我們自己有租車,也以為自己可以開最低階的四輪傳動,經過Ngorongoro 火山湖,再開車前往位於賽倫蓋提國家公園中心點的住宿,沒想到火山湖的路已經非常的崎嶇,我們只能以時速30前進,眼看已經下午三點,連國家公園的門都沒看到,只好忍痛放下一晚250歐元的住宿,還有隔天一人150歐元的獵遊行程,轉頭回去原本Mto wa Mbu的住宿....
還好,隔天Mto wa Mbu住宿的司機再次嘗試帶我們到賽倫蓋提,開了三小時終於抵達賽倫蓋提大門後,竟然車子拋錨,輾轉的經過可以看影片,最後整整花了至少十二小時以上才抵達當晚住宿。不管如何,我們還是看到了獅子、大象、長頸鹿等動物!
We rented a car in Tanzania and thought that we could make it ourselves to the Serengeti National Park. However, we had to pass the Ngorongoro Crater, where the roads were very tough and off-road..... After 3 hours drive with 30 km per hour, we still didnt see the gate of Serengeti. We decided to turn back and tried it again with a professional driver the next day. After we made it to the gate the next day, the Landover car broke down......... It spent us at the end over 12 hours arriving at our accommodation in the middle of Serengeti National Park. Check it out the details in video!
KLOOK 客路160 台幣優惠卷(餐廳、票卷折扣):
#坦尚尼亞 #非洲自助旅行 #國家公園