燕麥 — 性平,能健脾益氣、止虛汗、降血糖,由於燕麥含大量纖維,有助紓緩習慣性便秘、多汗等症狀,適合產婦、嬰幼兒、老年人服用。 要注意因為燕麥含有大量纖維,過量服用或會停積成滯反而會引致便秘。
無花果 — 性平,有潤腸通便、健胃利咽、滋陰潤燥、催乳功效,對老年人、孕婦、小兒便秘有明顯療效,孕婦食用亦可預防痔瘡。惟其糖份含量較高,糖尿病患者慎吃。
蜂蜜 — 性平,有補脾潤肺、潤腸及解毒功效,可紓緩因肺燥引起的乾咳及腸燥便秘等問題;亦有除心煩、改善食慾不振、口瘡的作用,尤其適合氣虛、血虛、陰虛、陽虛及血瘀體質人士服用。
黑芝麻 — 性平,有補肝腎、潤五臟、養血烏髮、滋陰潤腸的功效,可改善早生白髮及皮燥髮枯的問題。但因為芝麻有補益效果,過量服用可引起偏熱症狀如口乾、喉嚨痛、暗瘡等。
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Ingredients to relieve constipation during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the expecting mother will usually experience various discomforts. Constipation or difficulty passing stool are two of most common symptoms. From the physiological structure, the fetal growth will press on the large intestine, which will slow down the speed of food residues passing through the intestine. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the body requires more qi and blood to nourish the fetus, and there is not enough to support the intestines appropriately which can lead to blood deficiency type constipation, and even hemorrhoids.
During pregnancy, mothers usually focus on their diet, and suffer from constipation quietly. They can actually appropriately consume ingredients with the effect of loosening the bowels to relieve constipation according to body condition, such as these following mild natured ingredients- oatmeal, figs, honey and black sesame. These are suitable for pregnant women with any body condition. Drinking oats rice water is also a good choice. Aside from strengthening spleen and stomach and stopping excessive sweating, it also can enhance digestion. Expecting mothers should develop the habit of drinking rice water every day to strengthen the spleen and nourish the baby.
Oats - mild in nature, strengthens the spleen and nourishes qi. Stops excessive sweating and can also lower blood sugar. It is high in fiber, can alleviate chronic constipation and excessive sweating. Suitable for pregnant women, young children and elderly people. But remember do not consume too much as it is high in fiber and may cause indigestion that leads back to constipation.
Figs - mild in nature, helps to moisten bowels to relieve constipation, strengthens the stomach, relieves sore throat, nourishes yin to relieve dryness and aids in lactation. It is especially effective in treating constipation in elderlies, pregnant women and young children. Pregnant women can also prevent hemorrhoids by eating figs. However, its sugar content is high, and those with diabetes should eat with caution.
Honey - mild in nature, replenishes spleen, moistens the intestines, and detoxifies. Alleviates symptoms related to dryness in the lungs such as dry cough and constipation. It can also relieve irritability, lack of appetite and canker sores. Honey is especially suitable for those with qi deficiency, blood deficiency , yin deficiency, yang deficiency and blood stasis body conditions.
Black sesame - mild in nature, can nourish the liver and kidney, moisten the organs, nourish blood and improve hair quality, nourish yin and moisten the intestine. It can also improve early appearance of grey hair and dry skin and hair issues. Since sesame has nourishing healing effects, over consumption can lead to heat-related symptoms such as dry mouth, sore throat, pimple.
✔Recommendation: Oats rice water (does not contain coix seed, suitable for pregnant women)
Effects: Improves excessive sweating, reduces water retention and relieves constipation
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#女 #我狀態OK #孕婦
屬性平和的食物適合任何體質人士食用 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
四、 動起來
5 steps to strengthen spleen and dispel dampness
Many diseases of the human body are caused by dampness. It is pointless to eat more tonic food if you have dampness inside the body. To properly dispel dampness, you should not just drink tea but you also need to pay attention to diet and living habits.
1. Eat less cold/raw food
Cold/raw, cool and cold natured, oily, salty, sweet food can increase the burden on the spleen and stomach. It will affect the fluid metabolism and dampness accumulates. You should eat a light and nutritious diet, eat more frequently and less during each meal, drink more room temperature or warm drinks.
