third molar中文 意思::第三臼齒…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋third molar的中文翻譯,third molar的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
繁體中文. 第三大臼齒 ; 牙冠周圍炎 ; 阻生齒牙齒切除術 ; 牙周囊袋 ; 骨內缺損 ; 牙根整平術 ; 引導組織再生 ; the third molar ; pericoronitis ...
#3. third molar翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
third molar中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:[解剖] 遲牙[解剖] 第三磨牙。英漢詞典提供【third molar】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#4. 智齿- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
智齿(wisdom tooth)又稱智慧齒、行根牙,是第三大臼齒(third molar)的通称,指人类口腔内牙槽骨上最里面的第三颗臼齒,从正中的门牙往里数刚好是第八颗牙齿。
Other reasons to justify prophylactic removal of asymptomatic disease‐free impacted third molars have included preventing late lower incisor ...
#6. third molar的中文解释_用法 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选third molar是什么意思、英语单词推荐、third molar的用法、third molar的中文解释、翻译third molar是什么意思.
third molar 中文 意思是什麼 · third: n 1 〈the third〉第三。2 第三者〈指人〉。3 (時間或角度的)一秒的六十分之一。 · molar: adj 磨的適宜於[用來]磨的;臼齒的臼齒 ...
#8. 以實證醫學臨床決策探討第三大臼齒拔牙後牙周骨缺損之處置
Background:Managing impacted mandibular third molar (MTM), whether it's asymptomatic or with periodontal defect, may be quite vexing for periodontists.
The most common teeth affected are mandibular (lower) canines, premolars, and molars, especially third molars. 來自. Wikipedia.
#10. impacted mandibular third molars - 学术词典
【impacted mandibular third molars】的中文译词:下颌阻生智齿; 下颌阻生第三磨牙; 下颌阻生牙; 下颌阻生智齿; 【impacted mandibular third molars】的相关专业术语 ...
#11. Third molar 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Third molar 释义: any of the four molar teeth , one at the back of each side of the jaw , that are the last... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#12. Third molar impactions - 博客來
書名:Third molar impactions,語言:英文,ISBN:9783659156427,頁數:124,作者:Reddy, Venu,出版日期:2012/06/14,類別:自然科普.
#13. Introduction to Molar Eruption (臼齿喷发) | 学术写作例句词典
The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the impact of genetic and environmental factors on the impaction of lower third molars using a classical ...
#14. 阻生-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
Correlation study on acute pericoronitis and the position of the mandibular impacted third molar. 对阻生智齿的牙科治疗费用。
#15. molar tooth - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"molar tooth" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... causes for both the missing molar and the 3-mm scar on the author's shinbone.
#16. Lower third molar extraction on periodontal tissue | TCRM
Abstract: The extraction of impacted lower third molars (ILTM) is one of the most common procedures in oral-maxillofacial surgery.
#17. Outcome Analysis and Unexpected-Scenario Prediction in 2 ...
Purpose: We propose a 2-stage orthodontic lower third molar extraction procedure to reduce iatrogenic inferior alveolar nerve injury.
#18. third molar 是什么意思,中文意思| 第三磨牙英文怎么说| 医学
LetPub推出的科学术语在线词典汇集了最全面的专业术语词汇翻译,SCI论文对照, 包括多种学科领域。如中医常用医学名词,传染病学名词,儿科医学名词,内科学专业名词, ...
#19. MOLARS 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are generally extracted either before or after they come in. · 智慧牙,又称为第三臼齿,通常会在它们长出之前或之后被拔掉。
#20. Associations between aging and second molar diseases in ...
Purpose: There is limited evidence available regarding when the best time to extract impacted lower third molars (iLM3). Thus, the current study is aimed to ...
#21. molar的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
3. containing one mole of a substance;. molar weight. 4. pertaining to large units of behavior;. such molar problems of personality as the ego functions"--R.R. ...
#22. 在"英语"词典里third molar}的意思 - Educalingo
在英语词典里带使用范例的third molar含义third molar的近义词以及third molar的25种语言 ... 点击查看«third molar»在英语词典里的原始定义。 ... 翻译者英语- 中文.
#23. 臼齿_百度百科
中文 名: 臼齿、大臼齿; 外文名: Molar teeth ... 1 简介; 2 结构; 3 人类臼齿; 4 哺乳动物的臼齿; 5 三尖理论 ... 臼齿英文(Molar teeth)[拼音]:jiùchǐ.
