關於type a personality的評價, Dior
Today, Dior has reinterpreted this now legendary bottle, symbolising the creative desire of Christi...
Today, Dior has reinterpreted this now legendary bottle, symbolising the creative desire of Christi...
【開學症狀多】每天賴床令人發狂 #每朝都是起床大作戰 #易怒發脾氣哭鬧樣樣齊 #星期三問題多多 賴床遲到濕熱作怪 阿豬媽:「暑假過去我就開始頭痛,因為小兒賴床問題好嚴重,返學總是遲到,...
2 million followers milestone Back then, people...
Big thank you to Influence Asia #influenceasia201...
I really think that your choice of furniture can ...
老公 @kh3n_chua 生日快樂 命中注定兜兜轉轉十年多,老婆再次与老公相遇,遇见你,爱你,是上...
Long time no mirror selfie...introducing u guys to...
思想會影響你的行為, 行為會牽引你的性格, 性格會決定你一生的命運! 命運掌握在自己手裡,現...
With its luminous, striking bottle, Dior Addict f...
He's incredibly like me | As most of you all kn...