不管你是特殊人士還是想要成為志工的,都歡迎參考以下資訊,當然也歡迎你來詢問我的經驗與感受。或者你身邊的朋友有興趣?也歡迎你極力分享這則資訊。不以善小而不為,歡迎你的加入 <3
日期 : 2015年8月20日至23日
地点 : 热浪岛渡假村
报名费 : 每位八百零吉 (包括交通, 膳宿, 船票, 浮潜用具)
註 : 交通再进一步确定是乘飞机或是巴士(但决定不会加费)
特殊人士另加一百六十零吉参与两次的海底深潜 (主办单位会报效50%的费用)
报名截止日期 : 15/7/2015
主办单位将采取先到先得方式 (以呈交全额与完善报名表格为准)
参与人数 :
特殊人是 : 三十人
志工 : 六十人
潜水教练 : 至少十五人
1) W.M. Ling (018 26666 38)
2) Danny Chan (012 393 3069)
3) Cherry Tung (012 298 2808)
4) Sharon Lim (012 272 8760)
Here are the OKU Marine Discovery Dive 4.0...
Date : 20th to 23th August 2015
Venue : Redang Beach Resort, Pulau Redang
Registration fees : RM800 per. Fees inclusive of (Transportstion, ferry, meals, snorkelling equipment)
Note: Organizer shall decide later on the transportation mode (flight or bus) but definitely NO extra charge
For OKU: compulsory 2 shore discovery dives with additional fees RM160 for diving equipment (OKU Marine 4.0 funds shall sponsor 50% on this cost)
Closing date of registration:
15/7/2015 (on first come first serve basis with full payment and submission of complete registration form)
For OKU needs released letter for diving from doctor
No. of participants :
OKU : 30 pax
Volunteers : 60 pax
Dive Instructor or Master : minimum 15 pax
Those participants no matter OKUs or Volunteers are compulsory to attend at least 3 sessions of pool swimming.(we have 14 Sunday sessions starts 10/5/2015)
For 1st timer of OKU is compulsory to attend a pool diving practice which shall be arranged.
We are looking for more volunteers, dive instructors and masters to assist the OKU..
For further information or registration you may contact the following:
1) W.M. Ling (018 26666 38)
2) Danny Chan (012 393 3069)
3) Cherry Tung (012 298 2808)
4) Sharon Lim (012 272 8760)
You may register online once we upload the official registration online in this page..
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