
to put oneself in someone's shoesIf you want to get along with people better, you need to learn how to put yourself in other people's shoes. ... <看更多>
to put oneself in someone's shoesIf you want to get along with people better, you need to learn how to put yourself in other people's shoes. ... <看更多>
#1. 換位思考|put oneself in someone's shoes - 經理人
字面上直譯就是「把自己放在別人的鞋子裡」,指站在他人立場,設身處地的思考。可以用place(地點)或position(位置、立場)替換shoes,變成put ...
#2. put yourself in sb's place/position/shoes中文(繁體)翻譯
put yourself in sb's place/position/shoes翻譯:處在(某人的)角度考慮。了解更多。
#3. 今日短语/ Put oneself in somebody's shoes 换位思考 - BBC
表达to put oneself in somebody's shoes 的意思是站在他人的角度或立场考虑问题,也就是换位思考。 这里的shoes 也可以用place 或者position来替代。
#4. KUSO英文小辭典 Put yourself in my shoes.(將心比心吧)
只要我們站在別人的立場多想一想,很多衝突便可以避免;「將心比心」便是以自身的體驗去理解對方的感受。英語是「Put yourself in my shoes.」還可以說「 ...
#5. 小校報- 設身處地Put Yourself in Someone's Shoes - 香港教育城
"Put yourself in someone's shoes" is an English idiom meaning try to understand someone's situation. If you put yourself in someone's shoes, ...
#6. put oneself in sb else's shoes - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"put oneself in sb else's shoes" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文 ... healthy children or put them under someone else's care, depriving them of ...
#7. 【片語學習】 今天要跟大家分享的片語是Stand in one's shoes ...
2. Put oneself in someone's shoes. Ex: Before you criticize someone, you should try to put yourself in their shoes. 在你批評他人之前,你應該試著 ...
#8. 片語小強化... - 登峰美語
In someone's shoes (穿他人的鞋?) ... 「In someone's shoes」是什麼意思? ... 譬如說put somebody in someone else's place 的用法,就是讓某人體會另一人的處境。
#9. (Idioms.1) Put yourself in my shoes. 站在我的立場想一想
What would you do in my place? 站在我的立場想一想,你會怎麼做? What you do if the shoe were on the other foot?
#10. put oneself in someone's shoes是什么意思 - 百度知道
“put oneself in someone's shoes”是美式俚语,直译为“假如自己处在某人的情况”,意译为“设身处地”、“将心比心”。例句如下: You haveto put yourself ...
#11. I can put myself in other people's shoes. 是什麼意思查看翻譯
Put yourself in another person's shoes means to imagine yourself in their place, and imagine what they are thinking/feeling/experiencing.
#12. put oneself in someone's shoes 中文 - 查查詞典
put oneself in someone's shoes中文意思:[網絡] 將心比心;設身處地…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋put oneself in someone's shoes的中文翻譯,put oneself in ...
#13. 老外说"in your shoes"是什么意思?在你的鞋子里? - 搜狐
今天,必叔就和大家分享一波有关shoes的英语表达吧! in one's shoes并不是"在鞋子里" ... 尤指恶劣处境,常用的搭配:put oneself in one's shoes 。
#14. Put yourself in someone's shoes 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Put yourself in someone's shoes 释义: to make an effort to imagine how you would feel or act if you were in the same situation... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#15. 老外说"in your shoes"是“在你鞋里”?这误会可大了 - 知乎专栏
in one's shoes并不是"在鞋子里",表示“站在某人的角度思考、设想”,尤指恶劣处境,常用的搭配:put oneself in one's shoes 。
#16. To Put Things In Perspective. Put oneself in someone's shoes ...
To Put Things In Perspective. Put oneself in someone's shoes-換位思考 ... 换个角度想吧从中文到英文的翻译. 在上下文中翻译" 换个角度想吧"的 ...
#17. 设身处地-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: 我们考虑了心理的投入度- 你有多么设身处地地考虑另一个人?,在中文-英语情境中翻译"设身处地" ... put oneself in someone's shoes.
