. Instructors can upload their lecture videos to NTU COOL. Since the epidemic is escalating, the alternative to on-site final exam for assessing students’ learning outcome is strongly recommended and planned in advance. The University provides mechanisms for conducting online testing, online oral reporting, peer assessment and online drills. Please refer to the attached document in preparation for such eventualities. ( http://curri.aca.ntu.edu.tw/covid/課程評量調整建議_eng.pdf )
2) To prevent the epidemic, all application forms with review and/or signature from course instructors, mentors, advisors, and/or supervisors of departments/graduate institutes/degree programs (Course Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, Dropping Double Major and/or Minor Study etc. are included) can be replaced with flexible application procedures. Students can mail to the person and/or unit in charge with application form as attachment. If they approve your application, please forward this approved mail to the according unit of Office of Academic Affairs [note]. Late submissions will not be accepted.
3) Graduate students can take their master’s or Ph.D. thesis/dissertation defense through the video conference. The signature of the committee member can be replaced by an electronic scan. The committee members who use the video method to conduct the master’s or Ph.D. thesis/dissertation defense are allowed to apply for their attendance fee, but not allowed to apply for their travel allowance.
4) In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline of the thesis/dissertation submission for the second semester of the Academic Year 2020-2021 has been extended to August 31, 2021 because the next day is the first day of classes for the next semester. The deadline for the thesis/dissertation defense is also flexible. As long as the Master’s and Ph.D. students can complete their thesis/dissertation submission process by August 31, 2021, they will be able to graduate on schedule. If the students are unable to complete the process of submitting their thesis/dissertation by August 31, 2021, they have to pay the tuition and fees for the next semester, and if their maximum period of study has expired, they shall be ordered to be withdrawn from the university.
[NOTE] Students affiliated in the following units shall mail to the Branch Office of Academic Affairs of the College of Medicine: Second Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing (all students), Department of Nursing (sophomores and above), other undergraduate departments of the College of Medicine (juniors and above) and Department of Public Health (sophomores and above); other undergraduate students shall mail to Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division. Graduate students of the College of Medicine and the College of Public Health shall mail to the Branch Office of Academic Affairs of the College of Medicine; graduate students from other colleges shall mail to Graduate Academic Affairs Division.
Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division:
Graduate Academic Affairs Division:
Branch Office of Academic Affairs of the College of Medicine:
Center for Teaching and Learning Development & Digital Learning Center:
Digitalizing your courses:
02-3366-3367 #566、583
02-3366-3367 #598、580
Application for teaching assistants for digital courses:
02-3366-3367 #584
U Meeting/ U Webinar:
02- 3366-3367 #532
If there is any problem, you can refer to ntu-dlc’s website (https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/) for help.
Thank you again for your ongoing commitment to our campus and our mission during this time of challenges and change. We will find a way forward, and a way to be together again as a community in the nearer future.
With appreciation,
Office of Academic Affairs
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅Janice Lam Makeup Workshop,也在其Youtube影片中提到,全新|??新娘化妝及髮型技巧證書 (資歷架構第3級)|共22堂 想成為新娘化妝師嘅你,除左要熟悉不同風格的化妝造型技巧,更重要係運用化妝技巧了解新娘面部的優點和缺點,幫助她隱惡揚善,放大新娘的優點,讓她在重大日子在眾人中眼前一亮成為焦點。 本校最新之「新娘化妝及髮型技巧證書」現已獲政府資歷架構認...
- 關於本校所有課程 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於本校所有課程 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於本校所有課程 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於本校所有課程 在 Janice Lam Makeup Workshop Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於本校所有課程 在 如:提供線上測驗或繳交報告等替代方式,以確保其權益 ... 的評價
- 關於本校所有課程 在 本校所有課程自5月30日起維持實施遠距教學至期末 - Dcard 的評價
本校所有課程 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文
【本校防疫訊息 #5月14日緊急更新:因應染疫個案持續擴增,#本校5月17日起啟動全面遠距教學等防疫措施】(#5月15日更新)
NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message ( #0514Urgent) — Preventive Measures and Remote Learning for All Classes Starting May 17 in Response to Increasing Number of Cases
1. 5月15日起各類會議活動,包括行政單位、各學院及學系活動(如 #小型畢業典禮)如無法改為線上進行,請研議取消辦理或延後辦理。
2. #體育館暫停開放;#5月15日起圖書館亦暫停開放自習室及閱覽室,僅提供借還書籍。
3. 5月15日起本校實施校園門禁,只開放 #大門、 #辛亥及長興入口。管制期間本校、臺科大、臺師大教職員工生及中研院等駐本校區人員、校友及退休人員憑證入校,洽公者需出示身分及相關證明文件(如開會通知、邀請函、電郵、訪客證、工作證或其他證明等文件,得採紙本或影像檔方式。),#無證明文件者由受訪單位派員至進出口確認身分後始得進入。各校內館舍亦請持續落實人員值班、量測體溫、以及實名制登錄(詳見:https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739363589575926 )。
4. 5月15日起請同學們非必要情形儘量不要進入校園並減少外出,一同遵守防疫規定,以降低染疫風險。一般社團活動停辦或改為線上辦理。活動中心關閉社團活動場地(僅允許同學至社團辦公室拿取私人物品)。心輔中心於防疫期間仍提供預約初談及個別諮商,有相關疑問可電話或電郵洽詢。
5. 5月15日起本校餐廳鼓勵外帶餐點。 如不得已而內用餐點,需採一人一桌、或於桌面上放置格板隔離。
6. 週六(5月15日)上午總務處事務組將進行校園公共區域擴大消毒作業。
7. #5月17日起本校所有課程改為遠距教學。所有校屬教學館舍禁止學生進入,僅允許教師、職員和助教等進出以錄製線上課程。實驗室請教師安排使用時段,每一時段最多4人同時使用。(詳見:https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739368969575388)
8. 5月17日起本校各單位可依業務內容屬性調整辦公方式, 安排採居家辦公、異地辦公、或分批辦公方式辦公,並應向人事室提供名冊。
9. 疫情嚴峻,各項因應措施將依中央宣布而隨時調整,敬請全校教職員工生務必配合各項防疫措施。
國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上
Dear NTU students and colleagues,
With the increasing number of infections in Taipei City and New Taipei City, the pandemic situation is now approaching Alert Level 3 (orange light). In response to this urgency, the University is asking all departments and offices to comply with the following preventive measures.
