白米 — 又稱粳米、大米,性平,可補中益氣、健脾養胃、除煩渴、長肌肉及止腹瀉,因為容易消化,尤其適合小朋友、老人家、病人及脾胃虛弱人士食用。
茨實 — 性平,具補中益氣、健脾止瀉、固腎澀精功效,適合慢性腹瀉者食用;便秘或大便乾燥者勿吃為妥。
蓮子 — 性平,具養心安神、健脾止瀉、補腎固精功效,適合腹瀉便溏者食用;大便乾燥或氣滯腹脹者不可多吃。
蘋果 — 性平,有潤肺健胃、生津止渴、消食止瀉功效,尤其適合慢性腹瀉者及食滯型腹瀉者食用。蘋果同時有暢便和止瀉功效,因為其果膠及膳食纖維有通便作用,而含有的鞣酸能使大便内水份減少,從而止瀉。
石榴 — 性熱,具生津止渴、澀腸止瀉、收歛固澀作用。適合口舌乾燥、時有乾咳、腹瀉者食用,惟濕熱型腹瀉、感冒咳嗽、糖尿病人不宜多吃。
5 ingredients to conserve energy and relieve diarrhea
Diarrhea is either acute or chronic. Acute diarrhea is mostly caused by cold-wind flu, indigestion, damp heat or hygiene issues. Those with asthenic weak spleen and stomach and yang deficiency tend to experience chronic diarrhea. These people experience abdominal bloating after eating a little, have loose stool, and have diarrhea after each meal. Although it is not a major illness, it still can have an effect on life and mood. In addition to conditioning the body according to symptoms, those with chronic diarrhea can also moderately consume foods that can conserve energy and relieve diarrhea, such as drinking more rice water to strengthen spleen and stomach.
White rice- mild in nature, can replenish vital energy and nourish qi, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, relieve irritable thirst, promote muscle growth, and relieve diarrhea. As white rice is easy to digest, it is especially suitable for children, elders, those who are sick and those with asthenic weak spleen and stomach.
Fox nuts- mild in nature, can nourish the heart and mind, strengthen the spleen to relieve diarrhea, replenish the kidneys. Suitable for those with chronic diarrhea. Not suitable for those with constipation or dry stool.
Lotus seed - mild in nature, can nourish the heart and mind, strengthen the spleen to relieve diarrhea and replenish the kidneys. Suitable for those with diarrhea and loose stool. Those with dry stool and qi stagnation should eat less.
Apple - mild in nature, can moisten the lungs and strengthen stomach, promote fluid production to relieve thirst, aid digestion and relieve diarrhea. It is especially suitable for chronic diarrhea and indigestion related diarrhea. Apple can relieve constipation and diarrhea because the pectin and dietary fiber of apple can relieve constipation. The tannic acid can reduce the water content in the stool, thereby alleviating diarrhea.
Pomegranate- hot in nature, can promote fluid production and relieve thirst, relieve diarrhea and conserve energy. Suitable for dry mouth and tongue, occasional dry cough, and diarrhea. Those with damp-heat diarrhea, flu and cough, or diabetes should not consume too much.
#男 #女 #我煩躁 #我狀態OK #我有壓力 #我胖了 #痰濕 #陽虛 #氣滯 #濕熱 #腹瀉