[Interviews / 人物深度專訪] 赤子之心打造完美極限 - Maxime Frederic 主廚(下篇) / What makes perfection? Interview with Maxime Frédéric (part 2) (for English, please click “see more”)
說好金句連發的下篇來了❣️如果 Maxime 要出一本《甜點師圭臬》的話,整本畫線應該都不夠,因為整本都是重點!我可能會買一百本來發送給大家 👉👉👉
「#如果打開一瓶酒時你會注意產地和生產商的資訊,#那為什麼喝牛奶時不會?」、「#這是一場公民行動」- 應該更重視小農與供應商的產業未來
「#甜點師的根本從來不是為了成就自己的Instagram 帳戶,#而是真的能讓顧客開心和感動」- 談當今「視覺至上」的社群媒體現象
「#甜點師不是明星,#顧客才是、#小農才是」- 盡力做好甜點人的本份,成就自我不該放在第一位
「#我明天絕對不會做同樣的甜點」- 抄襲的意義在哪裡?他連重複自己都不願意
「#自己一個人環遊世界太無趣了」- 樂於分享,但更希望團隊的努力都被看到
還在等什麼?趕快點開下方連結,了解更多 Maxime 關於甜點創作的哲學,看他怎麼定義身為甜點人的意義與責任、如何用腳踏實地的工作成果回應社群媒體狂潮。
Here comes the second part of the interview, in which we get to know more about Maxime’s philosophies of creation, his observations of the influence of social media, how he thinks about the profession of pastry chefs, and how he acts according to his beliefs:
“If we check the sourcing information of wines, what shouldn’t we do the same thing when we open a bottle of milk?”, “this is a civic engagement” – emphasizing the urgency of valuing the small producers in the industry.
“The fundamentals of a pastry chef are not about developing one’s social media account, but about making customers happy and conveying emotions by your work” – working only on the visual presentation of a pastry / dessert is forgetting the most important thing of this profession.
“We pastry chefs are not stars, the clients are, the producers are” – the responsibility of a pastry chef is not about self-promotion.
“I won’t make the same desserts tomorrow” – what’s the meaning of plagiarism? Even repeating oneself is not desired.
“It’s not interesting to make a world tour alone” – happy to share but the efforts of the team should be appreciated.
Follow the link below and read the full interview (in Chinese) now.
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