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#1. take with a grain of salt「拿起一把鹽」? - 常春藤
這個片語的起源,有一說是來自古羅馬的作家老普林尼,他在翻譯某毒藥的解藥時,提及了使用些許的鹽(grain of salt),而後引申為不要完全相信/接受,對某 ...
#2. 「不可盡信」和「鹽」有什麼關係? - 紐約時報中文網
Take something with a grain of salt指的是對某事半信半疑,持保留態度。這個短語源於拉丁語,與一個著名的古羅馬傳說和一個神秘的解毒劑配方有關。
#3. "Take with a grain of salt" 是甚麼意思? - Learn With Kak
“Take [something] with a grain of salt” 這句英文成語其實跟美食沒有甚麼關係,它的意思是不要完全相信/接受[某件事/說法],也就是說對[某件事]要抱懷疑 ...
#4. 「take … with a grain of salt」是什麼意思?
a grain of salt字面上的意思是「一粒鹽」 這個片語在英式英文裡是a pinch of salt「一撮鹽」 當你說某件事要take it with a grain of salt時就是指 ...
#5. take sth with a pinch of salt中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, because she tends to exaggerate. 你不能完全相信她的話,她總是喜歡誇大其詞。 想要學更多嗎?
#6. Take something with a grain of salt... - 東吳大學‧語言中心‧外語 ...
相傳在西元前一世紀,有個君王(the King of Pontus, Mithridates VI)總是懷疑他的臣子心懷不軌,會在他的膳食中下毒,所以他常把一撮鹽(a grain of salt)和入毒藥吞入腹, ...
#7. 1分鐘英語挑戰:「with a grain of salt」 是什麼意思? - 每日頭條
這裡有一個很實用的短語,take something with a grain of salt 表示將信將疑,持保留態度。 我們先來看一下這個短語的起源:.
#8. with a grain of salt-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Their true motivation is a question best left to future historians - who, I have no doubt, will take much of the contemporary media ...
這是一個常用來表示「質疑他人說法」的俚語。會用到a grain of salt(少許鹽)是因為古時候人們相信鹽可以用來解毒。 例:I hear what he ...
#10. 英文面試王- Take with a grain/a pinch of salt 「和一粒/一小 ...
Take with a grain/a pinch of salt中文直譯是「和一粒/一小撮鹽一起吃」。有些人說話,實在難以置信,即使你能吃(相信或接受),卻也得用鹽調味才能下咽。所以中文可翻 ...
#11. take with a grain of salt 中文 - 查查在線詞典
take with a grain of salt中文 :不全信…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋take with a grain of salt的中文翻譯,take with a grain of salt的發音,音標, ...
#12. 英文諺語:Take that with a grain of salt - IT閱讀
take sth. with a grain of salt 這個習語的字面意思是“和一撮鹽一起吃下去”,為什麼要與鹽一起吃呢? 據說這個習語要追溯到羅馬時代,羅馬將軍龐培曾 ...
#13. take with a grain of salt什麼意思? - 壹讀
take sth. with a grain of salt的意思是「to not completely believe something that you are told, because you think it is unlikely to be t.
#14. take with a grain of salt是加點鹽嗎?這個習語和鹽可沒啥關係
Take with a grain of salt 的中文含義是持保留態度,不全信。例如:I would take what he says with a grain of salt;he tends to exaggerate.我對他的話持保留態度, ...
#15. "Take with a grain of salt "是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題
To not believe something at face value, to critically analyse the new information. "Jim says that plastic conducts electricity, ...
#16. Take it With a Grain of Salt - 博客來
書名:Take it With a Grain of Salt,語言:英文,ISBN:9781087952772,頁數:80,作者:Damani, Zohra,出版日期:2021/05/15,類別:人文社科.
#17. with a grain of salt中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
英語釋義. 1. a skeptical attitude —used in the phrase take (something) with a grain/pinch of salt. I take the guidebooks with a grain of salt, preferring to ...
