These 2 photos were taken on September 8th 2001, 3days before the World Trade Center / Twin towers collapsed,, Forget about the photo quality and how 🐷👧🏻 I look😅🙏 Just sharing only,,
I moved in NYC to focus on learning dance, from Portland Oregon on September 5th 2001. Few of my Japanese friends who studied in Portland together came to NYC with me for sightseeing and we took ferry and took these photos ⛴🗽 My friends went back to Portland on September 9th, then the day #911 happened when I was so ready for dance training life by myself in NYC.
Originally, when I was still in Portland, I picked the apartment right under the Twin towers and wanted to sign the contract, but I was “under age”, and the agent requested me to get my parent’s signature to confirm the apartment. As there were time differences between Japan and USA, I took 1,2days to get my parent’s signature,, then there was another person paid the deposit and kept that apartment, I was too late to get that apartment under the Twin towers.
19years ago, on September 11th morning, I was watching TV at home and seeing the Twin towers got attacked and collapsed, hella shocked,,
What's if I could get my parent’s signature right away and signed with the agency and moved into that apartment on September 5th? Obviously my life went totally different,, probably might not be here now,, just can’t imagine and never ever forget the days😌🙏 #ThankGodForLife
#Memorable #lifejourney #nyc
#WorldTradeCenter #TwinTowers
#19年前の今日 @ New York