whistle-blowing meaning 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

A whistleblower is a person, often an employee, who reveals information about activity within a private or public organization that is deemed illegal, ...
#2. Whistle-blowing definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary
Whistle-blowing is the act of telling the authorities or the public that the organization you are working for is doing something immoral or illegal.
#3. Whistleblower Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of WHISTLEBLOWER is one who reveals something covert or who informs against another; especially : an employee who brings wrongdoing by an ...
#4. WHISTLE-BLOWER | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
a person who works for a company or organization that tells an authority about something illegal happening within the company or organization :.
#5. Whistleblowing for employees - GOV.UK
You're a whistleblower if you're a worker and you report certain types of wrongdoing. This will usually be something you've seen at work - though not always ...
#6. whistleblower | Definition, Laws, Protection, & Facts | Britannica
whistleblower, an individual who, without authorization, reveals private or classified information about an organization, usually related to wrongdoing or ...
#7. What Is a Whistleblower? - Investopedia
A whistleblower is anyone who has and reports insider knowledge of illegal activities occurring in an organization. Whistleblowers are protected from ...
#8. Whistleblower Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Whistleblower definition, a person who informs on another or makes public disclosure of corruption, wrongdoing, problems, or secret information, ...
#9. What is Whistleblowing? - HRZone
Whistleblowing is the act of drawing public attention, or the attention of an authority figure, to perceived wrongdoing, misconduct, unethical activity within ...
#10. Worldwide: What Is Whistleblowing? - Mondaq
What is whistleblowing? Whistleblowing is the term used when a person passes on information concerning wrongdoing, such as corruption, ...
#11. Whistle Blowing in the Public Sector - Santa Clara University
Whistle blowing means calling attention to wrongdoing that is occurring within an organization. The Government Accountability Project lists four ways to ...
#12. whistle-blower noun - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
Definition of whistle-blower noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, ...
#13. Whistleblowing: Guidance for Employers and Code of Practice
This means in particular that personal grievances and complaints are not usually covered by whistleblowing law. The second thing that a worker must ...
#14. Blowing the whistle on workplace wrongdoing | nidirect
revealing it to the right person and in the right way making it a 'protected disclosure'. 'Worker' has a special and wide meaning for these protections. As well ...
#15. Whistleblowing | Equality and Human Rights Commission
You're a whistleblower if you're a worker and you report certain types of wrongdoing. This will usually be something you've seen at work – ...
#16. What is Whistleblowing in the Workplace? FAQs for companies
Workplace whistleblowing occurs when an individual reports wrongdoing in an organisation, such as financial misconduct or discrimination. This ...
#17. Whistle Blowing and Complaints Handling Policy
This Whistle Blowing and Complaint Handling Policy (the “Policy”) is in ... 4.1.5 Misconduct, which means failure by Bank Personnel to observe the Bank's ...
#18. What is a Whistleblower
On the simplest level, a whistleblower is someone who reports waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, or dangers to public health and safety to someone who is in the ...
#19. whistle-blowing - 揭發 - 雙語詞彙- 國家教育研究院
揭發. whistle-blowing. 類別: 人力資源與組織行為組. 以whistle-blowing 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 管理學名詞
#20. Whistleblower - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
an informant who exposes wrongdoing within an organization in the hope of stopping it.
#21. Whistle-blowing Systems and Protections - UNODC
Whistle -blower protection is crucial for the success of anti-corruption detection and enforcement and should be a key aspect of any whistle-blowing system.
#22. WHISTLE-BLOWER (noun) definition and synonyms
Definition of WHISTLE-BLOWER (noun): person reporting dishonest or illegal activities within organization.
#23. What is whistle Blowing Policy meaning in business, define ...
In an organization whistle blowing policy means that the company gives freedom and allows their employees to report or telling the management the Facts and ...
#24. whistle-blower - Longman Dictionary
whistle -blowerˈwhistle-ˌblower ; TELLsomeone who tells people in authority or the public about dishonest or illegal practices at the place where they work ...
#25. Whistleblowing | Disputes and grievances | UNISON National
Whistleblowing is the act of disclosing information about wrongdoing in the workplace. This could mean highlighting possible unlawful activities in the ...
#26. Effective Whistle-Blowing - JSTOR
The effectiveness of whistle-blowing may be defined in a variety of ways. Legal scholars tend to define the effectiveness of the outcome in. Page 3. 1995. Near.
