#東京池袋SKYCIRCUS #陽光60瞭望台 #サンシャイン60 #東京メトロポリタンテレビジョン #
Ladies and gentleman, Welcome to Sky circus in Ikebukuro Tokyo. 各位觀眾, 歡迎嚟到東京池袋sunshine City 嘅sky circus 體感型展望台天空之旅, 呢度除咗可以畀大家喺離地251米嘅地方欣賞東京全景之外, 佢仲加入咗好多唔同嘅玩樂元素, 佢總共氛圍七個區域, 每個區域各有特色, 我最鍾意嘅就係呢個鏡之世界, 裏面會有一連串嘅夢幻燈光騷畀你留影, 你鍾意喺度自拍玩嘢樣樣齊, 適合情侶及一家大細, 魔鏡魔鏡, 金麟豈是池中物,一遇風雲便化龍,
呢度亦都有一間房係七彩繽紛嘅萬花筒, 超級自癒系列, 九霄龍吟驚天變,風雲際會淺水游,透過幾十塊嘅玻璃鏡折射及影像投射, 令你彷彿置身喺彩色繽紛嘅巨大萬花筒裏面, 感受天空嘅幻覺,
喺高度251米嘅天空上, 俯瞰東京嘅美景, 帶你飛往東京嘅著名景點, 天地英雄氣千秋尚凜然,手持萬丈刀欲與天比高,
睇完記得留表情符號以示支持, 我哋下條片再見
Ladies and gentleman, Welcome to Sky circus in Ikebukuro Tokyo. Dear netfriends, welcome to the SKY CIRCUS Sunshine 60 Observation Deck sky tour in Ikebukuro, Sunshine City, Tokyo. In addition, you can enjoy Tokyo from a place 251 meters away from the ground Beyond the panorama. They have added many different fun elements. There are seven areas in the playground, each with its own characteristics. My favorite is the world of mirrors, where there will be a series of fantasy lights. You take a picture, you like to take selfies and play everything, suitable for couples and families. Jin Lin is a thing in the pool, when the wind and clouds will turn into a dragon.
There is also a colorful kaleidoscope room in the room series, Super Self-Healing Series. Through the refraction and image projection of dozens of glass mirrors, you will feel like you are in the colorful inside the huge kaleidoscope, feel the illusion of the sky,
On a sky of 251 meters in height, overlooking the beautiful scenery of Tokyo, taking you to the famous attractions of Tokyo. The heroes of heaven and earth are still in the air, holding the sword to the sky,
Remember to leave emojis for support, I'll see you next time.