想在大銀幕睇離騷幻覺,就不要錯過今次的放映了!同場還有更多精彩作品,到時會有影後座談,想知道我們最近的製作情報,記得來一齊chitchat 啦!
▶️「《人之二》及《童年前的意象(第一章)》及《江記 x 廖沛毅》」
* 導演江記將出映後談,活動將以廣東話進行。
【📢 Animated Dreams: Where artists dare to dream with delirious collages culled from their subconsciousness. 🎬】
▶️ " Adam 2 & Scenes from Under Childhood (Section 1) and Kongkee x Simon Liu "
* Director Kongkee will attend after-screening talk,which will be conducted in Cantonese on June 9.
🎞日期及時間:9/6/2019 (日) 7:30pm
🎞日期及時間:9/6/2019 (日) 7:30pm
🎞日期及時間:9/6/2019 (日) 4:15pm*
📽 "Adam 2" is Jan Lenica's first feature-length animation, it is a follow-up of sorts to his 1965 ten-minute short "A" - in which a man finds himself harassed at home by a human-size version of the capital letter A. This rarely aired film is a jet-black collage of drawings and cut-outs which tracks a man's wordless passage through his absurd, purgatorial existence in an absurd, authoritarian world.
🎞 Date & Time: 9/6/2019 (Sun) 7:30pm
📽 American avant-gardist Stan Brakhage's 16mm short reveals the shock and awe of a disoriented infant make the first step into the human realm. This is a more well-known chapter in a four-part series, also a vivid example of the ability of experimental cinema to broach a consciousness beyond popular understanding, and offers a transatlantic response to Jacques Lacan's "mirror stage" theories.
🎞 Date & Time: 9/6/2019 (Sun) 7:30pm
📽 "Dragon’s Delusion" is Hong Kong comics artist Kongkee's highly ambitious riff on Chinese history, cyborg theory and possibly quite a few things falling in between. These shorts billed as the first two episodes of the Dragon’s Delusion feature film, Kongkee and his crew produced a feverish nightmare which somehow resonates with the state we are living in.
New York-based British-Chinese Simon Liu delivers abstract yet highly dynamic pieces evoking urban landscapes which shaped and nurtured him. Liu's films are as much about experimentalism as it is about an examination of the relationship between images and identities.
🎞 Date & Time: 9/6/2019 (Sun) 4:15pm*
#人之二 #童年前的意象 #江記 #廖沛毅 #康城導演雙週及香港電影的新作風 #輕狂吶喊 #新浪潮新海岸 #康城導演雙週50遇見香港電影 #康城導演雙週 #香港藝術中心 #香港電影
#Adam2 #UnderChildhood #Kongkee #SimonLiu #PierreHenriDeleau #PrimalScreams #NewWavesNewShores #hkmovies #movie #movienight #CannesDirectorsFortnight #HongKongArtsCentre #HongKongCinema #classicmovie
New Waves, New Shores: Cannes Directors’Fortnight 50 Meets Hong Kong Cinema
Primal Screams 19/69: New Expressions in Cinema from Cannes Directors' Fortnight and Hong Kong
Pairing Discount 10% off: $135
20% off for each purchase of 4 or more standard tickets.
流動應用程式購票Mobile ticketing app booking: My URBTIX (Android & iPhone versions)
網上購票 Internet booking: www.urbtix.hk
傳媒夥伴:CUP 媒體, 電影朝聖 Film Pilgrimage, SPILL, Zolima CityMag
手機應用程式合作夥伴:Hong Kong Movie 香港電影
Presented by: Hong Kong Arts Centre
Financially Supported by: Create Hong Kong, Film Development Fund
Festival Partners: Cannes Directors’ Fortnight Quinzaine des Réalisateurs, Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao
An Associated Project of: Le French May 法國五月
Supporter: Alliance Française de Hong Kongong Kong
Travel & Hospitality Partner: Lavaux
Hotel Support: Conrad Hong Kong
Media Partners: CUP 媒體 電影朝聖 Film Pilgrimage SPILL Zolima CityMag
Mobile App Partner: Hong Kong Movie 香港電影
康城導演雙週及香港電影的新作風 在 【新浪潮.新海岸】放映:《過界》 New Waves ... - YouTube 的推薦與評價

新浪潮.新海岸:康城導演雙週50遇見香港電影】放映:輕狂吶喊19/69── 康城導演雙週及香港電影的新作風 (客席策展人:徐匡慈)6/6 - 23/6 門票現已於 ... ... <看更多>
康城導演雙週及香港電影的新作風 在 【新浪潮.新海岸】放映:《樹大招風》 New ... - YouTube 的推薦與評價

新浪潮.新海岸:康城導演雙週50遇見香港電影】放映:輕狂吶喊19/69── 康城導演雙週及香港電影的新作風 (客席策展人:徐匡慈)6/6 - 23/6 門票現已於 ... ... <看更多>
康城導演雙週及香港電影的新作風 在 #康城導演雙週及香港電影的新作風 - एक्सप्लोर करें | Facebook 的推薦與評價
小編早前遠赴法國 ,出席康城影展,更與多位嘉賓見面,聽他們的經驗之談、一起探討電影工業未來發展並從中學習,與其自己摸索,由權威人物直接講解會有更深刻體會 ... ... <看更多>