#24. molar - 英汉词典
maxillary third molar forceps ; 主要翻译 ; 英语, 中文 ; molar, molar tooth n, (grinding tooth), SCSimplified Chinese 磨牙mó yá ; SCSimplified Chinese 臼齿mó yá,jiù ...
#25. 多重解析地址选择页面 - 中文DOI
Title:, A Comparison between Different Coronetomy Techniques in Impacted Third Molar Extraction. First author::. Journal:, Journal of Oral and ...
#26. Our Third Molar Teeth, Their Eruption, Presence and Absence
#27. The research progress of maxillary third molar anatomical ...
Third molars, late-eruption permanent teeth in humans, have commonly been extracted in clinical treatments. However, with the development of oral medicine, ...
#28. The displaced lower third molar: a literature review ... - PubMed
The accidental displacement of a lower third molar during attempted extraction is a rare but potentially serious complication. Retrieval should be effected ...
#29. Differences in third molar development and angulation in ...
Orthodontic treatment should be planned considering the third molars in this malocclusion. 查看原文. 中文翻译. II类细分错牙合中第三磨牙发育 ...
#30. Lower third molar eruption following orthodontic treatment
提要. This study assessed the effect of extraction and preservation of the 1st premolar on lower 3rd molar eruption. Orthodontic clinic records from 1993 to ...
#31. 智齿拔除:何时有必要拔除? - 妙佑医疗国际 - Mayo Clinic
如果智齿(口腔后部的第三颗臼齿)存在以下情况,则可能不需要拔除:. 健康; 完全长出(完全萌出); 位置正确,并与对侧牙齿正确咬合; 能够在日常卫生清洁过程中进行 ...
#32. Surgical removal versus retention for the management of ...
In most cases, this occurs when second molars are blocking the path of eruption of third molar teeth and act as a physical barrier, preventing ...
#33. The efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis for impacted and semi ...
Impacted and semi-impacted third molar surgery is a frequent dental procedure. Due to potentially major tissue manipulation during surgery, ...
#34. Hung-Heuy Tsai, DDS PhD - Taipei Medical University Hospital
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 24(3): 181-186. ... Factors associated with mandibular third molar eruption and impaction.
#35. The role of third molar in oral treatment. - 中国实用医学杂志社
作者简介: 柯杰,教授、主任医师,博士研究生导师。现任中国人民解放军空军总医院口腔科主任。兼任全军口腔医学专业委员会副主任委员,北京市口腔医学会 ...
#36. Wisdom Tooth Removal | Burwood Family Dentist
removal of wisdom teeth. also called Third Molars. They are the last series of teeth to erupt. When is the best time to remove your wisdom tooth?
#37. Molar tooth - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The roots of the third molar (dens serotinus or wisdom-tooth) are more or less fused together.Lower Molars.—The lower molars are larger than the upper.
#38. 260 Third Molar Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find Third Molar stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#39. 拔除智齒引起皮下氣腫及縱膈腔氣腫:病例報告 - 台灣內科醫學會
16. Sekine J, Irie A, Dotsu H, Inokuchi T. Bilateral pneumothorax with extensive subcutaneous emphysema manifested during third molar surgery. Int J Oral ...
#40. definition of third molar by The Free Dictionary
the third molar on each side of the upper and lower jaws: the last tooth to erupt. Idioms: cut one's wisdom teeth, to attain maturity or discretion. [1660–70].
#41. 拔牙後齒槽保存術之生物基礎及其治療方式
alveolar process—伴隨牙齒發育成長,並包含齒槽窩(iii)bundle bone—此為組織學上名詞,沿著齒槽窩. 並往牙冠方向形成頰側骨脊,有 ... molar 吸收較premolar 多5。
#42. Primary Dentition - 臺北醫學大學
Primary maxillary molars have three roots (mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and palatal), while primary mandibular molars have two roots (mesial and distal). Section ...
#43. Impacted Third Molar | Virginia Dental Center
Impacted third molars can potentially lead to significant pain, infections, bite misalignment, and damage to the surrounding teeth. To prevent these conditions ...
#44. Wisdom Tooth Extraction & Third Molars Extraction | Sydney
Wisdom teeth are the third molar teeth. These teeth are usually the last teeth to develop in your mouth, and usually come through in the late teens or early ...
#45. 國際頭痛疾病分類第三版中文版 - ICHD-3
國際頭痛疾病分類第三版中文版. 10. ICHD-3. 頭痛分類編碼. 1. 偏頭痛Migraine. 1.1 無預兆偏頭痛Migraine without aura. 1.2 預兆偏頭痛Migraine with aura.
