Guerrilla Group 最新商品上市!
Gurrilla group, With ultra-high standards for details and functions, top materials and construction methods are often used, such as the Olmetex waterproof material established in 1954, the Ecoya low-carbon dyeing process, and the vest in the picture aboveare using Dyneema-Tough polymer fiber, light enough to float in water, but its strength under equal weight is 15 times higher than steel, also it is chemically inert and has high thermal conductivity, not only skin-friendly but also beathable while wearing, it is even used in many bulletproof materials or articles.
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吉 豐 重工 設計師 在 IMMENSE Facebook 的最佳解答
Taiwanese brand Guerrilla Group barns new items including washable mask, new SIG series, trousers and gaiters and now fully available on our website!
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吉 豐 重工 設計師 在 混著 MIXFITmag. Facebook 的最佳貼文
台灣設計師品牌 Guerrilla-Group 吉豐重工 未來服飾系列不僅將會結合新媒體企劃「OSVI」,捨去季度方式並以故事劇情做發佈,不久前更是創立了全新支線 SIG(Standard Issue Guerrilla),將觸角伸至更貼近日常的生活領域。今回 MIXFIT 便邀請到吉豐重工主理人 Andrew,親自解析 SIG 的創立過程與未來計畫。
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