去年在疫情下逆勢打入各國醫療供應鏈的「添寶」(Temp Pal)智慧體溫貼片產品打入新北市消防局各區防疫小組勤務使用,由社團法人台灣醫療救護學會採購捐助,透過遠端體溫監控,可以預警並管理消防人員執勤時中暑及熱衰竭的風險。
台灣醫療救護學會 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
副處長谷立言致詞請見: https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/remarks-ait-deputy-dir-greene-at-forward-alliance-workshop-zh/
#防災救援倡議活動 #韌性
【Partners in HADR: Awareness – Resilience – Action】
Nowadays the world faces many challenges that are transnational in nature. Building upon the robust U.S.-Taiwan cooperation in the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) space, AIT’s “Partners in HADR: Awareness – Resilience – Action” campaign aims to raise public awareness and support activities that foster personal and community resilience within and beyond Taiwan.
AIT has partnered with the Forward Alliance, the Taiwan Emergency Medicine Association, the Taiwan Society of Paramedicine, and the National Association for Firefighters’ rights in hosting a one-day resilience workshop on emergency response and public safety in downtown Taipei. Speaking to a group of 120 workshop participants, AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene emphasized the importance of communities fostering a sense of resilience. He described his own personal observations of the 2011 triple disaster in Japan and how its people demonstrated resilience to overcome adversity. He also shared information about AIT and Taiwan’s partnership in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and how members of a society can build the skills and spirit to respond to both natural and man-made crises.
Read Deputy Director Greene's remarks: https://www.ait.org.tw/remarks-ait-deputy-dir-greene-at-forward-alliance-workshop/
#PartnersinHADR #Resilience副處長谷立言
台灣醫療救護學會 在 udn.com 聯合新聞網 Facebook 的最佳解答
【#LIVE】壯闊台灣聯盟將在本週六3月27日舉辦《後盾計畫》一日營,此計畫的合辦單位包括美國在台協會 (AIT)、台灣緊急應變管理協會 (TEMA)、台灣醫療救護學會、消防員工作權益促進會。這次的學員共120位,19至56歲,來自全國各地、遠至屏東。