These Katabatic winds can be extremely dangerous. If you're sailing and one of these hits you, the results can be disastrous. ... <看更多>
These Katabatic winds can be extremely dangerous. If you're sailing and one of these hits you, the results can be disastrous. ... <看更多>
下降風(Katabatic wind,Katabatic 源自希臘語 katabatikos,意思是下降),又可稱下坡風,是一種在谷地形成的局部性沉降氣流。夜間山脊的地表空氣比谷底空氣冷卻得更 ...
#2. Katabatic Wind | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
As air cools it becomes denser and therefore heavier. The cold air then flows down the side of the mountain, resulting in a katabatic flow (or wind). Fig. 1 is ...
#3. Katabatic wind | meteorology - Encyclopedia Britannica
katabatic wind, also called downslope wind, or gravity wind, wind that blows down a slope because of gravity. It occurs at night, when the highlands radiate ...
#4. What is a katabatic wind, and what is not? - Yachting Monthly
Katabatic winds are found where there are elevated ice sheets or snowy high plateaux reasonably close to lower, relatively warmer areas, often ...
#5. katabatic wind - 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典
katabatic wind. 語言 · 監視 · 編輯. 英語編輯. 下降風. 简体: 下滑风[大气]; 正體: 下坡風[氣象]. Cewbot最後編輯於1年前. 維基詞典. 此頁面最後編輯於2021年11月24 ...
#6. Weather Facts: Katabatic winds | weatheronline.co.uk
Katabatic wind (from the Greek: katabaino - to go down) is the generic term for downslope winds flowing from high elevations of mountains, plateaus, ...
#7. katabatic wind - 詞典釋義與在線翻譯 - 海词
katabatic wind 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 英英釋義. Noun: a wind caused by the downward motion of cold air. katabatic wind的相關資料:.
落山風(katabatic wind)又稱下坡風,盛行於每年的10月至隔年的3月之間,在落山風所有海氣象預報平台中,後壁湖港船長們參考自己信賴的氣象平台,及長年在此海域所 ...
#9. What is a Katabatic Wind? - The Natural Navigator
When this happens on a slope, this cold dense air starts flowing downhill. This creates a wind known as a 'katabatic wind'. Katabatic winds are ...
#10. File:Katabatic-wind hg.png - Wikimedia Commons
English: Sketch about the two forces, pressure gradient and gravitation force, producing Katabatic Wind at the margin of an ice sheet or ...
#11. Katabatic (Gravity) Winds | SpringerLink
Katabatic winds occur when air is cooled from below over sloping terrain. Such cooling causes a shallow blanket of air adjacent to the surface to become ...
#12. Frazil ice growth and production during katabatic wind events ...
Katabatic winds in coastal polynyas expose the ocean to extreme heat loss, causing intense sea ice production and dense water formation ...
#13. What is katabatic wind? - INTERPARUS
What is katabatic wind, how and where does it form? A katabatic wind is a dense and cold air stream downward from mountain peaks, as well as downdrafts of ...
#14. Katabatic Winds (Visions) - Gatherer - Magic
Card Name: Katabatic Winds ; Mana Cost: 2 Green ; Converted Mana Cost: 3 ; Types: Enchantment ; Card Text: Phasing <i>(This phases in or out before you untap during ...
#15. Katabatic wind - Oxford Reference
Cold katabatic winds result from the slumping down of very cold, and hence dry, air. Coastal Antarctica is dominated by katabatic gales; the gentler katabatic ...
#16. The katabatic wind regime at Adelie Land, Antarctica - Parish
Abstract The coastal sections of Adelie Land in East Antarctica experience the strongest and most persistent slope (katabatic) winds recorded about the ...
#17. What is Katabatic (Wind) | IGI Global
What is Katabatic (Wind)? Definition of Katabatic (Wind): From the Greek word katabatikos meaning “to flow downhill”, is the technical name for a drainage ...