#27. whistle-blowing - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"whistle-blowing" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#28. Whistleblowing - Rajdhani College
Definition: A whistle blower is a person, who could be an employee of a ... Similarly, Judy Nadler and MiriamSchulman12 defines, “whistle blowing means.
#29. Whistle blowing - South African Government
Whistleblowing is a term that is used by law enforcement agencies when a person passes on relevant and reliable information concerning wrongdoing, ...
#30. CHAPTER 4 WHISTLE BLOWING - American English
Dictate the definition of whistle blowing on page 1 to students. Tell students: You will hear the dictation three times. The first time, I will read the passage ...
#31. Whistle-Blowing and Competitive Advantage - SSRN Papers
Boatright, "whistle blowing can be defined as the release of information by a member or former member of an organization that is evidence of illegal and/or ...
#32. Whistleblowing Advice Line - NSPCC
We've been a prescribed whistleblowing body for child welfare and protection since 2014 (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2016). This means ...
#33. Whistleblowing policy (confidential reporting)
In this policy 'Whistleblowing' means the reporting by employees of suspected misconduct, illegal acts or failure to act within the Council.
#34. definition of whistleblower by The Free Dictionary
n. One who reveals wrongdoing within an organization to the public or to those in positions of authority: "The Pentagon's most famous whistleblower is ...
#35. whistle-blower - WordReference.com Dictionary of English
whis′tle-blow′ing, n. Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: whistle-blower n.
#36. Whistle Blower Policy - Eastern Coalfield Limited
In case of conflict of interest (CMD being the subject person), Competent Authority means Chairman-Audit Committee. 2.4 “Employee” means an employee as defined ...
#37. whistleblower | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
An employee who alleges wrongdoing by their employer of the sort that violates public law or tends to injure a considerable number of people.
#38. Whistle Blowing Policy - Commonwealth of Learning
Whistle blowing is disclosure by a witness or complainant of actual or suspected misconduct or wrongdoing in an organisation. A Whistle blower is a person who ...
#39. whistle-blowing - Translation into Chinese - examples English
Translations in context of "whistle-blowing" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: Global attention to whistle-blowing and retaliation continues.
#40. Whistleblower Protections - U.S. Department of Labor
An employer cannot retaliate against you for exercising your rights under the Department of Labor's whistleblower protection laws. Retaliation includes such ...
#41. Whistleblower Rights and Protections - DOJ OIG
Whistleblowers perform an important service for the public and the Department of ... As explained in the chart below, the definition of wrongdoing varies ...
#42. The protection of whistle-blowers in the public service sector
National legislation on whistle-blower protection . ... Discussions about the definition and nature of whistle-blowing are very diverse ...
#43. What is Whistleblowing at Work? - Health Assured
If an employee report wrongdoing that they believe is in the public interest, it is known as whistleblowing. Whistleblowing examples can include criminal ...
#44. Protected disclosures to the ICO – Whistleblowing
What complaints are not suitable for whistleblowing? Making your protected disclosure ... This means it must affect others, for example the general public.
#45. What Is a Whistleblower? | Ethics, Law & Examples of the ...
A whistleblower is someone that blows the whistle! No, not the tiny flute instrument. We're talking about someone that calls out, or reports, ...
#46. Whistle-Blowing - Management - Oxford Bibliographies
Researchers have debated the definition of whistle-blowing, but most empirical research has defined whistle-blowing as the “disclosure by organization ...
#47. The Whistleblower Protection Programs | Whistleblower ...
The whistleblower laws that OSHA enforces prohibit employers from retaliating against employees for engaging in activities protected under those laws. What is ...
#48. A Review of Research on Whistle-Blowing
Whistle -blowing refers to the act of an existing or former member of an organization discovering an illegal, unethical, or irregular behavior in an organization ...
#49. The conceptual underpinnings of whistleblowing - NCBI
Over 30 years ago, Near and Miceli defined whistleblowing as 'the disclosure by organization members (former or current) of illegal, immoral, ...
#50. 2.6.2 Whistleblowing or Raising Concerns at Work
Whistle blowing is when someone who works in or for an organisation passes on information, which they reasonably believe shows wrongdoing or a cover-up by that ...
#51. Whistleblower - Urban Dictionary
The heroes that expose crimes and corrupt activities even though they will be punished harshly by the government for daring expose their dirty secrets. Bradley ...
