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#1. give sb a heads up中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
I just wanted to give you all a heads up that we will be talking about the first two chapters of the book tomorrow. 我只是想事先提醒你們明天我們將會討論這 ...
#2. 辦公室經典俚語:“I'm just giving you a heads up.”
這句話是老美經常掛在口頭的話,中文意思是,"我只是先給個提醒。" "Heads up"原意是把"頭抬起來,小心﹗"最早是用來提醒看棒球賽的觀眾,球員揮棒 ...
#3. 外國老闆跟你說「heads up」,不一定是「讓你把頭抬起來」啊
從英文解釋中可以看出來,也就是為了通知某人要注意某事或用來警告某人某件事情。 它比較常見的用法就是give somebody a heads-up這個搭配。 看一下下面兩 ...
#4. give you a heads up - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"give you a heads up" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#5. 【外商英文】必學!4個外商精英常掛在嘴邊的詞彙!'Heads up ...
“Heads up” 的實際意思=為了「通知」(to inform)對方要注意某事或用來「警告」 (to warn)對方某件事情。它比較常見的用法就是“give somebody a ...
#6. I just want to give you a heads up 是什麼意思查看翻譯 - HiNative
I just want to give you a heads up的意思I just want to warn you or I just want to inform you.
#7. heads up 是什麼意思? - Sammy 老師
I want to give you a heads-up that I'll E-mail the information you need this afternoon. Could you give me a heads-up when the boss gets ...
#8. 老闆叫你給個「大概數字」,英文怎麼說? - Core-corner
商業英文裡常出現一個字“ball-park”,意思是「大概」的推測。 ... 例句:Hey, just want to give you a heads up, we will have our user ID disabled tomorrow.
#9. English OK 英文網, profile picture - Facebook
OKLA教英文】head up 很有意思的「head up」因為有把頭抬起來的意思,所以泛指有「給某事指出正確方向」或「給人資訊, 提示, ... I just want to give you a heads up on.
#10. 美国习惯用语:584 heads up... - VOA英语教学 - 51VOA
例句-1:I want to give you all a heads up that some big shots from New York ... Face time的意思是面对面跟一个人谈话,因为你有求与他,例如你要他同意和你签订 ...
#11. “heads up”原来是这个意思! - 搜狐
每日学一句英语|20180123 · 谢谢你的提醒。 · heads-up n. 当心/留意/注意 · (heads up也可以分开写) · give sb a heads-up 给某人提个醒 · remind sb of ...
#12. [日常英文] heads up
I just want to give you a heads up on that! 翻譯: 我想在那天做個實驗,我只是想讓你先知道一下! 聽完這句話,我是明白他的意思的,但是對於他 ...
#13. Just a heads-up! 不是讓你擡頭,8句老外常說的話,你聽得懂嗎?
類似,但意思不同,表達一種婉轉的拒絕。 ... 看看老外聊天時怎麼用a heads-up:Nick: Have you noticed that our sales have been dropping badly?
#14. 俚语heads up 意思翻译用法 - 高中英语作文
例句:I want to give you all a heads up that some big shots from New York will be here next Monday to see how we're doing.
#15. heads up - 英語之家- The Home of English
(名詞) 警告(warning);事先告知或提醒。”A heads up” 是美國人常用的俚語,雖然名詞heads 為複數,但其前卻是使用單數冠詞“a”。 It's a heads up for ...
#16. give you a heads up中文 - 家庭貼文懶人包
For example, 1) I wanted to give you a heads up that I'll be ...。 "I just want to give you a heads up"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)。 I just want to ...
#17. a heads up 中文 - 查查綫上辭典
a heads up 中文:提前通知(非正式) …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋a heads up的中文翻譯,a heads up的 ... I wanted to give you a heads up before you got here
#18. Heads up - 晴報- 親子/教育
首先,必須明白phrasal verbs的意思並非與其組成的動詞和介詞完全無關。以heads ... This email is just to give you a heads-up that there may be a ...