#18. katabatic wind | National Snow and Ice Data Center
katabatic wind. any wind blowing down an incline; if the wind is warm, it is called a foehn or chinook; if cold, it may be a fall wind (bora), ...
#19. Katabatic Winds | AMNH
Picture liquid being poured into a funnel—when the air flow of interior winds converges, more air is being compressed into a smaller channel space. The air flow ...
#20. (PDF) Katabatic wind in Adelie Land. - ResearchGate
PDF | A joint U.S.-French experiment was designed in Adelie Land, where strong downslope winds are observed nearly continuously.
#21. Katabatic winds | By Online Sea Kayaking | Facebook
Katabatic winds. Who has experienced a katabatic wind while out sea kayaking? What was it like and did you see it coming? We think ...
#22. The Role of Katabatic Winds on the Antarctic Surface Wind ...
It is usually cold.” Lutgens and Tarbuck (2001) offer that a katabatic wind is defined as a “flow of cold dense air downslope under the influence of gravity; ...
#23. Katabatic wind propagation over the western Ross Sea ...
These katabatic winds may turn northward but also southward, or divide into separate northward- and southward-turning components; the latter situation is ...
#24. Katabatic Flow - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Descending cold dense bodies of air are sometimes termed 'katabatic flows' or 'katabatic winds' at the ground level and ascending heated air constitutes the ' ...
#25. The Theory of Strong Katabatic Winds - NASA/ADS
INTRODUCTION According to the meteorological glossary katabatic winds blow down slopes that are cooled by radiation, the direction of flow being controlled ...
#26. Katabatic Wind Phenomenon Captured on Video - YouTube
These Katabatic winds can be extremely dangerous. If you're sailing and one of these hits you, the results can be disastrous.
#27. Katabatic wind Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
katabatic wind a wind caused by the downward motion of cold air. catabatic wind a wind caused by the downward motion of cold air.
#28. katabatic wind in Chinese - Glosbe Dictionary
Check 'katabatic wind' translations into Chinese. Look through examples of katabatic wind translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn ...
#29. EarthWord: Katabatic Winds | U.S. Geological Survey
Sounding almost like acrobatic winds, katabatic winds do bear a resemblance to tumbling, since they are essentially winds that flow downhill ...
#30. The theory of strong katabatic winds | Semantic Scholar
In regions where strong katabatic winds occur, notably Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica, there is often a sharp boundary between the strong winds and the ...
#31. Katabatic Wind - Scanner - Bandcamp
Katabatic Wind · from The Great Crater by Scanner · Digital Track. Streaming + Download · Fan club · Full Digital Discography · credits · license · tags · Tags.
#32. Fascinating Meteorology Terms: Katabatic Wind
Katabatic wind is a dense cold wind that sinks down from high mountain plateaus to valleys below. It is described by Meteorologists as heavy ...
#33. Understanding Katabatic Wind - Larsen Marine
katabatic winds originate from and how you may be able to spot an area where they can occur. These tips should help you understand katabatic wind.
#34. Katabatic winds and polynya dynamics at Coats Land, Antarctica
Linkages between the pressure gradient force composed of a katabatic and a synoptic component, offshore wind regimes and polynya area are identified.
#35. Katabatic flow and downslope winds - Cross Country Magazine
Katabatic winds are the result of radiative cooling of the air in contact with a sloping surface. The air gets denser and heavier as it cools.
#36. Katabatic Wind - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)
Dual Attack. Release a frigid wind that damages foes. Damage.png Damage: 323 (0.88) ? Chilled.png Chilled (3s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement ...
#37. Katabatic winds diminish precipitation contribution to ... - PNAS
Over the continental margins, persistent katabatic winds blow all year long (10, 11). They originate from the cold and dry inner continent and therefore, supply ...
#38. katabatic wind 中文 - 查查詞典
katabatic wind 中文意思::下降風;山風…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋katabatic wind的中文翻譯,katabatic wind的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#39. Katabatic wind - The Free Dictionary
katabatic wind. Also found in: Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to katabatic wind: Anabatic wind. ThesaurusAntonyms ...
