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來了!!! 還記得Berklee開學沒多久 @yogalin_official 出了一首新歌「兜圈」 第一次聽就覺得超級好聽 馬上挑戰自己抓和弦 抓完超~有成就感的! 雖然那時IG只開放15秒短片 而且錄了超多次窗外都還是超吵😖 但還是很幸運被林宥嘉本尊聽到 還留言😱!!!!!  如今這首歌還是好好聽啦🥰 在限動上給你們的承諾 來了:)  So a few years ago when this song just came out, I was so excited I decided to figure out the chords of the song on the spot, practiced to it, managed to record a tiny snippet of it during a busy Boston afternoon apparently...AND THE ORIGINAL ARTIST SAW IT AND LEFT A COMMENT WHAT. This song still sounds bomb today, classic Taiwanese folky ballad style🎤   #兜圈 #林宥嘉 #dena彈唱時間   #denacovers #music #singer #singers #covers #coversong #vocal #guitar #musician #shortcover #instacover #instasinger #asian #singing #taipei #youtuber #唱歌 #創作歌手 #彈唱 #自彈自唱 #songwriter

來了!!! 還記得Berklee開學沒多久 @yogalin_official 出了一首新歌「兜...