The "Chemical Dependency" did bit me in the ass and now i have to return to Safe room.
On my way there i went for "Shell Shocked" - Dean, since its really close to safe room and i still have a little bit of time.
Dean is a slow walking survivor but good thing i got (Leadership) Magazine, so Dean is running like he never run before!
After finishing Jared request for zombrex, i head back out for more survivors.
First one is "Slave to Fashion" - Europa. She will ask you to wear only your underwear before she will join you. (Obviously i know where its located before i talk to her but if you don't know where is the underwear is located, talk to her first and she will give you directions)
Then is off to get the stupid old fart gambler, Bill in "Know When to Fold 'Em"
My next survivor will be "Art Appreciation" since its expiring faster than "One hit Wonder"