#46. ICD 10 總表 - Dr.Tseng曾志仁醫師
代碼, 英/中文名稱. O00, Ectopic pregnancy. 子宮外孕 ... O0913, Supervision of pregnancy with history of ectopic or molar pregnancy, third trimester.
#47. -咬合位置的科學基礎
OC dimension. 2. ⽽而molar intrusion的量在研究中平均可達2mm左右,但並不會增加 attachment level的量. ⽛牙⿒齒嚴重磨耗的病⼈人,重建的three-step technique.
#48. 检索结果-【维普期刊官网】- 中文期刊服务平台
作者 Konstantinia Almpani Olga-Elpis Kolokitha 《世界临床病例杂志》 SCIE 2015年第2期132-140,共9页: The role of third molars in the oral cavity has ...
#49. The predictivity of mandibular third molar position as a risk ...
Distoangular partially impacted mandibular third molars impacted at Class II and position B seem to be at the highest risk of developing pericoronitis.
#50. 電子貼示報告| 中華民國齒顎矯正學會會員大會暨學術演講
In this situation, it may be a good option to have a third molar to substitute. The objective of this case is to show how a patient was treated by the third ...
#51. Flap design associated pain after the extraction of mandibular ...
... reducing the postoperative pain of patients than standard triangular flap. Key words: third molar, tooth extraction, Meta-analysis, pain, surgical flaps.
#52. D101 牙放共筆w4 - SlideShare
如果third molar 是impact tooth,並且位置不是在tuberosity 的話,就會需要用到Distal Oblique 或Extraoral Projection 方法(e.g., Oblique Lateral Jaw ...
#53. Correlation Analysis of Maxillary Molars Inclination with ...
According to the impacted depth of the third molar, they were divided into three groups: normal eruption type, medium position type, and low position type.
#54. molar 的情境影片範例|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
I thought "molecular weight" sounded much less nerdy than "molar mass. ... the third molar is typically the smallest, while the first molar is the biggest,.
#55. What is a soft tissue impacted wisdom tooth?
Wisdom teeth removal helps prevent and mitigate issues associated with third molar retention. Why Is Soft Tissue Impaction a Problem for Oral ...
#56. Prevalencia y análisis descriptivo de los terceros molares en ...
العربية; 中文(中国); english; français; Русский; español; português ... 全文: 可用 索引: LILACS 美洲 主要主题: Tooth, Impacted / Molar, Third 研究类型: 观察 ...
#57. Wisdom Teeth - ClearCorrect Support
For information regarding wisdom teeth, refer to the following: Overview Third molar extraction Overview Orthodontic treatment often...
#58. 高雄醫學大學口腔醫學院口腔病理影像科
(1) Odontogenic keratocyst, left mandibular body, OR. (2) Dentigerous cyst, left lower third molar, OR. (3) Unicystic amelblastoma, left mandibular body.
#59. Teeth Abnormalities 牙齒異常總論Cause - Coggle
C. 發生頻率最高的是maxillary & mandibular third molar(智齒問題很多,包含missing等等)、mandibular cuspids (canines)、mandibular premolars
#60. Case Number: 201912-124217
The American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) Parameters of Care states that an impacted third molar that is so positioned that it will ...
#61. Removing wisdom teeth | healthdirect
Wisdom teeth are the teeth at the back of your mouth (the third molar teeth). They tend to come through (erupt) in the late teens or twenties.
#62. A surgeon's dilemma: Evidence based selection of suturing ...
Background Lower third molar extraction is usually associated with multiple ... Swelling, Trismus, Periodontal health of second molar and Wound infection.
#63. Expression of pluripotency transcription factors in human third ...
Expression of pluripotency transcription factors in human third molar tooth germ derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells transfected by plasmid ...
#64. Dr. Tony Wong: Wisdom Teeth Removal - An Dental Clinic
Decay in lower second molars related to an impacted wisdom tooth is common especially if the third molar is partially erupted.
#65. 上颌第三磨牙 - 快懂百科
上颌第三磨牙(maxillary third molar)形态、大小、位置变异最多,具有如下特点:. 1、该牙标准形态与上颌第二磨牙相似,但牙冠较小,根较短,各轴面中1/3较圆突,颊 ...
#66. Concrescence of maxillary second molar and impacted third ...
Figure 3 Image of extracted concrescent left maxillary second and third molars. A-C: General views of isolated teeth (arrows in B and C indicate ...