1. Starting May 15, events organized by administrative offices or by colleges and departments (e.g. small-scale commencements) shall be canceled or postponed to a later date if they cannot be held online.
2. The Sports Center will be temporarily closed. Starting May 15, the NTU Main Library will close its study rooms and reading rooms; circulation services will still be available.
3. Starting May 15, access to the University will be limited to the Main Gate, Xinhai Gate, and Changxing Gate. NTU, NTNU, or NTUST faculty, staff and students, on-campus Academia Sinica staff, NTU alumni, and retired personnel should present a relevant ID card to enter the University. Visitors for official purposes should also present an ID card and relevant paperwork (e.g. a meeting notification, invitation, email, visitor/work pass, or others in paper or electronically). Those without any proof documents should be chaperoned by staff of the receiving departments/offices to enter. University premises must continue to be staffed for temperature taking at the entrance and real-name system should also be implemented. ( https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739363589575926 )
4. Starting May 15, students should refrain from entering the University unless absolutely necessary and they should also decrease the number of going out. Preventive measures must be fully observed to minimize the risk of infection. Student club events will be suspended or go online and event venues at the Activity Center will be closed (students are allowed to pick up personal belongings from club offices). The Student Counseling Center will continue to provide intake and counseling services and inquiry for relevant resources will still be available via telephone or email.
5. Starting May 15, campus restaurants/cafeterias will encourage diners to buy take-outs. Those dining indoors should be seated alone at a table or share one installed with a protective board.
6. On the morning of this Saturday (May 15), the General Service Division of the Office of General Affairs will begin a large-scale disinfection at the University’s public spaces.
7. Starting May 15, all classes will be taught remotely. Students will be denied access to university-owned teaching halls. Faculty, staff, and teaching assistants may be allowed in to record online courses. Faculty members in charge of laboratories should schedule their usage, with each session being simultaneously used by up to four people.( https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739368969575388 )
8. Starting May 17, all departments and administrative offices groups considering staff’s areas of responsibilities should plan how to work from home, work in different locations, or rotate staff in smaller groups. A list to this purpose should be provided to the Personnel Department.
9. Preventive measures will constantly be adjusted in accordance with the CECC’s latest announcements. The University is asking for your compliance with the preventive measures.
As the COVID-19 is still wreaking havoc, please be reminded to wear a mask at all times when you go out, wash hands frequently, and keep appropriate social distancing. Be on alert for suspected symptoms: fever, respiratory complications, diarrhea, and abnormality of smell and taste. If they appear, please wear a medical mask, immediately seek medical attention at a nearby hospital for COVID-19 testing, and refrain from using any public transportation. When in the hospital for treatment, please voluntarily tell the physician your contact and travel history, potential occupational exposure to the virus, as well as people around you with similar symptoms. When you return home, please also wear a medical mask and avoid going out if not necessary.