#18. put oneself in someone's shoes - Wiktionary
If you could just put yourself in his shoes for a moment, perhaps you would understand why it is not as easy as you seem to think. Related termsEdit · stand in ...
#19. Put oneself in somebody's shoes 换位思考 - 英语点津
例句. I'd really appreciate it if you could put yourself in my shoes and tell me how I can deal with this situation. 如果你 ...
#20. to put oneself in someone's shoes | American idiom - YouTube
to put oneself in someone's shoesIf you want to get along with people better, you need to learn how to put yourself in other people's shoes.
#21. 設身處地的英文怎麼說
place oneself in others' position; judge of others as we should if we were in their place; ... Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech.
#22. put up job在線翻譯- 英語 - 海词
Putzu put Put your dreams into action. put words into someone's mouth put oneself in someone's shoes Put up one's plate in... putrefactive products of algae ...
#23. 【看影片學英文和文化】微電影:她有男朋友了! - VoiceTube Blog
*put oneself in someone's shoes (慣用語idiom): 要某人從當事人的觀點來看事情;意思是要對方有同理心。 註6 (03:12)
#24. Put yourself in someone's shoes - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
put (oneself) in (someone's) shoes. To imagine oneself in the situation or circumstances of another person, so as to understand or empathize with their ...
#25. 設身處地 - 書寫而已notes and books
這個英文習語,我在《COBUILD 英漢雙解詞典》(上海譯文出版社,2002年11月第1版)找到如下例句﹕. Put yourself in my shoes for a minute . What would ...
#26. 每日英语翻译-“fill someone's shoes"是“装满某人的鞋子”?
“fill someone's shoes"字面意思是“装满某人的鞋子” 其实,它真实的意思是“接替某人 ... “above oneself”不是“超越了自我”“put on airs”不是“穿上航空 ...
#27. "換位思考"用英語怎麼說? - 人人焦點
put (oneself) in (someone's) shoes 換位思考;站在某人的立場上想想 ... Jessica在北京學中文,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麼說的詞,就 ...
#28. 偉Tizy (@a3542119) • Instagram photos and videos
偉Tizy. 有的時候想著一件事情想著想著就失眠了 put oneself in someone's shoes 非妳不娶@jas_03_30 · #吊飾 #擺件 #項鍊 #客製化 #商城 #手工 蝦皮收尋Tizy
#29. 黃沛慈- 業務主任- 香港博賞股份有限公司台灣分公司| LinkedIn
put oneself in someone's shoes. 黃沛慈說讚. Merry Christmas to you. Merry Christmas to you. 黃沛慈說讚 ... May this Christmas bring your family… 黃沛慈說讚.
#30. 西班牙akros《他在想什麼?》同理心桌遊 - 兒同館國際有限公司
... 身上,沒有「把自己放在別人的鞋子裡(put oneself in someone's shoes)」去 ... 每個卡牌只有圖畫,沒有字句,可以用任何語言(中文、英文、日文等等)來進行。
#31. B5L3 Flashcards - Quizlet
Terms in this set (40). gender. n.性別. stereotype. 刻板印象. theater ... put oneself in someone's shoes. 設身處地以......的立場想. blown away.
#32. 「Be in your shoes」是什麼意思?千萬別譯成「成為你的鞋」
How should put it不是問東西怎麼放! ... 〜每天晚上一篇英語知識普及英語罐頭本文是我的第47篇英語知識文章出國旅遊。英語的表達畢竟和中文不太一樣,所以 ...
#33. 111學年度第二學期八年級英語單字王競試單字表(康軒版751 ...
中文. 冊次課次. 751 wall. 牆壁. B4L3 ... turn on one's toes. 踮起腳尖旋轉. B4L4. 795 well ... put oneself in someone's shoes. 設身處地以...的立場想. B5L3.