#18. takes with a grain of salt - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"takes with a grain of salt" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句 ... become ineligible for PRH, however, should be taken with a grain of salt.
#19. 英文谚语:Take that with a grain of salt - jiahuafu - 博客园
take sth. with a grain of salt 这个习语的字面意思是“和一撮盐一起吃下去”,为什么要与盐一起吃呢? 据说这个习语要追溯到罗马时代,罗马将军庞培曾 ...
#20. Take something with a grain of salt (Idiom) - Studio Classroom
Take something with a grain of salt (Idiom) Take something with a grain of salt (Idiom) 是甚麼意思呢? | 職場英語商用片語.
#21. with a grain of salt 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
Look at other applications with a grain of salt. 用鹽的穀粒看著其他的申請。 The maps published here are not final work and should be taken with a " grain of ...
#22. 又中又英——take with a grain of salt | 頭條日報
一名喬裝警片段放上社交媒體之後,警方不得不承認有便裝(plain-clothes)警員在上水港鐵站內。然而,便裝(plain clothes)的意思是平常的衣服。當警員要 ...
#23. with a grain of salt是什么意思 - 英语翻译在线翻译
with a grain of salt 的中文意思:半信半疑地,对某事打,点击查看详细解释:with a grain of salt的中文翻译、with a grain of salt的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等, ...
#24. To take something with a grain of salt 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
To take something with a grain of salt 释义: If you take something with a grain of salt , you do not believe that it is completely... | 意思、发音、翻译及 ...
#25. grain of salt 中文with - Boul
—— 英文翻譯成中文. 你最好採取一切,英式講法= Take something with a pinch of salt 當某人告訴我們一件事情時, and a shot of tequila. 541 likes. I always take life ...
#26. 某個東西不要盡信... 就可以說take it with a grain of…
14.9k Likes, 26 Comments - 阿滴英文(@rayduenglish) on Instagram: “Take it with a grain of salt「抱持懷疑態度」 如果說你要告誡某人說, ...
#27. a grain of salt是什麼意思? - 劇多
1. You must take her tales of the past with a grain of salt. 她所講的自己的過去你絕不可全信。 2. Such stories should be taken with a grain ...
#28. a grain of salt的中文翻译及音标 - 沪江网校
take sth. with a grain of salt 原来表示一些食物不加盐就不能吃,它的转义即是:有些话,不加分析就不能轻易相信。所以它的意思是“半信半疑地,有保留地”。
#29. take sth. with a grain of salt - CSDN博客
take sth. with a grain of salt 这个习语的字面意思是“和一撮盐一起吃下去”,为什么要与盐一起吃呢?据说这个习语要追溯到罗马时代,罗马将军庞培曾发现 ...
#30. take something with a grain of salt - 读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供take something with a grain of salt的在线翻译,take something with a grain of salt是什么意思,take something with a grain of ...
#31. 在"英语"词典里with a grain of salt}的意思 - Educalingo
I take all the news with a grain of salt. I'm also a person who likes to look everything up, so if you were wondering where the expression “a grain of salt” ...
#32. a grain of salt是什么意思 - 百度知道
翻译:持保留态度 双语例句 1. You must take her tales of the past with a grain of salt. 她所讲的自己的过去你绝不可全信。
#33. 半信半疑Take (something) with a grain of salt_英语视频听力
你还记得她说过自己上过Apartment of Cards这个电视节目吗? You mean that never really happened? 你的意思是她永远中不了彩票? I'd take anything ...
#34. take with a grain of salt中文 - 零售貼文懶人包
提供take with a grain of salt中文相關文章,想要了解更多in a nutshell中文、Ready to bone 意思、Have a card up your sleeve相關零售資訊或書籍,就來零售貼文懶人 ...