Sincerely yours,
NTU Epidemic Prevention Team
本校所有課程 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的精選貼文
【所有課程5月17日起請採用遠距教學 (#5月14更新)】
All courses to be fully remote since May 17th (#UpdatedMay14)
為因應COVID-19疫情的發展,本校所有課程 (含實驗/實習/實作課程),自5月17日 (週一) 起全面採用遠距教學,校屬5棟 (共同、普通、新生、博雅及綜合) 教學館教室僅提供原授課教師和助教錄製課程,學生請勿進入,以減少師生到校上課,降低群聚感染的風險,請所有師生包涵並配合辦理。實驗或實作課程若必須到校操作,請老師注意控制到現場的人數至多4人同時在埸操作,務必維持讓學生在操作時有適當的社交距離,也請老師盡量採用數位化方式進行。
教師可善用學校新一代數位教學平台 NTU COOL,上傳課程影片進行非同步之遠距教學;除了錄製課程內容上傳 NTU COOL 外,教務處已提供授課教師U Meeting與U Webinar企業版帳號,俾益課程進行同步遠距討論、教學,教師應已收到由訊連科技寄出的帳號通知信,透過信中連結即可啟用帳號。教師亦可自行選用熟悉的通訊軟體或直播平台進行遠距教學。
教師如有錄製課程影片之需求,可運用 EverCam、OBS 等軟體自行錄影,亦可申請使用具備自動錄播系統之綜合教學館教室進行課程錄製。
另外,NTU COOL 已建有「課程數位化百寶箱」及「數位 TA 訓練課程」,提供老師與助教準備數位教學所需資訊:
■ 課程數位化百寶箱:
■ 數位TA訓練課程:
■ 錄播教室申請說明:
■ 課程數位化說明及問題諮詢:
■ U Meeting/ U Webinar 帳號諮詢:
教務處 敬上
Dear members of the NTU community,
In case of a further wave of COVID-19, a comprehensive contingency plan will be unexceptionally applied to all courses (including experimental, practicum, and hands-on courses): all courses, regardless of enrollment number or course types, shall be switched to distance learning mode since May 17th. The five classroom buildings managed by the University: Gongtong, Putong, Xinsheng , Boya, and Zonghe Classroom Building are only accessible for instructors and teaching assistants to transcribe their courses. Students are prohibited from entering Classroom Buildings to maintain a reduced on-campus population.
If it’s inevitable for students to run experiment in an in-person class such as hands-on or experimental courses, the upper limit of students in the same space or lab shall be 4, and appropriate physical distancing and good ventilation shall be maintained throughout the course. Of course, given the dynamic public health environment, the remote-only instruction is strongly recommended.
Instructors can upload their lecture videos to NTU COOL for asynchronous online teaching. Besides, the Office of Academic Affairs has provided all instructors with U Webinar and U Meeting accounts for synchronous online discussion. To activate the account, please check the NTU mailbox for the activation link sent from CyberLink. Instructors may also use their preferred communication software or streaming media for online teaching.
To record the lectures, instructors can use video recording software such as EverCam or OBS. Zonghe Classroom Building equipped with improvised lecture recording systems is open for instructors to make reservation, if there is availability.
In addition, “Toolbox for Digitalizing Your Courses” and“Teaching Assistant Training for Digital Teaching” are available on NTU COOL:
■ Toolbox for Digitalizing Courses:
■ Online TA Training Package:
■ Lecture Recording Classroom Application:
■ Distance Learning Instructions & Info:
■ U Meeting/ U Webinar Info:
Thank you very much for your understanding, cooperation and commitment to keep our shared community moving forward in the face of this unprecedented time.
With very best wishes,
Office of Academic Affairs
本校所有課程 在 Janice Lam Makeup Workshop Youtube 的精選貼文
全新|??新娘化妝及髮型技巧證書 (資歷架構第3級)|共22堂
本校最新之「新娘化妝及髮型技巧證書」現已獲政府資歷架構認可為?️資歷架構第3級,全新課程堂數增至22堂,經重新編排後教學內容更豐富、更貼合最新新娘流行的實用妝髮造型,更全方位培訓學員成為專業新娘化妝師。完成課程後,學員能掌握新娘化妝秘訣、調整眼型眼妝技巧、快速轉妝、各種髮型辮法技巧、拉絲手法、空氣感髮型,髮型轉換技巧等。所有專業化妝課程由星級導師Janice Lam及資歷架構認可之導師授教,絕對係你入行首選!!
開課日期: 16 Feb 2021 (Tue)
上課時間:7:30 - 10:30pm
?課程內容可瀏覽: https://www.glowmakeupacademy.com/bridal
* 此課程可申請 在職家庭及學生免入息審查貸款計劃
* 學費可以全數向學生資助辦事處申請學生資助計劃
* 學費可以按月分期付款,每期學費約$3,300
* 所有課堂均免費提供各大品牌的護膚及化妝品
* 免費預約練妝時段回校練習
*此課程最高可申請政府資助 $14,500 持續進修基金或在職家庭及學生免入息審查貸款計劃!(政府資助 $14,500金額:只適用於以前未曾申請過持續進修基金而戶口尚有$20000 資助金額的同學)
電話:2836 6553
WhatsApp:5623 4456

本校所有課程 在 本校所有課程自5月30日起維持實施遠距教學至期末 - Dcard 的推薦與評價
本校所有課程 自5月30日起維持實施遠距教學至期末,一、依111年5月19日本校因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎防疫應變小組第43次會議決議辦理。二、課程安排及 ... ... <看更多>
本校所有課程 在 如:提供線上測驗或繳交報告等替代方式,以確保其權益 ... 的推薦與評價
本校 防疫訊息– 所有課程自即日起遠距教學至期末】 All Courses Switched to Distance Teaching From Today Till the End of Semester . 為因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎疫情 ... ... <看更多>