Audio Available on:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/hk/album/los...
KKBOX: http://t.cn/zQIWpR4
MOOV: http://moov.hk/moovnow/music/product/...
Musicholic: http://www.musicholic.com.hk
MusicOne: http://www.musicone.com.hk/#album/169...
SOLITON: http://iknowthissong.org
Spotify: http://www.spotify.com
作曲、編曲及監製:譚國政 | 填詞:天旋 (中文歌詞)/Enzo Siu (英文歌詞)
*A = Aka, C = Cheronna, Y = Yanny, J = Jessica, H = Heidi*
C: We going to the Wonderland, oh, yeah, with our crazy plan,
Super Girls gonna lead you there, all the way to the JPN, C'mon!
All: 東京繼續逛 逛逛逛逛
相機不要關 日夜去玩
風光要大讚 讚讚讚讚 景點等我揀
C: There we go, All: T.O.K.Y.O
C: 2885.74 is the distance covered to my destination
2188 KM Square, the size of the land for my new adventure
A: 次次放假亦太短 數晚太快完
不夠東京 跑個圈
H: 這次我決心 要走到腳也酸
拋棄工作 失蹤便算
C: 青山多好 表參有道
靜靜地 代官山再起舞
養眼格局 叫六的那本木
代代木裡 賞每棵花草
All: 穿梭山手線 暢快到放棄睡眠
鶯谷走到上野 風景漸變
幹線再蔓延 拍照更美 更自然
東京多好 每日有很多新奇刺激 要探險
C: 13 mil of friends, I could make one by one by one by one, sharing our music,
talking 'bout the cheesecake, that could actually made my day,
fresh like the first day, spirit on the highway, I run and run and jump, jump!
Now after a week, I would say I could gladly start all over again!
J: 我信我旅行有方 哪怕四處盪
會踏遍 小街窄巷
Y: 要儲夠見識 與親友再細講
哈日一族 心花怒放
C: 掃貨要在 涉谷勝地
買夠了 到新宿看齣戲
要更快樂 去學歌舞之伎
台場遊覽 充滿新驚喜
All: 穿梭山手線 暢快到放棄睡眠
鶯谷走到上野 風景漸變
幹線再蔓延 拍照更美 更自然
東奔西跑太沒趣 也太不便
All: 穿梭山手線 暢快到放棄睡眠
鶯谷走到上野 風景漸變
幹線再蔓延 拍照更美 更自然
東京多好 每日有很多新奇刺激 要探險
All: 東京繼續逛 (C: Endless fun, so much fun)
相機不要關 (Snap along the way we go)
風光要大讚 (With friends around, we go around)
景點等我揀 (Here we come again!)
Super Girls Official Website
Aka - http://t.qq.com/SuperGirlsAka
Cheronna - http://t.qq.com/SuperGirlsCheronna
Heidi - http://t.qq.com/SuperGirlsHeidi
Jessica - http://t.qq.com/SuperGirlsJessica
Yanny - http://t.qq.com/SuperGirlsYanny
Super Girls - http://t.qq.com/SuperGirls2012
Aka - http://weibo.com/icongirlsaka
Cheronna - http://weibo.com/icongirlscheronna
Heidi - http://weibo.com/icongirlsheidi
Jessica - http://weibo.com/icongirlsjessica
Yanny - http://weibo.com/icongirlsyanny
Super Girls - http://weibo.com/icongirls
Aka - https://www.facebook.com/supergirlsak...
Cheronna - https://www.facebook.com/supergirls.c...
Heidi - https://www.facebook.com/supergirls.h...
Jessica - https://www.facebook.com/SupergirlsJe...
Yanny - https://www.facebook.com/supergirls.y...
supergirls -http://www.facebook.com/SuperGirlsGroup
Aka: aka_chio
Cheronna: cheronna
Heidi: heidibibe
Jessica: jessicatsoi
Yanny: yannyyc
Super Girls: http://u.youku.com/SuperGirlsGroup
Super Girls: http://www.tudou.com/home/_105494985
Star Shine Youtube: StarsShineIntl
Jam Cast -
Tel.: (852) 2802-6106 Fax.: (852) 3764-0935
website: http://www.jamcast.com.hk

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