In conjunction with the launch of "Activate Your Immunity, Activate Your Life" campaign, Mead Johnson Nutrition is pleased to invite you to a virtual sharing of key insights that are focused on the importance of nutrition and immunity for Malaysian adults.
This Facebook Live event is brought to you in partnership with Watsons Health 45+programme, where special guest, Dr. Kent Woo, Consultant Physician, Allergist, and Immunologist of Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur will be giving expert key insights as they will discuss the following:
🛑Understanding your immune system and functions
🛑Ways to achieve strong immunity and positive ageing experience through nutrition
🛑The launch of PROVITAL Immuna Plus and Immunity Calculator
Date : 16th July, Friday (TOMORROW)
Time : 11am-12pm
Venue : Watsons Malaysia Facebook Live (
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date calculator 在 Days Calculator: Days Between Two Dates - Time and Date 的相關結果
Results page for Date Calculator. Shows number of days between two dates. ... <看更多>
date calculator 在 Date Calculator - 的相關結果
Free date calculator computes the difference between two dates. It can also add to or subtract from a date. Both calculators can deal with business days and ... ... <看更多>
date calculator 在 Date Calculator: Add to or Subtract From a Date - Time and Date 的相關結果
The Date Calculator adds or subtracts days, weeks, months and years from a given date. ... <看更多>