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00:00 開頭
00:56 【繪本募資】一分鐘廣告
01:48 美國的邊境問題
04:06 川普的移民政策
05:20 那道「又大又美」的牆,後來怎麼了?
06:51 拜登的移民政策
08:28 我們的觀點
09:35 問題
10:00 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→拜登不蓋美墨高牆了! 上任首日推翻川普政策:https://bit.ly/3yOTgKR
→曾被川普當成重要政績 美國防部暫停蓋美墨圍牆:https://bit.ly/34xzg1v
→拜登移民政策大轉彎? 將繼續興建美墨邊境圍牆:https://bit.ly/3yMziAy
→Biden tells migrants 'don't come over' in ABC News exclusive interview:https://abcn.ws/3yJSQpj
→拜登上任湧現移民潮 美墨邊界2月扣留近10萬人:https://bit.ly/3yS0X2Y
→美墨邊境移民湧入 拜登指派賀錦麗親自處理:https://bit.ly/34LrEsB
→Biden Denies Reports of Restarting Trump's Border Wall:https://bit.ly/2TlVmlc
→Biden admin to 'surge' aid to Central America, offer 'legal paths' to stem historic migration:https://abcn.ws/3vwMBTH
→Joe Biden's border challenge: reversing Trumpism – podcast | News | The Guardian:https://bit.ly/3i1uH7H
→Biden’s Dilemmas, Part 2: Children at the Border - The New York Times:https://nyti.ms/3c5VnQT
→歐巴馬特赦500萬非法移民 共和黨譏「皇帝」揚言彈劾:https://bit.ly/3c8ouTM
→Why Walls Won't Secure The U.S.–Mexico Border:https://bit.ly/3wLhmEB
→母子冒險走逾千公里 美墨邊境遭擋下:https://youtu.be/Wc5f11Bskco
→美墨邊境偷渡頻繁 人藏貨車活活被熱死:https://youtu.be/7sZ4BRw6xY0
→邊境圍牆預算卡關 美國聯邦政府停擺 :https://youtu.be/aTOkozlcwNo
→Privately Funded Border Wall Near Completion In New Mexico:https://n.pr/3yT9jaz
→Trump wall: How much has he actually built?:https://bbc.in/3c5MdnD
→美國法官下令 川普政府須全面恢復追夢人計畫:https://bit.ly/3icAIhI
→Fact Sheet: President Biden Sends Immigration Bill to Congress as Part of His Commitment to Modernize our Immigration System:https://bit.ly/3i61wR4
→移民湧入美墨邊境 收容所擁擠簡陋:https://youtu.be/OvEi4L4I6MY
→美墨邊境監視器直擊 走私客四米高圍牆丟2童至美境內:https://youtu.be/ZwTyx2Ty1CA
→美眾院通過法案 無證移民有機會獲合法身分:https://bit.ly/3i2prk3
→承諾廣收移民 拜登卻維持川普1.5萬人上限:https://bit.ly/3wJbDit
→Immigration Agencies Ordered Not To Use Term 'Illegal Alien' Under New Biden Policy:https://n.pr/3i5EV6U
【 延伸閱讀 】
→移動專欄--不合法移民的名稱之爭illegal immigrants 還是undocumented immigrants還是...?:https://bit.ly/3yRQFA4
→In a ‘Sanctuary City,’ Immigrants Are Still at Risk:https://nyti.ms/3p3AlHZ
→Crying Toddler On Widely Shared 'Time' Cover Was Not Separated From Mother 2018:https://n.pr/3p7gmrC
→Yes, Obama deported more people than Trump but context is everything:https://cnn.it/2R6b0Ar
→From ‘zero tolerance’ to now: How America’s migrant policies have changed in the Trump and Biden years:https://bit.ly/2TqBX2B
bill to發票 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最讚貼文
👉點擊搶購 技嘉《創作者天下》主機 http://www.coolpc.com.tw/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=271683
✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):https://bit.ly/3eYdLKp
✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe
✔︎ 追蹤志祺IG :https://www.instagram.com/shasha77.daily
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00:07 前情提要
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→ :Popular online retailer Shein apologizes for selling swastika necklace after backlash:https://cbsn.ws/31nmuSm
→ :賽夏族祖傳「雷女紋」 不是納粹圖騰啦:https://bit.ly/2EzOB7V
→ :《符號的故事》:直到希特勒出現,「卍」才出現廣為人知的邪惡意義:https://bit.ly/32ln0Qb
→ :THINK TANK; A Symbol of Hatred Pleads Not Guilty:https://nyti.ms/3hq5hNW
→ :How the world loved the swastika - until Hitler stole it:https://bbc.in/3j6VFrN
→ :把 卐 字傳入德國的男人:https://bit.ly/2QiN20K
→ :Emile Louis Burnouf | French archaeologist | Britannica:https://bit.ly/3leVQDm
→ :Learn To Love The Swastika? Tattoo Parlours Aim To 'Take Back' Symbol From The Nazis In New Scheme:https://bit.ly/3hsFkNQ
→ :Friends of the swastika' shirts sold on USC campus:https://bit.ly/2YqATLF
→ :Vendor Selling ""Friends Of The Swastika"" Shirts On USC Campus Asked To Leave:https://bit.ly/2EpyXvX
→ :Hindu Swastika Is Not Hitler’s Hakenkreuz, Stupid:https://bit.ly/3gwXmgF
→ :Recognize Swastika as spiritual, not just hateful, to foster mutual respect and tolerance.:https://bit.ly/2QkHXFo
→ :Bill to teach students about symbols of hate passes Senate:https://bit.ly/3hsFGEa
→ :Hindu Student Leader In US Faces Cyber-bullying For Pointing Out That Sacred Dharmic Symbol ‘Swastika’ Is Different From Nazi Hakenkreuz: https://bit.ly/2El13J7
→ :There’s nothing ‘peaceful’ about the swastika:https://bit.ly/32nhNar
→ :Jewish-Hindu relations and a case for greater understanding:https://bit.ly/2CStqxu
→ :Why did Hitler choose the swastika, and how did a Sanskrit symbol become a Nazi emblem?:https://bit.ly/2FVCWRT
【 延伸閱讀 】
→ :空軍悄悄撤下「卐」字標誌 一個遲遲走不出納粹陰影的古老符號:https://bit.ly/3jcYZSn
→ :外國人真的看不懂? 日本政府改地圖拚觀光惹惱民眾:https://bit.ly/3l9ej4h
→ :軍國主義復活? 日極右派高舉卐字旗反中韓:https://bit.ly/2CUswR7
→ :赫見納粹圖騰引爭議 馬公潮音寺新建工程擺烏龍:https://bit.ly/2QgHzro
→ :外媒看光復高中事件:台灣不是特例,亞洲人對二戰、納粹歷史的認知「不太一樣」:https://bit.ly/3jcZcVF
→ :A Thai Singer Wore a Swastika. Was It Prejudice or Ignorance?:https://nyti.ms/3aT7rTN
→ :Thailands Nazi pop culture phenomenon:https://nyti.ms/31nYfnd
→ :Watch: Thailand’s military rulers use Hitler in propaganda video:https://wapo.st/31offdd
→ :Deadly Style: Bauhaus’s Nazi Connection:https://bit.ly/32isvz3
→ :These are the new symbols of hate:https://cnn.it/3lgqV9x
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