🆓 免費線上運動、娛樂、才藝資源分享🆓 #這篇會一直更新喔!歡迎轉載,請禮貌性註明出處,謝謝:)
我來幫大家分憂解勞了,提供自己去年整年在美國防疫給小朋友找的休閒娛樂(關於課程方面已經有強者 胖胖麻 分享各大出版社的免費資源),小女子我就提供讓小朋友不無聊的玩樂的行程吧!
剛剛翻找照片發現,明明記憶中去年是非常痛苦的一年,可是照片裡我們都笑得很開心,每天都玩得很充實很開心,人果然是潛力無窮,我們絕對不要小看自己哈哈!這一年裡他們學會了騎腳踏車,會下棋、玩大富翁,我教他做飯、縫紉。英文Reading方面也進步非常多,同時在線上學習畫畫,家裡的牆壁上貼滿了他們的作品,隔離真的沒什麼可怕的,反而可以更專心陪伴孩子培養他們的興趣,大人的生活目標也突然變得非常單純(當時我好像是全家一起 #健康地活下去 XDDD)
我們每天的行程不外乎就是吃、學習、娛樂活動,有一個固定的行程能讓頭幾天隔離不安的心安定下來,比如我們家每天固定的行程:小孩起床先開Youtube運動15分鐘(媽媽準備早餐)➡️英文、數學各做30分鐘 ➡️休息30分鐘 ➡️勞作時間 ➡️中午跟媽媽一起煮飯或者自由活動等吃午餐 ➡️午休 ➡️中文時間30分鐘 ➡️庭院玩球或騎腳踏車 ➡️點心時間佐一部電影 ➡️晚餐 ➡️桌遊時間 ➡️洗澡睡覺。
「當然沒有」可是我也不在意,我剛說過了爸爸媽媽在此時此刻的生活目標就是秉持著「#健康地活下去」,如果小孩不照行程走,他們哪裡開心哪裡去,不過每天如果能做完功課上的要求,媽媽也會認真陪玩!我發現到了後期, 如果事事都陪著他們,孩子會乖乖聽話的。
1️⃣ Little Sports : 來自英國的兒童專門運動教學頻道。每段影片7至23分鐘不等,有些動作做了會爆汗,可以發洩孩童旺盛的體力,早上做最好哈哈。影片內容的播放速度不會很快,動作解析清楚,適合小小孩入門。https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTIwFB4ciFi5ZCIu-VlwaOg
2️⃣ Cosmic Kids Yoga : 宇宙瑜伽,影片搭配不同的動畫場景,像是海底世界、農場生活、太空世界,還有小朋友喜歡的電影主題等,讓小朋友也能體驗深奧瑜珈的鍛鍊樂趣。
3️⃣ SamCam舞蹈教室 (SamCam) :由美國舞蹈家Miss Sam所經營的YouTube頻道,教學內容非常活潑有趣,妞姐最愛迪士尼公主系列的舞蹈教學,從2歲以上的幼兒就可以開始學習,還有Hip Hop、Tap等其他種類的舞蹈可以選擇。
4️⃣ 免費運動App Active arcade (apple)、Plaicise(android) 這兩款都是透過前置鏡頭感應身體
四肢動作來達到運動目的的app ,裡頭的遊戲讓人想一玩再玩,每一次一分鐘,有趣又耗體力!