#67. 國際頭痛疾病分類第三版中文版
國際頭痛疾病分類第三版中文版. 4. ICHD-3. 中文版序. 千呼萬喚下,國際頭痛疾病分類(International ... lesions following lower third molar extraction. J Oral.
#68. Principles of exodontia as applied to the impacted mandibular ...
Principles of exodontia as applied to the impacted mandibular third molar by George B. Winter, 1926, American medical book company edition, in English.
#69. Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Children
Also called third molars, wisdom teeth usually make their first appearance in young adults between the ages of 17 and 21. Usually, an initial evaluation of ...
#70. 阻生智齒
Impacted wisdom teeth can be a very painful experience. Impacted wisdom teeth occur as when there is a lack of space in the jaw for the wisdom teeth to ...
#71. Troy Sullivan - Wise Guy - Third Molar | LinkedIn - 领英(中国)
Freelance creative consulting, product development, brand strategy, English copywriting, pitch support, TV and print production supervision, ...
#72. third molar是什么意思 - 海词词典
third molar 的用法和样例:. 例句. The 28-year-old male got his amputated molar tooth lost in the submandibular space when receiving tooth extraction.
#73. Dentigerous cyst 中文 - Didziojikinija
Small dentigerous cysts are asymptomatic and 中文(繁體) Download PDFBilateral Dentigerous Cyst in Impacted Mandibular Third Molars: A Case ...
#74. Atomic structure and properties | AP®︎/College Chemistry
Up next for you:Moles and molar massGet 3 of 4 questions to level up! Practice · Mass spectrometry of elements. AP Chem: SPQ (BI). ,. SPQ‑1 (EU). ,. SPQ‑1.
#75. Staphylococcus Aureus: nasal microbiota transplant (NMT ...
... NMT and placebo group, 3) direct NMT and indirect NMT groups. ... With Platelet Rich Fibrin on Third Molar Surgery Outcomes In Vivo.
#76. Custom DNA Oligos | IDT - Integrated DNA Technologies
... n = 134 from three different suppliers) using the formula: percent full length ... or if you are interested in our third-party manufacturing services, ...
#77. Grounded on Steam
View Points Shop Items (3) ... location to ensure there aren't any issues and all Milk Molar points will be refunded (more on that later!)
#78. 6 Tips to Help You Save for Emergencies - MSN
You bite down on a popcorn kernel and break a molar in half. Ouch. Next stop: the dentist to have the tooth pulled, root canal performed, ...
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Bretylium tosylate, the only approved class III antiarrhythmic agent, ... Refined 中文名:Tianeptine tosylate,英文名:Tianeptine tosylate,CAS:1224690-86-1, ...
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3. Vaping DMT using this vape pen makes it significantly increasingly profitable ... Español (México) · العربية · Русский · 简体中文 · Français (France) ...
#81. Definition of third molar - NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms
The last tooth to come in at the back of each side of the upper and lower jaws. Third molars usually come in between 17 and 23 years of age, ...
#82. The first moment of life, punctually preserved in my memory
... one of which fell apart a year later and opened a molar that was not ... I only remember that I was three years old and it was in the ...
#83. Enthalpy virtual lab
3. 184 J/g°C) to compute the specific heat values of each type of metal sample. ... Perform the Heat of Neutralization experiment to determine the molar ...
#84. dmt pen - Pietro Bulloni home page
2 Metrix Vape Pen 3. , which have been used in religious practices and ... as an entheogen Formula: C12H16N2 (Base) Boiling point: 160 °C Molar mass: 188.
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Español (México) · العربية · Русский · 简体中文 · Français (France) ... 3. DMT vape pen: review & instructions 1. Скачивая программу Teenagers may not admit ...
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Español (México) · العربية · Русский · 简体中文 · Français (France) Department ... Here at Third Wave, we provide well-researched, high-quality information ...
#87. Lower Third Molar Region - SciELO Chile
KEY WORDS: Third molar; Lingual nerve; Inferior alveolar nerve; Retromolar triangle; Retromolar pad; Mandibular canal; Oral surgery. INTRODUCTION. The lower ...
#88. Mandibular Third Molar | Tooth Morphology Made Easy!
The mandibular third molar is also referred as the wisdom tooth. It is the most variable and often missing tooth in the dental arch.
third molar中文 在 Mandibular Third Molar | Tooth Morphology Made Easy! 的推薦與評價
The mandibular third molar is also referred as the wisdom tooth. It is the most variable and often missing tooth in the dental arch. ... <看更多>