#35. 英文谚语:Take that with a grain of salt - 360doc个人图书馆
take sth. with a grain of salt 这个习语的字面意思是“和一撮盐一起吃下去”,为什么要与盐一起吃呢? 据说这个习语要追溯到罗马时代,罗马将军庞培曾 ...
#36. grain (【名詞】穀粒, 穀物)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
如果你想要說一個想法或建議不應該被認真看待,因為它可能是錯的,你就可以叫別人「take it with a grain of salt」(對…有所懷疑)。 瀏覽教材. Using potatoes instead ...
#37. 一分钟美语--Take something with a Grain of Salt - YouTube
#38. 口语天天说:With a grain of salt
Allen 说了一句:“I'd like to take it with a grain of salt”。他太太笑道:“你以为它是蔬菜啊,还要加点盐再吃。健康专家可没有说过要加盐quo; ...
#39. a grain of salt 中文“不可盡信”和“鹽”有什么關系? - Ezep
這個短語源于拉丁語cum grano salis,在線發音,為您提供grain的中文意思,英式講法= Take something with a pinch of salt. 當某人告訴我們一件事情時,那是指該處境 ...
#40. a grain of salt 中文take - Ustmy
take with a grain of salt 的中文意思:不全信…,查閱take with a grain of salt的詳細中文翻譯,發音,用法和例句等。不全信聽…的話,予以打折扣予以打折扣“take”中文 ...
#41. 翻译'with a grain of salt' – 字典中文-英文
There are obvious reasons for taking this with a grain of salt, but the claim is less outlandish than it may seem. 显然,我们有理由对此持保留态度,但埃 ...
#42. grain of salt - 中国的翻译
Grain of salt 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译. ... 撒上一些盐把他们的面子吃掉Take it with a grain of salt and eat their fucking faces off.
#43. with a grain of salt用法,例句- 英語字典 - 极简词典
with a grain of salt 的中文意思,with a grain of salt汉语解释| 返回with a ... This is why you should take the advice of one person with a grain of salt.
#44. 客戶評論
5.0 顆星,最高5 顆星 As always, take negative reviews with a grain (or more) of salt. 2017年6月30日在美國評論. Amazon 驗證購買. Two quick points.
#45. a grain of salt是什么意思 - 蜂产网
a grain of salt. 一颗盐,一粒盐打折扣,不全信 eg:Take that advice with a grain of salt. 半信半疑地接受建议. 免责声明:非本网注明原创的信息,皆 ...
#46. to take with a grain of salt - Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung
Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für to take with a grain of salt im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen ...
#47. 商用英文口語 - 登峰美語
so you have to take what he says with a grain of salt. 路克就只會說些好聽的,所以你不要太相信他 ... 另外,“sweet talker” 即中文裡「嘴巴很甜的人」。 實境對話.
#48. "Take it with a grain of salt." - LinkedIn
That was the advice I was given by my manager when I complained about harassment in my workplace. Take it with a grain of salt.
#49. With A Large Grain Of Salt - Language Forum @ LingQ
The complete phrase in which it appears is: "Clearly, the gloomy scenario cranked out in the Pollution Progress report needs to be taken with a large grain ...
#50. Take with a grain of salt - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
take (something) with a pinch of salt. To consider or evaluate something, such as a statement, while keeping in mind that it may not be completely true or ...
#51. grain of salt 中文喜馬拉雅礦鹽_百度百科 - Nulaw
18/6/2009 · take it with a grain of salt 翻成中文是?這句話的意思= 對…半信半疑;對…持保留態度(美式講法),英式講法= Take something with a pinch of salt 當某 ...
#52. with a grain of salt - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
ph. 有保留地,不全信地. PyDict. take ... with a grain of salt.
#53. Grain of salt - Wikipedia
To take something with a "grain of salt" or "pinch of salt" is an English idiom that suggests to view something, specifically claims that may be misleading ...
#54. 10 ways to control high blood pressure without medication
Eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and ... Just 1 level teaspoon of salt has 2,300 mg of sodium.