1️⃣ Art for Kids Hub:美國公立小學老師也推薦的免費畫畫課https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5XMF3Inoi8R9nSI8ChOsdQ
2️⃣ LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems! :知名童書Piggy and Elephant 作者錄製的免費插畫課 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14hRqd0PELGbKihHuTqx_pbvCLqGbOkF
3️⃣ 免費兒童著色本,五萬張著色圖下載或線上塗鴉:http://www.supercoloring.com/zh-hant
4️⃣ Mapscaping:喜歡摺紙的看過來,這裡有免費12款立體摺紙地球儀模型提供下載 https://mapscaping.com/pages/folding-paper-globes
5️⃣ Cubeecraft:超Q動漫人物的摺紙模型
6️⃣ 🇹🇼小魯粉絲俱樂部:每天早上十點有 捲捲姐姐免費教摺紙課:
#NEW 7️⃣ 日本TeamLab
🌟 學習Worksheet:
1️⃣ Education.com : 這個我去年還直接買了年費會員,2萬多個兒童紙上習作免費下載列印,從著色、迷宮到摺紙練習,連中文練習本都有~超猛!https://www.education.com/worksheets/
2️⃣ 免費數獨網站:經營者為前迪士尼動畫設計師爸爸吉米.邦加納(Jim Bumgarner),裡頭有上百萬張迷宮、數獨、解謎遊戲,玩到你頭暈哈哈 https://krazydad.com/
3️⃣ Teacher by teacher :美國公立學校老師自製教材,教材下載從免費到10元美金以上不等,主題按照一般學科分類,像是:藝術、數學、科學、社會、英文等。https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/
#NEW 4️⃣ 🇹🇼歐的樂星球 O’d Fun Planet 提供的免費幼兒學習遊戲圖檔 :https://sidonie.ca/free-printable/
🌟 學習影片類:
1️⃣ It's AumSum Time:科普十萬個為什麼性質的影片
2️⃣ Khan Academy :一位孟加拉裔美國人創立的非營利教學機構,裡頭有超過 2000 部免費教學影片,榮寶老師常常出這個網站的作業要他們去做:https://www.khanacademy.org/
3️⃣ National Geographic Kids:對科普有興趣的小孩一定會喜歡的國家地理專為兒童設計的頻道https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXVCgDuD_QCkI7gTKU7-tpg
4️⃣ 🇹🇼亮生活 / Bright Side:這次最近雙恩最愛的邏輯思考測驗頻道
5️⃣ Storyline Online:是一系列發展多年的童書朗讀影片,最大特色是會邀請演員、名人朗讀一本精彩的童書,拍成一段十幾分鐘內的朗讀影片,十分生動活潑。https://storylineonline.net/
6️⃣ 探索頻道兒童版 (Discovery Kids):由美國知名探索頻道(Discovery)所成立,內容相當豐富多元,透過遊戲、影片、動畫等互動方式,提供各種與自然科學相關的知識,大人小孩都適合觀看學習。https://www.discoverykidsplus.com/
7️⃣ 迪士尼郵輪音樂劇免費看:長髮公主 https://youtu.be/XFiQWzU5wSQ
#NEW 國家圖書館提供了百部以上電影🎬
1️⃣ 🇹🇼台灣雲端資料庫(有app):只要有全台灣各地圖書館的圖書証,就可以免費線上借閱電子書 https://www.ebookservice.tw/
2️⃣ Amazon全球有聲書線上圖書館:這個網站目前為全世界暫時無法上學的孩子,提供所有有聲書🆓免費🆓收聽,內容覆蓋學齡前到經典文學,無需下載app、無需登錄、無廣告,包含英/德/法/西/意/日六種語言 stories.audible.com/discovery
3️⃣ KidLit TV:這個youtube頻道分成繪本朗誦與繪本插畫教學,都是由繪本作者來朗誦、分享自家的繪畫技巧給小朋友 ,非常有趣!
4️⃣ 美國時代雜誌兒童版Time for Kids:可免費下載新聞音檔!
未來兒童 :bit.ly/3bx0qtl
未來少年: bit.ly/3btoVr9
7️⃣國語日報免費週刊閱讀: https://www.mdnkids.com/MdnRead-Covid19/
#NEW 康軒學習雜誌180期免費聽
ios載點 https://apple.co/3wJoNfD
Android載點 https://bit.ly/2TfIAVk
黃石公園: https://www.nps.gov/....../photosmultimedia/virtualtours.htm
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- 關於khan academy reading 在 Brett 林熙老師 Facebook 的最佳解答
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- 關於khan academy reading 在 Reading more than one source on a topic | Khan Academy 的評價
- 關於khan academy reading 在 Let's start reading! - By Khan Academy Kids - Facebook 的評價
- 關於khan academy reading 在 What is a main idea? | Reading (video) | Khan Academy 的評價
- 關於khan academy reading 在 Using context clues to figure out new words | Khan Academy 的評價
khan academy reading 在 Brett 林熙老師 Facebook 的最佳解答
如果你們家有學齡前的孩子或低年級的小學生,Khan Academy Kids的免費app裡有一些有聲讀本、學習英文的工具書、全英文的小遊戲可以用。
khan academy reading 在 Brett 林熙老師 Facebook 的最讚貼文
(打英文還是輕鬆+快多了😉 中文版下面有連結)
Why taking the SAT or ACT when you’re not ready is a terrible mistake.