#19. Just-want-to-give-you-a-heads-up,是什么意思 - 百度知道
Just-want-to-give-you-a-heads-up,是什么意思 · 其他类似问题 · 为你推荐: · 特别推荐 · 等你来答.
#20. heads up的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
heads -up football. 2. a message that alerts or prepares warning gave him a heads-up that an investigation was pending. 3. showing that you are very aware of ...
#21. give someone a heads up 在英語中的意思 | head up中文
head up中文,大家都在找解答。give someone a heads up的意思、解釋及翻譯:to tell someone that something is going to happen: 。了解更多。
#22. heads up 中文
辦公室經典俚語:“I'm just giving you a heads up.”. 這句話是老美經常掛在口頭的話,中文意思是,”我只是先給個提醒。. “. “Heads up”原意是把”頭抬起來,小心﹗
#23. 外國老闆跟你說“heads up”,不一定是“讓你把頭抬起來”啊
This note is just to give you a heads-up that Tom will be arriving ... 之外,我們再來看看下面這個英文例句,大家猜測一下heads up是什麼意思。
#24. 輕鬆學英語‧英語輕鬆學(七) 頭頭是道 - 金門日報
所以聰明的大家一定可以直覺地猜到,head in 或head inside是什麼意思,沒錯,就是進到室內, ... I just want to give you a heads up on that!
#25. head up 點解
意思 是給人家的資訊或警告. 中間應該要用一槓連起來寫做heads-up. 而且很特別的是, usually so that you can prepare for it: This note is just to give you a ...
#26. HEADS UP 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
Heads up display. 抬头显示. I told the players to hold their heads up high. 我跟球员们说抬起头。 I merely wanted to give you a quick heads up!
#27. 20個用「Give」構成的英文慣用語與片語
在這句話中,說話者的孩子可能行為不端或不聽話。 4. Give somebody a heads up. 意思:事先提醒或告訴(某人)。 說明:這句 ...
#28. heads up 是什麼意思? | 健康跟著走
I want to give you a heads-up that I'll E-mail the information you need this afternoon., Heads up,在中文里可翻译为:小心、当心、注意、提醒。注意当heads和up ...
#29. heads up中文意思
滬江詞庫精選heads-up是什么意思、英語單詞推薦、用法及解釋、中英文句子翻譯、英語短 ... N-SING If you give someone a heads-up about something that is going to ...
#30. Heads-up是什么意思,如何使用? - Will的美语课
近日有读者问到英文短语heads-up(heads up)的意思及用法,由于这个短语相当实用(无论是在生活中还是工作中),因此在这里和大家做个简单分享。
#31. heads up是什么意思
If you do decide to use this there 's just one thing that I want to give you a heads up about . 如果你决定使用它,只有一件事我要事先提醒。 heads ...
#32. Heads Up 警告/通报/提醒
Wang Fei: 原来这个短语的意思是“发出警告或传递重要消息”的意思。 Diarmuid: That's right. Wang Fei: 我们能不能这么说: I'm giving you a heads up ...
#33. touch base and heads up 外企裏常用的兩個詞 - 台部落
後來,這個意思就成了英語商業用語:touch base,表示“跟某人碰頭,簡短的 ... This note is just to give you a heads-up that the new boss will be ...
#34. give you a heads up意思 :: 全台第三方支付網
【舉手電商有限公司】統編是多少?統一編號:82802393. 公司名稱:舉手電商有限公司統一編號:82802393所在城市:臺北市詳細地址:中正區仁愛路2段22號8樓公司資本額:0公司 ...
#35. for your heads up 中文 - Puadchi
近日有读者问到英文短语heads-up(heads up)的意思及用法,由于这个短语相当 ... 或是用that 接子句比如: Could you give me a heads-up on tomorrow's meeting?
#36. a heads up - Ifty
heads -up的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a warning that something is going to happen ... I just wanted to give you a heads-up that your favorite store is having a big ...
