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Vocals & Keys: CC
Mixed by: TC
Videography: TC
Editing: CC & TC
#symphonyworship #spiritofhope #盼望聖靈
Lyrics and Music y : Ivan Handojo
將我 眼目 聚焦於你 喔 耶穌 I set my eyes upon Your feet, O Jesus
將我 全心 來回應你的愛 I set my heart responding to Your love
放下恐懼 我全人降服於你 I cast my fear and surrender all to You
我王 我敬拜你 Lord, here I worship You
主我渴慕你同在 Oh, how I need Your presence, Lord
主我渴慕你同在 How I need Your presence, Lord
盼望聖靈 使我更加靠近你 Spirit of hope, draw me closer to You, Lord
生命活泉 湧流進入我心 Spirit of life, flowing into my heart
當我敬拜你 As I worship You
從我心深處 呼求你 Let this be a cry from my heart
傾倒我全心全意讚美 Pouring out as sacrifice of praise
從我心深處 我敬拜你 Oh, let this be a worship from my heart
全然降服你 In my surrender
向你唱出 愛的旋律 Let this be a sweet song to You
毫無保留 全然屬於你 Let this be the most that I can give
從我心深處 我敬拜你 Oh, let this be a worship from my heart
主唯有你 For You my King