For several years now, I’ve noticed that many of my students who study at international schools tend to take an SAT test just to “test the waters.”
This is such a bad move it’s not funny!
What’s so bad about it?
American admissions officers dislike students who only focus on tests. So, even if you manage to get a high score after you’ve taken the SAT too many times, you might be rejected anyway.
Your SAT score is so important! Please do not waste any opportunity to get a high score!
I read the following quote on Dartmouth’s website:
“We don't recommend excessive testing. Making the most out of your high school opportunities is more important than repeatedly taking standardized tests."
Is it only Dartmouth?
Actually, this kind of statement isn’t unique to Dartmouth - it’s pretty standard. Most of the top universities say exactly the same thing. This causes many people to believe that colleges don’t really care much about your SAT score.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
All you have to do is to look at the average SAT/ACT scores that enrolling students receive. As an example, successful applicants to Dartmouth average around 1500 (out of 1600). That’s pretty high! What do they mean then?
They mean that students need to focus on non-academic pursuits AS WELL AS getting a very high score on their SATs.
So, you definitely need a high SAT score, but you can’t look like you care that much. If you take a test before you’re ready, there will be a record of your lower-than-ideal score. You’ll naturally need to retake the exam a second, third, and, possibly, fourth, time.
Let’s say that you do achieve your ideal score on the fourth or fifth attempt. How will the admissions officer view you when you have exactly the same score as another applicant who only took the test twice or three times? Who will they select?
Naturally, they will not choose you because you look like a testing machine.
In the US, everybody knows that it’s foolish to take the SAT or ACT more than three times. That means that you should NEVER waste an attempt. You should be ready before you ever take the test.
So, what should you do?
First, “test the waters” in a safe environment: your home.
You can do some practice questions on Khan Academy to get a feel for the test. Then, when you feel ready to tackle the whole test, do one of the Official Tests found on Khan or CollegeBoard:
Make sure you download the test, print it out and do it on paper. If you do it on the computer, you will NOT be simulating the real test.
Presently, there are a total of 9 released tests. CollegeBoard and Khan have released 8, and there is one more floating about on the internet. (As an aside, I actually use this test in my classes. I purposely avoid the other released tests because most schools use them and so do many students. I hate it when students say, “I’ve done that test before!”)
Simply using these tests will give you a good idea of what score you would get if you took the real test. And you can do this without risking being labelled a testing machine.
Also, as there are only 9 official tests out there, don’t waste them. Granted, there are other “official” tests online or in some schools, but these are usually riddled with errors or are incomplete. (I personally hate doing a test and not knowing which questions are faulty before doing it. Most of the time, students spend a lot of time trying to figure out the answers to questions that do not even have answers. It can be very frustrating.)
Another thing: of the nine, only 5 of them are previously administered tests. The first four “official tests” were designed before CollegeBoard switched from the old SAT to the new one in 2016. These four tests are quite easy compared to what is being tested now, so are not a great indicator of your future score. They are great for practicing question types - just understand that if you get a really high score on them it doesn’t mean that you will do just as well on test day.
Only tests 5-9 (also easier than the current tests) are the closest thing we have to the current SAT tests. Still, these are easier than the current test, especially in the reading section, so be aware that the reading will most probably be even tougher than what is in all of the officially released tests.
If you have any other questions related to how to prep for your SATs, feel free to leave a message below or PM me.
Enjoy your SAT studies!
#SAT寒密班 (適合11年級 & 3月和5月的考生) https://goo.gl/17Uz1e
#SAT週六衝刺班 (針對3月和5月的考生)
#SAT暑密班 (適合10年級 & 10月和12月的考生) https://goo.gl/6Ypwsi
khan academy reading 在 Let's start reading! - By Khan Academy Kids - Facebook 的推薦與評價
about parts of a book, like the cover, title, and author. Find over 100 free books inside Khan Academy Kids at www.khankids.org. Happy reading ! ... <看更多>
khan academy reading 在 What is a main idea? | Reading (video) | Khan Academy 的推薦與評價
Reading (video) | Khan Academy. In this video, we'll discuss the main idea of a text: the key information the author wants you to understand. ... <看更多>
khan academy reading 在 Reading more than one source on a topic | Khan Academy 的推薦與評價
As a nonprofit, we depend on donations to make these videos and to run khanacademy.org. If we've helped you, can you help keep Khan Academy free ... ... <看更多>