#37. 看影片學英文#未看先猜什麼意思 heads-up 這個不是頭抬 ...
3631 Likes, 32 Comments - 步步|英文x英國生活Babysteps English (@bbsteps.eng) on Instagram: “#看影片學英文#未看先猜什麼意思✨heads-up 這個 ...
#38. 第376期:touch base and heads up - 佛老扯英文
后来,这个意思就成了英语商业用语:touch base,表示“跟某人碰头,简短的 ... This note is just to give you a heads-up that the new boss will be ...
#39. 世界咖啡館-I see you阿凡達創流行語- 財經要聞 - 中時新聞網
Head up在工作場合常常聽見, just want to give you a heads up..... heads up 是一個慣用法,就是提個醒,告訴你一下的意思。
#40. head up 點解
heads-up的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a warning that something is going to happen, ... is going to happen: I just wanted to give you all a heads up that we will be ...
#41. head up 意思
heads -up的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a warning that something is going to happen, usually so that you can prepare for it: 2. a short。 了解更多。 詞典.
#42. for your heads up 中文 - Irual
heads up 乍看像是動詞片語, 但其實它是個名詞意思是給人家的資訊或警告中間應該要 ... 或是用that 接子句比如: Could you give me a heads-up on tomorrow's meeting?
#43. 老闆叫你給個「大概數字」,英文怎麼說?
2014年3月21日 — 商業英文裡常出現一個字“ball-park”,意思是「大概」的推測。 ... 例句:Hey, just want to give you a heads up, we will have our user ID disabled ...
#44. 擺脫讓全場尷尬的四句中式英文 - Curious - 英語島
Pace around the room Whenever someone gets up from the table and walks around, don't you immediately respect them? I know I do. It takes a lot of guts but once ...
#45. 留學:為什麼托福100卻聽不懂美國人講英文? - 壹讀
字面上的意思是沙發土豆,是用來形容那些一天到晚花很多時間黏在沙發上要麼 ... 意思當一個名詞使用,比如letme give you a heads up about driving。
#46. heads-up翻译_用法- 英语词典 - 新东方在线
heads -up是什么意思?heads-up怎么读? ... Relevant metrics will give you a heads-up when something is not right at an earlier stage than you would typically ...
#47. 工作中快被用滥的12个英文短语 - Brightspeaking
“I just want to give you a heads up that we will have review session in the next ... Raise the bar“ 用在日常用语中就是提高标准的意思(raise the standard)。
#48. for your heads up 中文辦公室經典俚語:“I'm - Garyele
愛詞霸在線翻譯為您提供權威準確的在線翻譯,heads up是什麼意思,英語英文翻譯,字面意思“頭頂上”,例句,要鬧罷工呢。 ... I'm just giving you a heads up.
#49. 超級英文俚語全集!100組超實用英文俚語 - FluentU
如果有人跟你說現在狀況”up in the air“,就是指目前狀況不明、不確定,塵埃未定的意思。 “Jen, have you set a date for the wedding yet?” “Not exactly, things are up ...
#50. 职场英语每日一句•人物性格篇第145句
Thank you for the note, and I appreciate the heads-up. ... heads-up 以复合名词出现,指的是“抬头答应,注视,观察”的意思,也即“事先通知”。
#51. heads up 别翻译成“抬头”,这笑话闹大了! - 手机网易网
headsup 是什么意思?headsup(提醒有事要发生)小心;注意老外对你说headsup,并不是命令你抬起头来。 ... I must give you a heads up.
#52. heads up - QFOF
21/10/2019 · heads-up的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a warning that something is ... A: I'm going to give you a heads up that there'll be a surprise exam tomorrow.
#53. 美國習慣用語-第584:警告某人 - 久久英語坊
例句-1:I want to give you all a heads up that some big shots from ... Think outside the box作爲一個習慣用語,它的意思是一個人富有想象力, ...
#54. 世界咖啡館-I see you阿凡達創流行語- 英語相關新聞
pick up意思很多,可以當搭載,也可以是搭訕。 ... 例如,我說,hey, just want to give you a heads up, we will have our user ID disabled ...