#52. The saying 'Whistle-blower' - meaning and origin.
The first profession to be labelled as 'whistle blowers' were the US police, who blew whistles to attract attention to wrongdoing. An early example comes from ...
#53. What is Whistleblower Protection Act ? - Definition from WhatIs ...
The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 is a law that protects federal government employees in the United States from retaliatory action for voluntarily ...
#54. Whistle-blowing - Public Service Commission
“Occupational detriment” is very widely defined by the Protected. Disclosures Act and includes harassment, dismissal, transfer against the will of the employee, ...
#55. What is Whistleblowing? Guide To Whistleblowing in Canada
Whistleblowing was defined in 1972 by Ralph Nader as “an act of a man or a woman who, believing in the public interest overrides the interest of ...
#56. Things to Know About Whistle Blowing | ANA Enterprise
Blowing the whistle means that you report your concern to the national and/or state agency -responsible for regulation of the organization for which you work or ...
#57. Protection for whistleblowers - Citizens Information
This means the employer will need to prove that any alleged penalisation was not a direct result of the employee making a protected disclosure. The new Office ...
#58. Whistleblowing: what does it mean in China?
In contrast to the rich attempt on theory building about whistle blowers and their protection in the West,") China's whistleblowing practice has received little ...
A Whistleblower is any individual who provides the right information to the right people. Stated differently, lawful whistleblowing occurs when an ...
#60. Whistleblowing - European Data Protection Supervisor
What you should know about whistleblowing procedures Whistleblowing procedures ... In practice this means, an initial check of the information reported and ...
#61. Corporate Whistle Blowing Policy - Allied Bank Limited
Corporate Whistle Blowing Policy of the Bank provides assurance to the Whistle Blowers about secrecy and protection of their legitimate personal interests. It ...
#62. (PDF) Whistle-blowing - ResearchGate
Whistle -blowing occurs when an organizational member reports wrongdoing to someone for the purpose of stopping the unethical behavior. This ...
#63. Lecture notes - Whistleblowing Meaning of Whistle Blowing
Whistle blowing is the act of drawing public attention, or the attention of an authority figure, to perceived wrongdoing, misconduct, unethical activity within ...
#64. Whistleblower Protection - Office of Inspector General
DHS employees, contractors, subcontractors, grantees, and personal services contractors are protected by law from retaliation for making a protected disclosure.
#65. The Fraud and Abuse Whistle Blower Protection Act
"Appropriate authority" means a federal, state, or local agency or organization having jurisdiction over criminal law enforcement, regulatory violations, ...
#66. Whistleblowing to the NMC - The Nursing and Midwifery Council
Whistleblowing is when a worker, including a student nurse or student midwife, raises a concern about wrongdoing in the public interest.
#67. Global Whistle-Blowing Policy
Whistle -blowing Definition. Whistle‐blowing can be defined as the disclosure of information, a perceived wrongdoing in an organisation, or the risk thereof, ...
#68. Information on Whistleblowing - CIPD
'Whistleblowing' is when a worker provides certain types of information which has come to their attention, usually to the employer or a regulator, to raise ...
#69. An employment law guide to Whistle Blowing
It means that if you believe there is wrongdoing in your workplace (e.g. your employer is committing a criminal offence) you can report this by following the ...
#70. Whistle-blowing Policy and Procedures for the Global Fund to ...
So, literally, “whistle-blowing” means that a party, in good faith, conveys or transmits a concern, allegation or information indicating ...
#71. Whistle-blowing - Human Resources | - University of Cambridge
Confidentiality and “whistle-blowing” (public interest disclosure) Subject to your rights of freedom of speech under the Education (No.
#72. Blow the whistle and whistle-blower Idiom Definition
Blow the whistle means to call attention to wrongdoing, to report something illegal, or to make public something that is underhanded. The idiom blow the whistle ...
#73. Whistleblowing and protection against retaliation
The WHO policy on Whistleblowing and protection against retaliation applies ... the Organization has a duty to protect whistleblowers against retaliation;.
#74. Whistle-blower's Hotline
Whistle -blower's Act and that disclosure ... "State agency" or "agency" means any ... the action prohibited by the Whistle-blower's.
#75. Whistleblower Policy - SHRM
A whistleblower as defined by this policy is an employee of (Name of Company/Organization) who reports an activity that he/she considers to be illegal or ...