#40. Katabatic Wind: Good Craic Fueled by Fumes From the Abyss ...
Katabatic Wind : Good Craic Fueled by Fumes From the Abyss by Stephen Crimi (2016-06-21) on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
#41. Katabatic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of KATABATIC is relating to or being a wind produced by the flow of cold dense air down a slope (as of a mountain or glacier) in an area subject ...
#42. Katabatic winds – A load of hot (or cold) air? - EGU Blogs
Katabatic winds (derived from the Greek word katabasis, meaning 'downhill') develop over snow and ice surfaces because the 0°C ice surface cools ...
#43. Wind regime - Arctic Ocean - Climate Policy Watcher
Katabatic winds are strong, dry winds that flow down a slope due to gravity. These winds are most often found at high altitudes and in cold ...
#44. Meaning of katabatic wind in english english dictionary 1
katabatic wind - Translation and Meaning in Almaany English-English Dictionary. katabatic wind. [ n ] a wind caused by the downward motion of cold air. Synonyms ...
#45. Characteristics of katabatic winds from Dome A to the coast of ...
Strong katabatic winds in the Amery Ice Shelf are linked to more mesoscale cyclone activities in the Prydz Bay waters. The process of mesoscale cyclones induced ...
#46. Fastest katabatic wind | Guinness World Records
Katabatic winds are caused by cold, dense air from high altitude flowing downhill under the force of gravity. The fastest winds of this type are found ...
#47. Term | PIARC Terminology | katabatic wind
katabatic wind. Language : PIARC Road Dictionary / English; Theme : Environment Climate and Geography; Definition : Gravity-induced, downslope flow of ...
#48. KATABATIC WIND - Translation in German - bab.la
Translation for 'katabatic wind' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations.
#49. Williwaw, a Colloquial Word for Katabatic Wind
A williwaw is also known as a katabatic wind in Alaska, where it happens quite frequently. Williwaws occur near the ocean and mountain ...
#50. 118 Katabatic Wind Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Katabatic winds encroach on St. · 438314467 · katabatic wind in Cantabrian mountains on border of Asturias and Castile and Leon. · 408886909 · Meteorology.
#51. Understanding Katabatic Wind - Larsen Marine Yacht Sales
Understanding Katabatic Wind. The power and sudden impact of katabatic winds have both been a boon to and wreaked havoc on, sailors and civilizations for ...
#52. Katabatic wind - Wikiwand
A katabatic wind is a drainage wind, a wind that carries high-density air from a higher elevation down a slope under the force of gravity.
#53. Katabatic Winds - Climate Generation
Katabatic Winds. Can you imagine relaxing on a ship in coastal waters with calm weather or only light winds and then being hit unexpectedly by ...
#54. Katabatic Wind | Encyclopedia.com
katabatic wind (drainage wind, mountain breeze) A generic term for the wind that occurs when cold, dense air, chilled by radiation cooling, ...
#55. Katabatic wind - Single by Benjamin Lander - Spotify
Listen to Katabatic wind on Spotify. Benjamin Lander · Single · 2022 · 1 songs.
#56. Katabatic Winds
creating severe wind-chill conditions. The katabatic winds on the continent exist due to the airflow from the high pressure, cold, elevated plains down.
#57. Antarctic Katabatic Winds - UC Research Repository
Simply put, katabatic wind is cold dense air that pours down the ice slope to the sea, becoming denser and picking up speed as it goes. Antarctica produces the ...
#58. Katabatic Wind and Sea–Ice Dynamics Drive Isotopic ...
Correlations among TGM Δ 199 Hg, air temperature, and ozone concentrations suggested that enhanced katabatic wind that transported inland air ...
#59. Sea Monster Story: Katabatic Winds - Sailing Blog - NauticEd
A katabatic wind, from the Greek word katabatikos meaning “going downhill”, is the technical name for a drainage wind, a wind that carries ...