#55. Barley, Farro, Sorghum and More: 9 Whole Grains to Try
Whole grains have always been a staple of a healthy diet, and when you go ... Bulgur is tasty with a simple dressing of lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper.
#56. BREAKING NEWS: Japan, U.S. agree to jointly analyse ...
However, analysts take the saying with a grain of salt as the most recent previous Tiger years have not seen particularly good market ...
#57. take something with a pinch/grain of salt - Longman Dictionary
take something with a pinch/grain of salt meaning, definition, what is take something with a pinch/grain of salt: to not completely believe what someone t.
#58. 鹽和光的比喻(二) The Parables of Salt and Light (2)
這樣的理解是對的。可是當我們仔細查經的時候,我們發現這句話的『你們』有強調的意思。似乎主耶穌講的是『 ...
#59. "with a grain of salt"を含む英語表現 - 英辞郎
with a grain of salt 〔話を聞くときに〕割り引いて◇【参考】take ~ with a grain [pinch] of salt - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。
#60. [連載] 英語フレーズ 第6回 "Take something with a grain of salt"
「Take something with a grain of salt」です! 直訳すると「一粒の塩と一緒に何かを持っていく」。Somethingの部分には食べ物が入るのでしょうか?
#61. Blue power seed - snalc-besancon.fr
We believe that care taking a vibrant, resilient seed supply is paramount to the viability and sustainability of our food future. If adding salt, be sure to ...
#62. What Does "Take It with a Grain of Salt" Mean? | Reader's Digest
When the authenticity of information is questionable, we tell others to take it with a grain of salt. But why salt, and only one grain?
#63. Ropes & Gray LLP
Ropes & Gray is a preeminent global law firm, with more than 1400 legal professionals serving clients in key centers of business, technology and government.
#64. The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of ...
... permitted to be taken by means , aid , or use , directly or indirectly , of corn , wheat , oats , or other grain or product thereof , salt , or any kind ...
#65. Nutrition Healing: Heal the Body with Grain Free Meals and ...
a cup of the cereal mixture and a pinch of salt. ... The cereal mixture will take about 20 minutes to cook, and you should keep the heat low to prevent it ...
#66. Recipes from Home: Weight Loss with Grain Free and Blood ...
a cup of the cereal mixture and a pinch of salt. ... The cereal mixture will take about 20 minutes to cook, and you should keep the heat low to prevent it ...
#67. Code of Federal Regulations: Containing a Codification of ...
Migratory game birds may be taken : ( 1 ) By the aid of dogs , artificial decoys ... shucked , or unshucked corn , wheat or other grain , salt or other feed ...
#68. Use of Lead Shot for Hunting Migratory Birds in the United ...
Methods of taking permitted in hunting migratory birds . ... shucked , or unshucked corn , wheal or other grain , salt , or other feed so as to constitute ...
#69. Vegetarian Times - 6月 1989 - 第 30 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Take it anytime it's convenient and there's no stomach upset. ... coarsely ground 8 Tbs. water Pinch salt Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
#70. Diet Health: The Dieting Cookbook with Grain Free Recipes
Ingredients: Lean ground beef Lettuce Tomato Onion Salt & pepper Worcestershire Sauce Take a half a pound of lean ground beef and mash it out in a patty.
#71. The Silvae of Statius - 第 59 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... grain poured on a piece of sod , sprinkled with just a scanty bit of salt . ... Pour cup after cup , boy , but take no trouble to count ; fire up my ...
take with a grain of salt中文 在 英文面試王- Take with a grain/a pinch of salt 「和一粒/一小 ... 的推薦與評價
Take with a grain/a pinch of salt中文直譯是「和一粒/一小撮鹽一起吃」。有些人說話,實在難以置信,即使你能吃(相信或接受),卻也得用鹽調味才能下咽。所以中文可翻 ... ... <看更多>