#55. [英文教室]Direct Boss篇 - 凱文& 丹尼斯的兩人世界
卡賣籠:Been there, done that,我的建議是,以後在妳做任何新的決定之前,You must give our boss a heads up,我們都有能力自由發揮,可是我們都知道He is not a ...
#56. I see you—電影阿凡達創造的流行英語@ 聯合翻譯有限 ... - 隨意窩
Note: Head up在工作場合常常聽見,just want to give you a heads up..... heads up 是一個慣用法,就是提個醒,告訴你一下的意思。
#57. It's doing my head in 真讓人受不了- BBC UK China - 潮流英語
It's a puzzle where you have to find matching pictures of fruit. ... 意思就是很令她很沮喪,很惱火'doing your head in'.
#58. 【英繁中字】Keep Your Head Up Princess by Anson Seabra
#59. 翻譯
Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、詞組和網頁內容。
#60. 校園口語第181課:會面時間 - 英語點津幫
校園口語第181課:會面時間簡介:1.headsup當心,警告,通報Head就是頭, ... 例句-1:I want to give you all a heads up that some big shots from ...
#61. 電影,heads up是什麼意思?_作业帮
我和我的美国同事交流时,他们经常用这个短语. 举个例子:I want to give you a heads up,I will not work tomorrow.这里的heads up是“提前告诉”,“提前通知”.整句的意思 ...
#62. 每日英语第376期:touch base and heads up 外企里常用的两 ...
Touch base这个词在外企邮件和口语中使用频率很高,二十年前佛老刚进外企工作时听到这个词还觉得奇怪,什么意思啊,碰什么基地啊?
#63. I'll give you a heads-up.:前もって知らせるよ - YOSHIの ...
【フレーズ】 I'll give you a heads-up. 《アイルギヴユウァヘッズァップ》. 【意味】前もって知らせるよ. 【ニュアンス解説】相手に何かを知らせる ...
#64. Heads up"真不是翻译“头顶上”!你想错了!_head up的意思
常用的有“Heads up!”,字面意思“头顶上”,那肯定是小心为妙,所以这个词组的意思是“小心、当心”,一般是关键时刻、急促情况下用来迅速提醒别人,跟take care、be careful想 ...
#65. heads up 意思 - Eyszl
when you give someone heads-up about something,往城里去;發生,解釋及翻譯:1. a warning that something is going to happen,head up是什麼意思:在…上加蓋子…
#66. I see you—電影阿凡達創造的流行英語
pick up意思很多,可以當搭載,也可以是搭訕。 ... Head up在工作場合常常聽見,just want to give you a heads up..... heads up 是一個慣用法,就是提個醒,告訴你 ...
#67. heads up 中文heads-up漢語(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典翻譯此網頁
滬江詞庫精選heads-up是什么意思,這個單字”heads-up”是一個形容詞。 ... 隨后去了北部。 i just wanted to give you a heads up of what「s in this section — but i ...
#68. I see you—電影阿凡達創造的流行英語- 世界公民文化中心
heads up 是一個慣用法,就是提個醒,告訴你一下的意思。例如,我說,hey, just want to give you a heads up, we will have our user ID disabled ...
#69. heads up high 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
heads : 磁頭數; up: adv (superl uppermost )1 向[在]上,向[在]上面;向[在] ... told us not to give up, to carry on with our heads held high and to react to ...
#70. 【英文語錄】很短,很文藝,很唯美的英文諺語!(中英文對照)
Don't give up when you are able to fly,to dream and to love. ... Happiness is to find someone who can give you warm and share your life ...
#71. give you a heads-up-翻译为希伯来语-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: give you a heads up,在英语-希伯来语情境中翻译"give you a heads-up"
#72. 你知道heads-up, brush-off, cave in和chill 這些慣用語嗎?
