/ #美食書摘 /
在此章節,本書作者 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 陳穎 以檸檬塔為例,帶大家看看,各國名廚們是如何分析質地組成,將這項經典甜點變化為一個又一個美麗而令人驚喜的嶄新寶藏!
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在看似什麼題材都已經有人做過的情況下 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的精選貼文
[Keywords / #法式甜點關鍵詞] #經典重生、#歷久彌新的秘訣 - #重新詮釋 / Revisiting classics, the “fountain-of-youth” secret of French pastries (for English, please click “see more”)
🔖 了解關鍵概念、解析基礎元素:看懂、吃懂法式甜點的入門課:https://ying-c.com/articles/category/F.+Pastry+Fundamentals
🔖 法式甜點關鍵詞系列:https://ying-c.com/articles/tag/French+pastry+keywords
Have you ever been curious about why French pastries always seem to stay à la mode and why there seem to be endless creations?
📌 “While it seems that everything has been already created and every new idea is probably not new, why we could still see so many pastries / cakes / desserts emerge every single day? Revisiting classics could be one of the important techniques that actually facilitates the continuous evolution of French pastries.”
If you have ever wondered why French classics like Mont-Blanc, tarte au citron, Saint-Honoré, etc. may look different in different shops or sometimes even bear unique personalities, then you have to know about “revisiter”.
📌 “Being widely-known and largely reproduced does not mean being widely copied. Doing exactly like what others do is just too boring. The proud French pasty chefs and professionals would review the classics and re-interpret them into their own version by unique ideas and innovative techniques.”
The current post takes you to a unique tour visiting various creations of certain classics. You’d be able to get the key to understand what you’re seeing and tasting and to appreciate the creative ideas of the pâtissiers.
🔖 Getting to know more about French pastries, its key concepts and essentials: https://ying-c.com/articles/category/F.+Pastry+Fundamentals
🔖 French pastry keywords: https://ying-c.com/articles/tag/French+pastry+keywords
#yingspastryguide #frenchpastrykeywords #pâtisserie #revisiter #yingc