特斯拉與我大概只有100尺車程的緣分,因為只有Andy哥借我一下下,反倒是跟Taycan緣份比較深,很喜歡Taycan,但我分不清是因為保時捷、還是因為他是電動車,抑或只是單純的被Tiffany藍電到.... 哈哈
Here it is, I know it's a little late to release this test drive clip, sorry for the delay. As I concluded in the video, it's fascinating because it still has the DNA of a sport car, it's still a Porsche. No wonder it's a dream that fans constantly pursue. #移動未來式
#Prosche #Taycan
Vi評車 #買進
Porsche Taiwan 台灣保時捷