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****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******
##Pokémon - 15
* 1 Cramorant V SSH 155
* 1 Absol TEU 88
* 1 Galarian Zigzagoon SSH 117
* 3 Blacephalon UNB 32
* 1 Blacephalon-GX LOT 52
* 4 Jirachi TEU 99
* 1 Zacian V SSH 195
* 1 Mew UNB 76
* 1 Oricorio-GX CEC 95
* 1 Tapu Fini UNM 53
##Trainer Cards - 32
* 1 Heat Factory {*} LOT 178
* 4 Fiery Flint DRM 60
* 2 Energy Retrieval SSH 160
* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 2 Wishful Baton BUS 128
* 4 Welder UNB 189
* 4 Nest Ball SUM 123
* 1 Beast Bringer UNB 164
* 1 Escape Board UPR 122
* 4 Fire Crystal UNB 173
* 4 Scoop Up Net RCL 165
* 1 Great Catcher CEC 192
* 1 Adventure Bag LOT 167
* 2 Switch SSH 183
##Energy - 13
* 13 Fire Energy Energy 2
Total Cards - 60
****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

stretcher中文 在 飄(上部)(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果 的相關結果
tangle of ambulances and the clouds of dust, she could see doctors and stretcher bearers bending, lifting, hurrying. Thank God, she'd find Dr. Meade soon. ... <看更多>