【校園新聞】 港大消息否認申作軍為中共黨員 清華網頁證申2017年曾獲任命為黨委委員
港大發言人昨晚(10 月 23 日)向傳媒表示「大學的人事任命需通過所有程序才會作出公佈,現時不宜評論。相關報導有內容與事實不符」,惟未有指出哪些內容與事實不符。
有港大消息人士指申作軍並非中共黨員。據消息稱,申作軍於90年代末期開始在美國修讀碩士和博士課程。由2004年到現時,申作軍一直在美國加州大學柏克萊分校(University of California, Berkeley)任教而申作軍由2014 年開始出任清華客座教授,但並不是全職。
惟根據 Google 快取服務於9月17日的記錄(https://bit.ly/34m2VLU),中共清華大學委員會於 2017年7月27日曾經發佈「關於幹部任免的通知」稱「同意工業工程系黨委換屆選舉結果」,指「申作軍⋯⋯為工業工程系黨委委員」,與早前被刪除資料一致,但相關資料已被刪除。(https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/newthu/openness/rsszxx/20170727x.html)
【Campus News】HKU Source claimed “Shen ZuoJun is not a Chinese Communist Party member” — a webpage of Tsinghua University says otherwise.
A selection committee led by President Xiang Zhang has recommended two mainland Chinese professors from Tsinghua University, Shen Zuojun and Gong Peng, for the posts of vice-presidents for research and academic development respectively. Shen is alleged to be a Chinese Communist Party member.
On 23rd October, a HKU spokesperson told the media that “It is not appropriate for the university to comment at this stage. At present, parts of media reports are inconsistent with facts” Yet, the spokesperson did not indicate which part of the reports is untrue.
A HKU source claimed that “Shen ZuoJun is not a Chinese Communist Party member”. According to the source, Shen started studying master and doctor programmes in the States since the end of the 90’s. Since 2004, Shen has been teaching at UC Berkeley. Shen has also been taking up an honorary teaching role at Tsinghua since 2014, but it is not a full-time job.
According to a record from Google cache on 17th September (https://bit.ly/34m2VLU), the Chinese Communist Party Tsinghua University Committee has published a “Notice of Cadre Appointment” on 27th July, 2017, which agrees with “the new term election result regarding party committee of the department of industrial engineering” and indicates that “Shen .... is a party committee of the department of industrial engineering”. This matches the now-deleted information on the Tsinghua website. (https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/newthu/openness/rsszxx/20170727x.html)
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👶🏻Q: 讀Law係咪真係好辛苦?要讀乜㗎?📖
👩🏻A: 辛唔辛苦好因人而異。有啲人覺得要睇晒咁多reading好辛苦,咁如果你自己識選擇一啲合適嘅黎睇都OK。可以問吓師兄姐拎source可以幫到你好多。至於要讀啲咩就好廣泛,有contract (合約法), tort (侵權 eg旅遊巴意外 員工有冇得向公司索償), criminal (刑事), constitutional law, administrative law (依兩類都係類似講下社會中發生嘅事 eg佔領中環、司法覆核、同志平權呢類型嘅事件), equity and trust, land... Year1仲會有一科叫做legal research and writing (主要教下你點樣寫一啲legal documents)。
咁多年每一年都會有一科係特別難頂。不過大學科科都係咁辛苦。相比起其他engineering/ architecture 要日日留係個lab度 其實law都唔係真係咁辛苦。
而LLB/ ALaw/ BLaw/ GLaw就課程上都會有少少唔同。
👶🏻Q: grad咗之後想做律師,要啲咩條件同埋成條path係點樣?👩🏻⚖👨🏻⚖
👩🏻A: 要成為一個律師除了要完成法律學位之外,亦要完成為期一年,等同執業牌照的法學專業證書(Postgraduate Certificate in Laws)。大律師(Barrister)就跟師傅實習一年,事務律師(solicitor)就去律師行實習兩年。
要入PCLL的話唔同uni收生都唔同,例如要HKU學生入番HKU PCLL就要Law GPA 2.8 full time, 2.6 part-time, 如果要apply government fund, 就要CGPA 3.35(每年都會唔同, 數據係2017-18年度)。學費方面,三間收費不同,HKU大約16萬左右。
(👶🏻大大: 👩🏻揾呢篇文章有好多詳細嘢,例如「一般而言大型的國際律師行會提早兩年招聘實習律師,學生在尾二那年的暑假會在那些律師行做實習,爭取獲聘取得Training Contract的機會。」同埋「很多人以為有法律學位,就等於可以做律師,事實絕非如此。事實上,每年有數以千計的本地法律系畢業生,加上幾百個外國回流的留學生,爭奪大約七百個PCLL學位,換言之進入PCLL的機會只有一半左右。想像下寒窗苦讀三四年,到頭來當不成律師,的確是頗大的打擊。由於PCLL的收生嚴格,但過程其實不太透明,三間院校的收生標準是否劃一,本地生和海外生之間的競爭是否公平等等,一直存在極大爭議。」仲有其他細節,大家記得睇👍🏼)
👶🏻Q: Law呢行會唔會市場飽和㗎?🤔
👩🏻A: 都應該飽和緊。之前有新聞話Law Society 減少緊foreign lawyer嚟香港。然後又想整一個common entrance exam。目的就係cut少啲人。
👶🏻: 如果入唔到行又或者唔入行,咁啲人會做乜?
👩🏻: 有一部份GLaw會去做政府工,之前有個talk話AO有四分一都有law background。
(👶🏻大大:咁BLaw又有business background啦,然後大家英文都咁好,我諗大家揾工都唔困難嘅。)
Interviewee: Maggie, HKU Law Year 3🍍🍍🍍
Editor: 大大🖋
大大:下一篇會係喺CU讀Psycho Master嘅🐜分享,期待吓啦👍🏼
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