Fuh, memang sedap betul Tiramisu ni. Lagi-lagi bila dimakan masa sejuk-sejuk. Rupa dia pun cantik. Nak buat pun senang je sebab tak perlu nak masak. Jangan lupa cuba tau!
Resepi Tiramisu Tanpa Telur, Tak Payah Guna Ketuhar Untuk Bakar
//Bahasa Melayu
Resepi Tiramisu Tanpa Telur, Tak Payah Guna Ketuhar Untuk Bakar
500 gm keju mascarpone
1 sb serbuk kopi
1/2 cwn krim putar tenusu
1/2 cwn gula aising
1 sb esen vanila
serbuk koko (secukupnya)
1 pkt stik roti/biskut lady finger
250 ml air panas
Cara memasak
1. Larutkan serbuk kopi bersama air panas. Sejukkan seketika.
2. Pukul keju mascarpone, gula aising, krim putar tenusu dan esen vanila sehingga ringan dan gebu. Masukkan ke dalam piping bag dan ketepikan.
3. Patahkan stik roti dan susun kemas di dalam cawan kaca.
4. Tuangkan sedikit larutan kopi sehingga stik roti kelihatan lembut.
5. Paipkan campuran keju dan ulang langkah keempat sehingga memenuhi cawan kaca.
6. Taburkan serbuk koko di atas permukaan dan tiramisu tanpa telur siap untuk dihidangkan.
Eggless Tiramisu No-Bake Recipe
Fuhh, this tiramisu is super delicious especially when having it cold. The feature itself already representing the taste. Plus you don't have to cook it. Don' forget to try okey!
Eggless Tiramisu No-Bake Recipe
500 gm mascarpone cheese
1 tbsp of coffee powder
1/2 cup dairy whipping cream
1/2 cup icing sugar
1 tbsp of vanilla essence
coco powder (as needed)
1 pckt bread stick / lady finger biscuit
250 ml hot water
Cooking methods
1. Dissolve coffee powder in hot water. Let them cool.
2. Beat mascarpone cheese, icing sugar, dairy whipping cream and vanilla essence until light and fluffy. Pour into pipping bag and set aside.
3. Break bread stick and neatly arrange them into the glass.
4. Pour in coffee solution until the bread stick soggy.
5. Pipe cheese mixture and repeat steps number four until fully cover the glass.
6. Dust with coco powder on top and eggless tiramisu is ready to be served.
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