2. Eat more ingredients that can strengthen the spleen
Appropriately consume coarse grains and ingredients that can strengthen the spleen such as rice, sweet potato, potato, hyacinth bean, coix seed, Chinese yam etc. Rice bean, soya bean, black soya bean can also strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness. You can appropriately consume according to your body condition.
3. Drink rice water daily
Rice water made from white rice, red rice and coix seed can strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness. Our rice water recipe is mild in nature and suitable for all body conditions. Drinking a cup of rice water can strengthen the spleen and stomach and dispel dampness.
Rice water
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons red rice, half tablespoon of white rice, half tablespoon of coix seeds
Preparation: rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Combine all ingredients with 800-1000ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes.
*Rice water should be made fresh daily and should not be stored overnight as it may spoil easily.
*For pregnant ladies, they can omit coix seeds.
*Those with diabetes should consult a nutritionist accordingly.
4. Move your body
Being in an air-conditioned room all the time can stagnate fluids within the body. Sitting without moving for long periods of time can slow down the body fluid flow and dampness will build out. You should get up and move every now and then. Regularly exercising and sunbathing can also promote perspiration and dispel dampness.
5. Avoid external dampness
On humid days, you can use a dehumidifier to reduce the indoor humidity. You would have more dampness inside the body aften the rain, if you do not dry your body immediately after bathing, or if you do not dry your hair well before going to sleep. Remember to stay dry.
#男 #女 #我狀態OK #我疲憊 #痰濕
屬性平和的食物適合任何體質人士食用 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
番薯 — 性平,能健脾胃、補氣血,亦有通便秘的功效,適合脾胃虛弱、營養不良、氣血兩虛、產後或習慣性便秘者食用。
薯仔 — 性平,能益氣健脾,適合脾胃虛弱、營養不良者、習慣性便秘者食用。
蓮子 — 性平,能養心安神、健脾止瀉及補腎固精,對於心氣不足,有失眠,以及脾腎虛弱,腹瀉便溏,女性帶下量多的特別有幫助。要注意有大便偏乾及氣滯的人不宜多吃。
黃豆 — 性平,具健脾利濕功效,有助紓緩脾虛水腫、無胃口等症狀,適合各種體質人士服用。惟注意過量服用容易引起胃脹,痛風患者忌食。
Yellow ingredients to strengthen spleen and stomach
“The elders tend to say shape and color and ingredients you consume and affect your own body and color. Would eating yellow ingredients lead to a more yellowish complexion?”
In addition to eating a lot of carotene, asthenic weak spleen is a common cause of yellowish complexion. There is not enough qi and blood to nourish the face. According to the ancient Chinese Medicine principles, the five elements of nature: wood, fire, earth, gold, and water can correspond to the five internal organs of the body: liver, heart, spleen, lung, kidney. Green, red, yellow, white, and black are the five corresponding colours. If you eat more ingredients of related colors, you can nourish the five internal organs to achieve health effects. Yellow corresponds to the spleen. Spleen functions to manage digestion, absorption and wastage removal. Appropriately consuming yellow ingredients such as sweet potato, potato, lotus seed, soya bean can improve complexion and strengthen the spleen and stomach, and improve yellowish complexion due to asthenic spleen and stomach.
Sweet Potato- mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and blood, and suitable for constipation relief. It is suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach, lack of nutrients, asthenic qi and blood, postpartum ladies, or those with chronic constipation.
Potato- mild in nature, can nourish qi and strengthen the spleen. Suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach, lack of nutrients, and chronic constipation.
Lotus seed- mild in nature, can calm the mind, strengthen the spleen to relieve diarrhea and replenish the kidneys. It is especially good for those with heart qi deficiency, insomnia, asthenic spleen and stomach, loose stool, and ladies with high volume of vaginal discharge. Note it is not suitable for those with dry stool and qi stagnation.
Soya bean- mild in nature, can strengthen spleen and promote diuresis. It can relieve edema from asthenic spleen and lack of appetite. Suitable for all body types. Note that eating too much may cause abdominal bloating, those with gout should avoid.
#男 #女 #我狀態OK #痰濕
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