#76. Whistleblower protection - OECD
The role of whistleblowers and whistleblower protection in the detection of foreign bribery. This report, originally published in the OECD study on The ...
#77. Whistleblowing | FCA
If you think a firm or individual is involved in wrongdoing in an area we regulate, you can make a report to us in confidence.
#78. Disobedience and Whistle-Blowing: Definition, Types
Whistle -blowing refers to an act of informing someone else about unethical or illegal practices of an individual, group, or organisation. Whistle-blowing can be ...
#79. Vigil Mechanism and Whistle-Blower Policy
3.4 “Ethics & Compliance Task Force” means the committee designated by the Audit Committee to process and investigate Protected. Disclosures, comprising the ...
#80. Best 4 Definitions of Whistle-blower - YourDictionary
Whistle -blower definition · A person who reports or informs on a wrongdoer within a corporation, government agency, etc. · An employee who publicly alleges ...
#81. Whistleblower Retaliation - OSC.gov
Protected whistleblowing is defined as disclosing information that the discloser reasonably believes evidences: 1. a violation of law, rule, or regulation;.
#82. Whistle Blowing Blancing on a Tight Rope Inner pages.cdr - ICSI
Comprehending the significance, the Government of India mandates the ... US Academics Marcia P. Miceli and Janet P. Near defined 'Whistle Blowing' as, "the.
#83. Whistle-blowing - East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Explains how irregularity is defined, how to report an irregularity affecting the council and how the council detects fraud.
#84. Whistle-Blowing Policy RSA | Momentum Metropolitan
DEFINITION. The term “whistle blowing” in this policy refers to the disclosure by employees or contract workers, both former and current of suspected or ...
#85. Whistle-blowing - Newcastle Municipality
“Occupational detriment” is very widely defined by the Protected. Disclosures Act and includes harassment, dismissal, transfer against the will of the employee, ...
#86. Difference Between Internal and External Whistleblowing
So what is an “internal” whistleblower? That is not really a defined term, but it generally means an individual who reports suspected misconduct ...
#87. Why Is Whistleblowing So Important? - Blog - Falcony
Yet, as Reuters showed that hostile treatment of whistleblowers has been rife in the UK. Unfortunately, this means that many people remain ...
#88. What is Whistle-blowing? Ask the Expert. - YouTube
What is whistle - blowing ?The term whistleblowing can be defined as someone raising a concern about a wrong doing within their organisation.
#89. synonyms for whistleblower - Thesaurus.com
Find 55 ways to say WHISTLEBLOWER, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at ... See definition of whistleblower on Dictionary.com.
#90. Whistleblower protections - Employer.gov
A whistleblower is someone who reports workplace conditions that he or she believes to be unsafe or illegal. You can't retaliate against a whistleblower for ...
#91. Whistleblowing in the light of loyalty and transparency - DiVA
Implicit in this definition is that an employee cannot be loyal to the organisation and blow the whistle at the same time. Whistleblowing and loyalty is, ...
#92. WHISTLE BLOWER POLICY - Union Bank of India
4.2. Director: Director means an appointed or elected member of the Board of. Directors of Union Bank of India. 4.3. Audit Committee: The Audit Committee of the ...
#93. Whistle-blowing and speaking up - ACCA Global
A whistle-blower is someone who exposes alleged dishonest or illegal activity within an organisation. The alleged misconduct can be: a violation of a law, ...
#94. Whistleblowing Policy - Bank Negara Malaysia
One way for the Bank to detect and deal with improper conduct is through information provided by whistleblowers. Generally, a whistleblower is an insider of ...
#95. Whistleblowing - Our priorities - Transparency.org
A whistleblower discloses information about corruption or other wrongdoing being committed in or by an organisation to individuals or entities believed to ...
“Whistle Blower” means an Employee making a Protected Disclosure under this policy. III. Eligibility. All employees of the Company are eligible to make “ ...
legislation on the protection of whistleblowers prepared by the OECD at the ... “whistleblower” means any person who reports or discloses information.
#98. Whistleblowing or grievance? | Protect - Speak up stop harm
A worker raising a concern with someone in authority — internally and/or externally (e.g. to regulators, MPs, the media) — about wrongdoing, risk or malpractice ...
whistle-blowing meaning 在 What is Whistle-blowing? Ask the Expert. - YouTube 的推薦與評價
What is whistle - blowing ?The term whistleblowing can be defined as someone raising a concern about a wrong doing within their organisation. ... <看更多>