#因航 😯因航新定義
洩密之後都係時候救返少少形象啦,希望真係可以做好啲,做返香港人心目中代表到香港既airline...同埋...設備呀 食物呀 服務呀都好啲啦🙈🙈🙈唔想用廉航做比較(都輸比人呀)嘛
#CX #CathyPacific
「 #因扎根香港而深明港人喜歡旅行更屬於真正香港人的國泰航空及國泰港龍航空 」為大家帶來 2018 #fanfares final call!
12月11日起一連兩星期,每星期兩次,共四次全部 fanfares 航點由你決定!立即留言寫下你的心水目的地,今個聖誕隨時心想事成。
#度身為港人訂造 #34個字 #神翻譯
Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon, which, due to their authentic Hong Kong roots, know Hongkongers’ love for travel best, are now making their final call for fanfares 2018! Up for grabs twice a week for two weeks starting 11 December: All fanfare destinations can possibly be your choice! Tell us your dream destination in the comments below, and your wish just might come true this Christmas!