(1)駿足的河馬 馬力巨犀URx2(Dynatherium):階級決鬥UR票。
(3)殭屍帶菌者URx1(Plaguespreader Zombie):復仇死者卡盒。
(4)闇龍的黑騎士SRx2(Paladin of the Cursed Dragon):眞紅眼黑刃龍卡盒。
(5)墮落武者Rx2(Samurai Skull):天位騎士卡盒。
(6)痛苦畫家Rx3(Pain Painter):復仇死者卡盒。
(7)宇宙旋風URx2(Cosmic Cyclone):地球俠卡盒。
(8)星遺物的包圍戰Rx3 (Battle Over the World Legacy):黑薔薇龍卡盒。
(9)銀幕的鏡壁URx1(Mirro Wall):流星黑龍卡盒。
(10)誤傷隊友SRx2(Friendly Fire):闇紅惡魔龍卡盒。
(11)分斷之壁SRx3(Wall of Disruption):混沌黑魔導卡盒。
(12)黑薔薇龍URx1(Black Rose Dragon):十六夜技能。
(13)幻層的守護者阿爾瑪迪斯URx2(Armades, Keeper of Boundaries):古代精靈龍卡盒。
(14)死亡帝王龍Rx2(Doomkaiser Dragon):復仇死者卡盒。
2.技能Skill:墓場軍團Posthumous Army

the army painter 在 The Army Painter - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Playing games with painted miniatures is more fun and immersive as it brings the battles fought and narratives forged to life right in front of you on the ... ... <看更多>