例句2: If you can, give me heads up before you get here. ... 跟朋友以起消磨時間chill out,好玩的是chill out也可以用chill也能代表一樣的意思,是不是很妙呢?
#73. head up 中文head - Boul
表示是關於什麼事情的,heads up的中文意思,把你的雙翼交給我這樣我們就能飛翔Keep your head ... 比如: Could you give me a heads-up on tomorrow's meeting?
#74. give a heads up - erjiinfo
電影<皇家賭場>,heads up是什麼意思?_百度知道. 回答:我和我的美国同事交流时,他们经常用这个短语。 举个例子:I want to give you a heads up, I will not work ...
#75. heads—up - 容易答知识网
近日有读者问到英文短语heads-up(heads up)的意思及用法,由于这个短语相当实用(无论是在生活中 ... by give a heads up at 2022-02-19 16:10:20 ... give you heads up.
#76. 商務英語|只懂用Yes、No作回覆? 即學14句地道有禮英語 ...
「Yes」,「No」,「Thank you」,「Sorry」這些常用英文你一定會說,其實, ... 用來感謝對方給你的提點,heads-up 的意思是忠告、要注意的事情。
#77. heads up meaning Heads-up是什么意思,如何使用? - Ruef
What is the meaning of giving you heads up? give (one) a heads up. To give one a preliminary notice, especially of future difficulty, trouble, or danger.
#78. Heads up中文版: 少女咖啡槍seasun games
定義definition: when you give someone heads-up about something, you let ... up是什麼意思,Thanks for the heads up的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句 Heads-up,是 ...
#79. headup口语是什么意思
headup口语是什么意思,美剧中16个高级口语表达英语俚语表达_实用英语-外海生存_,口语书面语 ... 举个例子:I want to give you a heads up, I will not work tomorrow.
#80. 戒掉爛英文3: 百萬網友讚聲的錯英文大選(全新修訂版)
例: Hey, just want to give you a heads up, we will have our user ID disabled tomorrow. ... 以物體滾動時的動力來比喻運勢之強,表示勢如破竹、好運當頭的意思。
#81. 戒掉爛英文2: 職場英文的明規則與潛規則(全新修訂版)
意思 是「給人提示、警訊」。注意 head 要加 s, ... I'm giving you a heads up that the boss is in a very bad mood today. (我要提醒你:老闆今天心情很糟。) ...
#82. TOEIC全面備戰 7大題型應考策略 + 13大情境必備詞彙 【 有聲MP3版 】: ...
I need to give you a heads - up . ... Can you handle making the sign ? ... 知 Selena 是要表達 Trevor 誤解她的意思,她並不是說有人故意弄壞機器,答案選( D )。
#83. Up 是什麼意思
uppermost ) 1. heads up 乍看像是動詞片語, 但其實它是個名詞意思是給人家的 ... 接子句比如: Could you give me a heads-up on tomorrow's meeting?
#84. headup口语是什么意思
headup口语是什么意思,heads up 别翻译成“抬头”,这笑话闹大了!_you,A heads - up. It means to let you know in advance. 提前通知. 意思让你提前知道.
#85. 超實用!常見跟「頭」有關的日常用語
1. bury your head in the sand bury這個動詞有埋的意思,將頭埋進沙子裡,代表假裝問題不存在、不想面對。 · 2. keep your head down · 3. go over your ...
#86. Heads up提醒& 養豬場mix 菁英豬
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You will , thereAnd tenderly folded them up for the night , Fond watch o'er their ... The to hold forth her human lucky - bag , to give heads to Madras .
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意思 T at 歡 ends 联 would never have troubled their heads about im - j ... not scrutinize the justice of the cause , or the means by tion , making it ...
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We do it to give our bodies energy and stay healthy . This is true for both humans ... To sleep , humans lie down on beds with pillows ' under their heads .
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OKLA教英文】head up 很有意思的「head up」因為有把頭抬起來的意思,所以泛指有「給某事指出正確方向」或「給人資訊, 提示, ... I just want to give you a heads up on. ... <看更多>