#60. Katabatic Winds - Enjoy-Crete
A Katabatic wind, from the Greek word katabatikos meaning “going downhill”, is the technical name for a drainage wind, a wind that carries ...
#61. Sudden Cessation of Katabatic Winds in Adélie Land, Antarctica
sociated with katabatic wind events is the sudden onset and decay of these winds. This is observed in Adélie. Land and other parts of the Antarctic coastal ...
#62. Anabatic and Katabatic Wind - Prezi
Works Cited. "Anabatic Wind." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2015. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anabatic_wind>. "Katabatic Winds.
#63. The Wind which descends on the Leeward Side is heated ...
Katabatic wind is the generic term for downslope winds flowing from high elevations of mountains, plateaus, and hills down their slopes to the valleys or ...
#64. The atmospheric boundary layer and surface conditions ...
... of this almost ice-free stretch of water are extreme katabatic winds. ... conditions during katabatic wind events over the Terra Nova Bay Polynya.
#65. What is a Katabatic Wind - Jolly Parrots Sailing
Katabatic winds are usually nocturnal phenomena in most parts of the world, especially when there is little cloud, due to lack of heating by the ...
#66. Vent dans le monde: Katabatic winds | wofrance.fr
Katabatic wind (from the Greek: katabaino - to go down) is the generic term for downslope winds flowing from high elevations of mountains, plateaus, ...
#67. Turbulent mixing in a katabatic wind under stable conditions
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the mixing properties of the katabatic flow which develops at night or in winter on the slopes of a ...
#68. Katabatic-wind Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary
Katabatic -wind definition: A drainage wind / fall wind: a wind, such as the bora or Böhmwind, which moves high density air from a higher elevation down an ...
#69. Desert Geomorphology - 第 279 頁 - Google 圖書結果
20.2.2 Anabatic and katabatic winds Anabatic ( upslope ) and katabatic ( downslope ) ... Anabatic / katabatic wind systems have diurnal and seasonal cycles .
#70. katabatic wind regime: Topics by WorldWideScience.org
The variation in the oft-observed, thermally-forced, nocturnal katabatic winds along the east side of the Rocky Mountains can be explained by either ...
#71. katabatic wind
A wind caused by the downward motion of cold air. Title Arabic: ريح هابطة. Title French: vent catabatique. Domain: Sustainable Development. Subject:.
#72. Katabatic winds
In some cases wind gusts can exceed 160 km/hr (100 mph)! These more violent relatives of mountain breezes are called katabatic winds.
#73. Winds of Change | Royal Meteorological Society
Katabatic winds (from Greek – katabatikos meaning 'going down') form when cold air above a plateau, mountain, glacier, or even a hill flows down a slope due ...
#74. Katabatic Wind and Sea-Ice Dynamics Drive Isotopic ...
Katabatic Wind and Sea-Ice Dynamics Drive Isotopic Variations of Total Gaseous Mercury on the Antarctic Coast. Environ Sci Technol.
#75. Encyclopedia of Marine Science - Google 圖書結果
katabatic winds Katabatic winds are caused by a layer of cold air forming near the ground over elevated, sloping terrain through radiative cooling.
#76. Team A: Snow-snakes and katabatic winds
Katabatic winds are gravity-driven not weather-driven. Cold air is more dense than warm air, so the cold Antarctic air sinks to the ground and ...
#77. 14a.6 case studies of katabatic wind in coats land, antarctica
These katabatic winds play a key role in the Antarctic surface wind regime. 2. METHOD. The UKMO Unified Model (UM) version 6.1 has been used to simulate several ...
#78. What are katabatic winds? - Quora
A Katabatic wind is the technical name for a drainage wind, a wind that carries high density air from a higher elevation down a slope under the force of gravity ...
#79. On the relationship between Antarctic katabatic winds and lar..
