【IG 分享】在帕米爾公路途中發生一件很詭異的事情... 第一次與持槍警察那麼近距離接觸...🚓
那就是當我們停留在帕米爾公路上的主要小鎮 Khorog 時,司機帶我們到「全世界海拔最高的植物園」參觀🌹🌺🌻
正當我們正讚嘆植物園內有棟超大的豪宅時,突然幾位警察出現在我們面前😐 原來這棟美麗的房子是現任總統的夏屋😱
真的覺得人生中沒遇到持槍警官那麼荒謬的事。難怪我們的司機遼遠就把我們放下車...🙄 Lonely Planet 一書也什麼也沒提到關於這植物園是總統的其中住處之一...😑
以上就是我們在中亞其中一件不太尋常的事件 😅 中亞真的碰到許多鳥事,到時候再到 IG 慢慢跟大家分享吧😘
👉 記得跟蹤➡️ www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 😁
Had a super weird experience in Khorog- the major town in Tajikistan that I would like to share🏔️
Our driver took us to the highest botanic garden in the world and it turns out to be next to the summer resident of the Tajikistan president 😲
We were interrogated by the police or the army when we got close, someone with guns...😅 "Where you from? What you doing here?" Our passports got checked and we were questioned our motives.
"Just taking some photos... Our drivers took here us to say it's the botanic garden??🌹" I was seriously so confused...
"Ok, you may only taking pics in that direction." The police officer pointed. It was pretty much a view point of the town😐
Two soldiers were watching us from afar with guns pointing towards us making sure we don't turn around and take sudden snaps of the "garden" or his palace👀
I gotta say... It was a weird as experience... There's more of random stories in Central Asia for sure...😅
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