#34. 【英語島專欄】不要談論人,要和人對談 - 天下雜誌
也可以用Put oneself in someone's shoes. 都有從不同角度看事情的意思。 E.g. If you could just put yourself in Tom's shoes for a moment, perhaps ...
#35. put oneself in someones shoes - Sesli Sözlük
If you could just put yourself in his shoes for a moment, perhaps you would understand why it is not as easy as you seem to think. put oneself in someones shoes ...
#36. put oneself in someone's shoes の意味・使い方 ... - 英辞郎
put oneself in someone's shoes (人)の立場[身]なって考える[みる]、自分を(人)の立場に置いてみ... - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索 ...
#37. 老牌經典動作電影聯名鉅作-《尖峰時刻4:變臉2》 (中文字幕)
“walk a mile in someone's shoes”是一個英文慣用語類似的說法還有”put oneself in someone else's shoes” ”put (oneself) in (someone else's) place ...
#38. Mythbusters - World Health Organization (WHO)
Hot peppers in your food, though very tasty, cannot prevent or cure COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself against the new coronavirus is to keep at least 1 ...
#39. Translate from English to Punjabi online - Lingvanex
Pronunciation both for words or phrases and pronunciation of English examples, English- phrasebook. Translate by yourself! Lingvanex translation applications ...
#40. Prevention of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease | CDC
After using the toilet; After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; Before and after caring for someone who is sick. Help children wash their hands. Teach ...
#41. Multidimensional Empathy Test - IDRlabs
Empathy Test, measuring the nature and structure of your empathy. ... People who practice cognitive empathy put themselves in the shoes of others.
#42. Dress code - Wikipedia
A dress code is a set of rules, often written, with regard to what clothing groups of people must wear. Dress codes are created out of social perceptions ...
#43. "put oneself in someone's shoes" in Portuguese - Bab.la
Translation for 'put oneself in someone's shoes' in the free English-Portuguese dictionary and many other Portuguese translations.
#44. Stands Synonyms In English. 2 (verb) in the sense of get to your
Exact: 0. stand with your back to someone/something: He was standing with his ... 大量翻译例句关于"stands synonym" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#45. Synonym Taken Over. take the responsibility v. She took over
21 7 If you wanted to take over the world, what would be first on your 'To ... fill someone's shoes, take the place of and step into shoes of. take verb.
#46. put oneself in someone's shoesとは 意味・読み方・使い方
put oneself in someone's shoesの意味や使い方 目線に立つ - 約1465万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。
#47. A Dictionary of Confusable Phrases: More Than 10,000 Idioms ...
2. physically abuse a person: If I could put my hands on the swine who ... in someone's place—(also: put oneself in someone's shoes) imagine oneself to be ...
#48. Bloomsbury Dictionary of Idioms - Google 圖書結果
Compare take someone down a peg/notch (or two). put oneself in someone's shoes imagine oneself in the position or situation of another person, ...
#49. The Slangman Guide to Street Speak 2: The Complete Course in ...
“ REAL SPEAK ” : If I were in yer shoes , I'd quit ' n find another job . put oneself in someone else's shoes ( to ) exp . to ...
#50. Word For Trying On Clothes. Selznick of Selznick International
To get dressed up: to put on special clothes, especially to pretend to ... to me Try to put yourself in my shoes and don't be so hard on me.
#51. synonyms for put oneself in another's shoes - Thesaurus.com
Find 11 ways to say PUT ONESELF IN ANOTHER'S SHOES, along with antonyms, ... Lengthen Your Lexicon With This Quiz About The Longest English Words.
#52. Belief and Its Neutralization: Husserl's System of ...
One imagines oneself in someone else's shoes without actually being in those shoes. Hence, one merely thinks; no genuine living-in takes place on this level ...
put oneself in someone's shoes中文 在 【片語學習】 今天要跟大家分享的片語是Stand in one's shoes ... 的推薦與評價
2. Put oneself in someone's shoes. Ex: Before you criticize someone, you should try to put yourself in their shoes. 在你批評他人之前,你應該試著 ... ... <看更多>