Gravity-driven katabatic winds occur with regularity over the Antarctic ice fields in the lowest few hundred meters of the atmosphere.
#80. Katabatic | New Zealand Geographic
The Katabatic wind rules the vast remote continent of Antarctica, shaping the ice, the land and the lives of everything that lies in its path from the South ...
#81. The Arctic Climate System - 第 215 頁 - Google 圖書結果
8.1.5 Wind regime - A prominent feature of the Greenland climate is its " katabatic " wind regime . In the right conditions such drainage winds can reach ...
#82. Katabatic winds over Antarctica | EUMETSAT
The AVHRR image below shows a spectacular case of Katabatic winds over Antarctica, with nice 'smoke plumes' flowing out onto the Ross ice shelf.
#83. California's Spreading Wildfires: What Are Katabatic Winds?
Katabatic winds take their name from the Greek word "katabasis," which means "descending." True to their name, katabatic winds' main distinction ...
#84. Katabatic wind hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy
Katabatic wind Stock Photos and Images · Stormy sea caused by katabatic wind, Stock Photo · clouds above the mainland are a sign for the storm called 'Bora', ...
#85. A case study of katabatic winds over Schirmacher Oasis, east ...
A distinction between pure katabatic wind and extraordinary katabatic wind is done based on the wind direction and associated changes in the ...
#86. anabatic and katabatic winds - OoCities.org
KATABATIC WIND ; bullet, Adiabatic warming of the air during descent is counteracted by conduction as it is in continuous contact with the colder mountain slope.
#87. Katabatic wind - Encyclopedia Westarctica
Such winds are sometimes also called fall winds; the spelling catabatic winds also occurs. Katabatic winds can rush down elevated slopes at ...
#88. Katabatic wind
Doran, "Climatology of katabatic winds in the McMurdo dry valleys, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica," Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. Numerical ...
#89. Katabatic Wind [Terra Australis] - SoundCloud
Stream Katabatic Wind [Terra Australis] by sōzuproject on desktop and mobile. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.
#90. The surface climatology of an ordinary katabatic wind regime ...
On the continental slope, the criteria pick out a coherent subset of the data that aretightly clustered in wind speed and wind direction. Typical katabatic ...
#91. 詞語釋義內頁 - 聖光聖經地理
Katabatic wind 下坡風. 經文: 太8:24; 約6:18 ... 這種冷空氣比重較高,加上地形引力而從高原邊緣下瀉的風,稱為「強勁下坡風」(Katabatic wind) 。 Katabatic wind ...
#92. What Causes Surface Winds, Mountain Winds and Anabatic ...
Katabatic winds are downslope winds created when the mountain surface is colder than the surrounding air and creates a down slope wind.
#93. Vento nel mondo: Katabatic winds - Woitalia.it
Katabatic wind (from the Greek: katabaino - to go down) is the generic term for downslope winds flowing from high elevations of mountains, plateaus, ...
#94. A Satellite-Based Climatology of Wind-Induced Surface ...
Katabatic winds are a result of a stable boundary layer over sloped terrain, and the inversion strength influences strongly the wind intensity [36]. On the ...
#95. Katabatic wind in Adélie Land - Amazon S3
Katabatic wind in Adélie Land. C. WENDLER and Y. KODAMA. Geophysical Institute. University of Alaska. Fairbanks, Alaska 99701. A. POGGI*.
#96. Katabatic winds inspire sound rendition of Antarctic experience
Katabatic wind is a low gravity wind that gains force as it travels down elevated slopes. It is particularly prevalent at Casey due to its ...
#97. Katabatic Wind - Openwaterpedia
noun - Katabatic Wind is a downslope wind that carries high density air from a higher elevation down a slope under the force of gravity that ...
katabatic wind 在 Katabatic winds | By Online Sea Kayaking | Facebook 的推薦與評價
Katabatic winds. Who has experienced a katabatic wind while out sea kayaking? What was it like and did you see it coming? We think ... ... <看更多>